
Be' Nesa'
Disabilities / Barriers
Anableddau? Rhwystrau i waith? Efallai eich bod wedi clywed y termau hyn, ond ydych chi'n gwybod beth maen nhw'n gallu ei olygu? Mae'r bennod hon yn archwilio anableddau a rhwystrau o fewn amgylchedd gwaith gyda mewnwelediad unigryw gan ddau westai, y ddau ohonynt â phrofiad byw yn ogystal â'u rôl broffesiynol.
Mae Leandra Craine, o Anabledd Cymru yn rhoi ei safbwyntiau, gan gynnwys amlygu’r Model Cymdeithasol sy’n cael ei fabwysiadu gan Anabledd Cymru. Mae Steven Jones, Sylfaenydd Cynllun Mentora Cyswllt Anabledd, yn rhannu gwybodaeth am y defnydd o fentora yn ogystal â chyfleoedd i wrandawyr a allai fod eisiau cymryd rhan yn ei waith.
Dyma rai dolenni i adnoddau a grybwyllir yn y bennod hon:
Disability? Barriers? You may have heard these terms, but do you know what they can mean? This episode explores disability or barriers within a work environment with a unique insight from two guests, both of whom have lived experience in addition to their professional role.
Leandra Craine, from Disability Wales gives her perspectives, including highlighting the Social Model that is adopted by Disability Wales.
Steven Jones, Founder of the Disability Connect Mentoring Scheme, shares information about the use of reverse mentoring as well as opportunities for listeners who may want to get involved with his work.
Here are some links to resources mentioned in this episode:
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1. Welcome and introduction
08:44||Season 1, Ep. 1Trwy gydol y gyfres hon byddwch yn clywed llawer gan y gwesteiwyr Beth a Ffion. Yn y bennod ragarweiniol hon, mae Beth a Ffion yn mynd yn ôl i lawr lôn atgofion ar eu straeon gyrfa eu hunain. O'u graddau, i brofiad gwaith, a phopeth maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu ar hyd y ffordd. Er mwyn cynhyrchu'r podlediad hwn yn Gymraeg a Saesneg mae wedi golygu bod y ddwy wedi gorfod siarad yn eu hail ieithoedd ar brydiau gyda Beth yn ddysgwr Cymraeg a Saesneg yn ail iaith Ffion.Throughout this series you will be hearing a lot from hosts Beth and Ffion. In this introductory episode, Beth and Ffion go back down memory lane on their own career stories. From their degrees, to work experience, and everything they’ve learnt along the way. In order to produce this podcast in both English and Welsh it has meant that they have both had to speak in their second languages on occasion with Beth being a Welsh language learner and English being Ffion’s second language.1. Croeso a chyflwyniad
10:02||Season 1, Ep. 1Trwy gydol y gyfres hon byddwch yn clywed llawer gan y gwesteiwyr Beth a Ffion. Yn y bennod ragarweiniol hon, mae Beth a Ffion yn mynd yn ôl i lawr lôn atgofion ar eu straeon gyrfa eu hunain. O'u graddau, i brofiad gwaith, a phopeth maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu ar hyd y ffordd. Er mwyn cynhyrchu'r podlediad hwn yn Gymraeg a Saesneg mae wedi golygu bod y ddwy wedi gorfod siarad yn eu hail ieithoedd ar brydiau gyda Beth yn ddysgwr Cymraeg a Saesneg yn ail iaith Ffion.Throughout this series you will be hearing a lot from hosts Beth and Ffion. In this introductory episode, Beth and Ffion go back down memory lane on their own career stories. From their degrees, to work experience, and everything they’ve learnt along the way. In order to produce this podcast in both English and Welsh it has meant that they have both had to speak in their second languages on occasion with Beth being a Welsh language learner and English being Ffion’s second language.2. Graduate Schemes
17:34||Season 1, Ep. 2Efallai nad ydych wedi ystyried gwneud cais am gynllun graddedigion o'r blaen, neu efallai eich bod yn ansicr ynghylch yr hyn y maent yn ei olygu. Mae'r bennod hon yn cynnwys mewnwelediad gan Will Chidley, sydd ar hyn o bryd ar gynllun graddedig gyda Dŵr Cymru. Byddwch yn dysgu popeth am y cynllun graddedig yma o bersbectif rhywun sydd wedi bod trwy gynllun graddedig. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn archwilio cyfleoedd gyrfa gyda Dŵr Cymru, dyma ddolen i'ch rhoi ar ben ffordd: chi hefyd ddilyn nhw ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol: @dwrcymruwelshwaterYou may not have thought about applying for a graduate scheme before, or you may be unsure about what they entail. This episode includes insight from Will Chidley, who is currently a Production Graduate with Welsh Water. You will get to learn all about the graduation scheme at Welsh Water during this episode and will also hear what undertaking a graduate scheme is like from someone who has actually gone through the process itself.If you’re interested in exploring career opportunities with Welsh Water, here’s a link to get you started: You can also follow them on social media: @dwrcymruwelshwater3. Career Stories
32:03||Season 1, Ep. 3Diddordeb mewn bod yn fos arnoch chi eich hun ond ddim yn siŵr sut i gyrraedd yno? Mae'r bennod hon yn archwilio sut mae ein gwestai wedi mynd o fod yn fyfyriwr prifysgol, i raddio, i fod yn weithiwr, ac yna i reoli busnes ei hun. Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn bod yn hunangyflogedig, dyma’r bennod i chi. Mae Georgia Merckel, cyn-fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Bangor, yn rhannu’r profiad o sefydlu ei busnes, TOPA, gyda ni, wrth rannu ei breuddwydion am ei swydd ddelfrydol fel plentyn.Interested in being your own boss but not sure how to get there? This episode explores how our guest has gone from university student, to graduate, to employee, and then to managing her own business. If you’re interested in being self-employed, this is the episode for you. Georgina Merckel, alumni of Bangor University, shares with us the experience of setting up her business, TOPA, whilst indulging us in our probes around her dream job as a child.4. Volunteering
24:54||Season 1, Ep. 4Yn y bennod hon, rydan yn sgwrsio gyda Sam Dickens, Is-lywydd Cymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Bangor am yr ystod o gyfleoedd sydd ar gael hefo nhw. Rydym hefyd yn siarad am yr ochr ymarferol o sut i gymryd rhan, pa nodweddion sy'n ddymunol i wirfoddoli, a phosibiliadau i greu prosiectau newydd.Gallwch gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr hyn y mae Sam yn ei wneud nesaf ar ei sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol:Facebook: ddolen i ddarganfod mwy am y gweithgareddau gwirfoddoli sydd ar gael: y newyddion diweddaraf am yr holl ddigwyddiadau, newyddion a chyfleoedd gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr ar unrhyw un o'r isod: Facebook: this episode, we chat with Sam Dickens, the Vice President for Societies and Volunteering and Bangor University Student Union about the range of opportunities they have on offer. We also talk through the practical side of how to get involved, what characteristics are desirable, and possibilities to create new projects. You can keep up to date with what Sam is doing next on his social media channels:Facebook:’s a link to find out more about the volunteering activities available: up to date with all the latest events, news and opportunities from the Students union on any of the below:Facebook: Career Stories (Bangor University staff)
29:52||Season 1, Ep. 6Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut mae pobl yn dod i weithio mewn Prifysgol? Yn y bennod hon mae gennym Fay Short, Athro a Dirprwy Is-ganghellor Cyflogadwyedd a Delyth Jones Williams, Swyddog Cefnogi Prosiectau yn trafod eu llwybrau gyrfa hyd yma. O drafod eu swydd ddelfrydol fel plentyn, i'w swyddi cyntaf a'u rolau presennol, byddwch yn barod am rai foments annisgwyl!Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut mae pobl yn dod i weithio mewn Prifysgol? you ever wondered how people come to work in a University? In this episode we have Fay Short, Professor and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Employability) and Delyth Jones Williams, Project Support Officer discussing their career paths so far. From discussing their dreams jobs as a child, to their first jobs and current roles, be prepared for some unexpected moments!2. Cynlluniau Graddedigion
32:49||Season 1, Ep. 2Efallai nad ydych wedi ystyried gwneud cais am gynllun graddedigion o'r blaen, neu efallai eich bod yn ansicr ynghylch yr hyn y maent yn ei olygu. Mae'r bennod hon yn cynnwys mewnwelediad gan Will Chidley, sydd ar hyn o bryd ar gynllun graddedig gyda Dŵr Cymru, ac Alun Lloyd Williams sef Arweinydd Talent a Phrentisiaethau Cyngor Gwynedd. Byddwch yn dysgu popeth am y cynlluniau graddedig yma o bersbectif rhywun sydd wedi bod trwy gynllun graddedig ac o bersbectif rhywun sydd yn arwain ar ac yn recriwtio ar gyfer cynlluniau graddedig (Cynllun Yfory). Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn archwilio cyfleoedd gyrfa gyda Dŵr Cymru neu Gyngor Gwynedd, dyma ddolen i'ch rhoi ar ben ffordd: Dŵr Cymru - Cyngor Gwynedd – Gallwch hefyd eu dilyn ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol: Dŵr Cymru - @dwrcymruwelshwaterCyngor Gwynedd – @cynllunyforycyngorgwynedd You may not have thought about applying for a graduate scheme before, or you may be unsure about what they entail. This episode includes insight from Will Chidley, who is currently a Production Graduate with Welsh Water, and Alun Williams, Talent and Apprenticeships Lead at Gwynedd Council. You will get to learn all about the graduation scheme at Welsh Water, and Gwynedd Council, during this episode and get to hear what undertaking a graduate scheme is like from someone who has actually gone through the process itself, and the recruiters perspective. If you’re interested in exploring career opportunities with Welsh Water or Gwynedd Council, here’s a link to get you started: Welsh Water - Council - You can also follow them on social media: Welsh Water - @dwrcymruwelshwaterGwynedd Council - @cynllunyforycyngorgwynedd3. Straeon Gyrfa
19:01||Season 1, Ep. 3Mae Gill Stephen yn Brif Swyddog ym Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam a hefo stori gyrfa ddiddorol i’w rannu. Wnaeth darganfod angerdd am yr iaith Gymraeg gael effaith mawr am gamau dechreuol taith gyrfa’ Gill ac mae’r angerdd yma wedi siapio ei phrofiadau hi wrth iddi fynd yn ei blaen. O fyw a gweithio yn Ne Cymru i Ogledd Cymru, mae gan Gill sawl tip i’w gynnig i chi. Am ragor o wybodaeth am Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam, gwelwch isod: @menteriaithffawTwitter: @fflintawrecsamInstagram: @menteriaithffawGill Stephen is the Chief Officer for Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrexham and she has a very interesting career story to share. Discovering a passion for the Welsh language has had an impactful effect on Gill’s career story and that passion has shaped her experiences throughout. From living in South Wales to North Wales, Gill has a multitude of tips to offer.For more information on Menter Iaith Fflint and Wrexham please see the link below: Facebook: @menteriaithffawTwitter: @fflintawrecsamInstagram: @menteriaithffaw