
cover art for The Garfield Movie with Our Good Friend Adam

Baseless Speculation

The Garfield Movie with Our Good Friend Adam

Ep. 187

The Garfield Movie is only a few short days away and the Baseless Boys are all over this like a rash on a rashed up cat! JD is off sick so we have our resident Garfield Maniac Adam Carnevale to bring his Garfield knowledge to our truely clueless but beautiful boys. They almost get caught off guard by thinking about Shawshank Redemption but never fear, because Adam is here to keep them on track! Sure, they eventually do go down a Nathfield rabbit hole, but this episode is a solid 80 to 90 percent on track. Plot elements are talked about! Animation style is discussed! The casting of Chris Pratt is questioned! See, they know their Garfields! But did you know that Koko the gorilla had a pet cat? Not only did Koko chose the cat herself from a litter of abandoned kittens, but Koko was the one to name him! She called him All Ball as it had no tail. And Koko loved that kitten! Petted him, played with him, was ever so gentle and described him as SOFT GOOD CAT. Unfortunately after several months All Ball died in a car accident and when Koko was told she signed CRY, SAD and FROWN. Same Koko, same.

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  • 190. Venom: The Last Dance

    The third instalment of the spectacular Venom franchise is nearly upon us! A small part in the much beloved Sony Spider-Man Cinematic Universe that is yet to feature a single Spider-Man! But at least they have vampire, bird, cat-guy and maybe Spider-Women? Although Madame Web might not be part of the SSCU now? It was just a cool thing that happened! Don’t worry about it! We’re not here to talk about that, we’re here to talk about Venom! And more importantly how does Venom kill that horse he turns into? Off a cliff? Into a helicopter like an incredible horse torpedo? Or is it just ground into a red smear by going to fast? These are the important questions we here at Baseless Speculation want to know! There’s also some cool bug looking lad that wants to eat Eddie or maybe a plan that we all think resembles the xenophage from comics, but Jackson thinks they might be those Venom predators that are bones whom ate symbiotes from a limited series that was not popular nor fun to read. Anyways, Kraven comes out this Christmas and we know you’re all excited to see it multiple times! So why not join us in the Kraven Quintupple Challenge?! Where you attempt to see Kraven 5 times in one day! You wake up on December 17th get dressed and head out the door for a Pre-Breakfast Kraven followed closely by Early Morning Kraven then a quick stop to Gold Class for Lunch Kraven and while that’s digesting have a brief Post-Lunch Kraven then it’s back to Gold Class for Dinner Kraven and then top it all off with a Nigh Cap Kraven! It’s truely the best way to get into the festive spirit. And you can help ruin our Christmas by becoming truly Based with a Baseless Speculation+ subscription available from our website or through Apple Podcasts.Did you know that in Earth 8101 Venom is a full on gorilla, part of the Thundermonks team and loves to throw his feces at his teammates. Comics are good.
  • 189. A Based Reaction to Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

    No one watched Furiosa even tho it’s good. You maniacs out there are gonna complain and complain about the absolute drivel that’s being slopped out by da movies yet when an absolute gem turns up you all have a little sleep and wait until it comes on channel 9 or whatever. You all loved Spider-Man walk through hole but now because of your reluctance to see a beautiful film you’ve not only made George Miller sad, you’ve made all the boys at Baseless Speculation sad and now the greatest movie executives of our time will once more learn the wrong lesson. We hope you’re happy and we hope you enjoy the next 100 years of slop served up to us all as entertainment to distract us from the upcoming Water Wars. You don’t get an Ape fact this week. You don’t deserve one. None of you have been good.
  • 188. Despicable Me 4

    Da minions are back baby! Hopefully with their famous catchphrase ‘banana’! We understand here at Baseless Speculation, we have a reputation of not liking hootin’ and hollerin’ films, but that all goes out da window when any minion comes across our field of vision. As far as we’re concerned, this gets the much coveted BS Hoot n Holler stamp of approval. If you’re reading this before enjoying the episode, go on and have a sneaky guess when we start talking about the second trailer. Go on. Da minions got powers now! And if you can guess the Casper Van Dien film Zammit once saw before they figure it out, you’ve earnt a copy of Mumford on VHS. This isn’t a prize, we just think you should go and buy a copy. As a treat. Did you know that in trying to figure out if ape can predict future behaviour of others, scientist put on a King Kong suit and hit another scientist with stick? Turns out, yes, some ape can. 
  • 186. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (For Real This Time)

    We promise you we don’t get off track. We’re not gonna lie, there was a wavering moment when Zammit remembered Michael Keaton was in Multiplicity but thankfully no one else had seen it or otherwise that would have been us for the episode. Then Jackson’s chair broke. In a regular episode that would have been it! But we made a promise! Hell or high water we’re gonna talk about Beetlejuice Beetlejuice! From the earliest rumblings of Beetlejuice Goes to Hawaii to Burton watching and loving Heaters to Vampire Lincoln Abraham Hunter (another landmine we expertly avoid!) no piece of production history is left unturned! Even Kevin Smith makes a brief appearance! So listen long, listen deep and be proud of us for staying on topic like the goodest little boys in all of podcasting. Speaking of Multiplicity, it seems cloning is off the table. While attempting to clone rhesus monkeys, the cloned embryos lack key proteins that allow a cell to divvy up chromosomes and divide properly with some surmising that the same problem may also be present in any attempts to clone humans. So be bummed for ever ape you see is the only kind of that ape and you’ll never experience an ape like that again. But be grateful because no matter what, that ape is special and beautiful in it’s own way and what a magical experience it was to see that ape be that ape and no one can take that away from you! This also applies for humans we guess?
  • 185. Transformers One

    Transformers is going back to it’s roots with an unnecessary origin story! Now with terrible animation! Are you a lowly mining robot? Do you long for more? Maybe you wish to be king of the robots and or a druid with the power of car? Well now you can! Transformers One! A beautiful tale of friends to lovers to bitter rivals to enemies to archnemesis or whatever! It’s the epic origin story of that truck you love and that gun (or sometimes tank) you love to hate! Transformers that don’t transform! A comedic ultraviolent Bumblebee! Chris Hemsworth is there! He so handsome. As you can tell we are all very excited to watch another hit in the multi media behemoth to sell us toys. We lovingly reminisce about the previous Transformers films and even pitch our own, Transformers: Dog that features a cameo from Ham the Astrochimp. Ham was the first great ape launched into space. While his name was an acronym, it wasn’t for the Haptic Arm Machine but for Holloman Aerospace Medicine.
  • 184. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice But Really Mortdecai

    In what might be the quickest derailment of an episode yet, the boys misremember who directed Mortdecai and that was all it took. We had every intention of doing an episode on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, but you must understand it got away from us. If you had to try and remember Mortdecai and what that movie was about, it would happen to you! We scoured our little brains trying to think what the plot of that film was about and entered the Mortdecai hole you are no doubt about to go down. It’s a weird hole that takes many an unexpected turn. We guarantee you would never guess how the book Mortdecai is based on ends. Not in a million years! And the sequel? The world has never been more ready for the plot of that book. So come with us on this journey, we understand you got a ticket for the Beetlejuice train but this bus going to Mortdecai is where you need to go. Anyways, did you know that in the 50s there was an incredible chimpanzee named Congo who was a fabulous abstract impressionist? He drew line, he drew circle, understood composition and symmetrical consistency. Ever the perfectionist, if one of his little drawings was taken away that he considered incomplete he’d hoot and holler, scream and throw a fit until he could finish his masterpiece. The reception to his paintings were mixed.If you'd like to support the show and get episodes early and ad-free, Baseless Speculation+ is now available from our website!
  • 183. Deadpool & Wolverine (Now That We've Seen the Trailer)

    Ryan Reynolds just dropped the trailer to Deadpool & Wolverine on YouTube and it’s already gotten 20 milly views in 24 hours, well on its way to make that sweet, sweet billy! So to celeblate we run through our theories about what’s going to happen in what will be this years most wonderful of films! How they get into the time bin? What Cassandra Nova want? She gonna go full Zazlav and delete the movie? What about Patrick Stewart? He coming back so he can die for a fourth time? We can only hope so! If you want to help support your favourite boys, Baseless Speculation+ is now available from our website where you can get episodes early and ad-free! We don’t know why that would be a selling point as Jackson makes this episode very non-advertiser friendly straight off the bat but do check us out on YouTube to watch Zammit’s soul leave his body at around the 1 hour 8 minute mark. But maybe we’re like that Cadbury ad with the gorilla whom loves Phil Collins? Initially shot down by execs, it turned out to be one of Cadbury’s biggest triumphs! And that could be us! Unlistenable, unmarkable but secretly, and then openly, beloved.
  • 182. Joker: Folie a Deux (Now That We've Seen a Trailer)

    Joker: Folie a Deux, a sequel that has the chance of alienating fans of the first but luring those that had nothing but disdain for it has released a trailer and your boys are nothing if not topical! A brave and bold choice to follow up a segma male’s anthem with a jukebox musical. A brave and bold choice we respect. We do our best to remember the original film, try to figure out the big connection between Arthur Fleck ie A Fleck and Batfleck and Jackson attempts to convince the Joels that Norman Reedus’ character in the Walking Dead, Paytus, gets tied to a log, falls in a river and ends up in France. Because the currents were in his favour. Truely another masterful episode by the three cleverest boys in pop culture, an episode you can watch on YouTube. Sadly, if this was to happen to an gorilla it would drown. While most mammals are able to swim instinctively without any training, not gorillas! They are far too muscular and heavy to float or move in water and their short arms and legs make them terrible at any kind of swimming stroke. But don’t fret. Gorillas are happy on land, where they find water in their food and bond with their mates. Gorillas fear the ocean. And so they should.