Authentic Media: Aviation

  • On Future War - Early Release: Drone Tactics with Roger and Sunshine

    01:23:50||Season 1
    In this special early release of On Future War, join Roger and Sunshine as they dive into the evolving world of drone warfare. They explore how drones are reshaping the battlefield of tomorrow. Discover the latest in strategy, defense measures, and what the future holds for drone technology in modern military operations. 
  • VMFAT 501: Episode 1

    In this episode "Chip" and "Gravy" discuss their experiences in standing up VMFAT501, the first operational F-35 squadron for the Marine Corps. They talk about the challenges they faced in merging different aviation communities and creating a cohesive team. They also discuss the lack of framework and oversight they had, which allowed them the freedom to figure things out on their own. They highlight the importance of understanding the differences between fifth-generation and fourth-generation aviation and the need to adapt procedures and methods of operation. They also mention the initial restrictions on flying the F-35 and the gradual progress they made. In this conversation, Chip and Gravy discuss the challenges they faced in standing up the F-35B Lightning II squadron and the leadership strategies they employed to overcome those challenges. They highlight the importance of trust, empowerment, and collaboration in achieving success. They also emphasize the need to adapt to new ways of operating and to challenge traditional procurement and training models. The conversation showcases the dedication and resilience of the squadron members and the impact they had on the future of Marine Corps aviation.
  • Authentic Profile: Scott "Roger" Chafian (Part 4)

    01:16:05||Season 1
    Did you know how our host ‘Roger’ became so knowledgeable on so many topics? In a change of pace, regular guest Brian ‘Sunshine’ Sinclair interviews Scott ‘Roger’ Chafian on his Navy career. In this first episode ‘Roger’ talks about being an ROTC student traveling across San Francisco Bay, through initial assignment as an ASW officer on one of the Navy’s newest cruisers. Even at this early stage ‘Roger’ gives keen insight on how the Navy gets things done and how leadership lessons are taught from the very beginning.
  • Authentic Profile: Scott "Roger" Chafian (Part 3)

    01:00:05||Season 1
    Did you know how our host ‘Roger’ became so knowledgeable on so many topics? In a change of pace, regular guest Brian ‘Sunshine’ Sinclair interviews Scott ‘Roger’ Chafian on his Navy career. In this first episode ‘Roger’ talks about being an ROTC student traveling across San Francisco Bay, through initial assignment as an ASW officer on one of the Navy’s newest cruisers. Even at this early stage ‘Roger’ gives keen insight on how the Navy gets things done and how leadership lessons are taught from the very beginning.
  • USMC Aviation in Japan: Episode 2

    In Episode 2 of the USMC in Japan Scott ‘Roger’ Chafian continues his interview of Dr. Lance ‘Boil’ Lewis, Col. USMC ret., and Michael “Gravy” Rountree, Lt. Col. USMC ret., about their experiences at MCAS Iwakuni Japan. ‘Gravy’ and ‘Boil’ shared how units were regularly deployed either to Alaska or the continental US for training exercises to ensure readiness for the fight, while ensuring tactics and capabilities are not learned by our potential adversaries. They also talked about some of the unique challenges posed by distance to maintain currency with shipboard operations. In the last portion of the episode ‘Gravy’ and ‘Boil’ address an aspect that aligns with one of the Marines core values, commitment. Commitment of the Marines, and their families, to live within the First Island Chain, standing with our friends and allies to be ready at a moment’s notice.
  • USMC Aviation in Japan

    59:25||Season 1
    Being forward deployed brings many challenges, especially when you are an invited guest in a sovereign country. In this Episode host Scott ‘Roger’ Chafian interviews regular contributor Dr. Lance ‘Boil’ Lewis, Col. USMC ret., along with Michael “Gravy” Rountree, Lt. Col. USMC ret., about their experiences at MCAS Iwakuni Japan. From dealing with volcanos, Mongolian sand clouds, and the jet stream, not to mention addressing the tyranny of distance, aviators needed to up their professionalism to be ready for any changing flying environment. Location required constant training to be combat capable at a moments notice, ensuring strategic messaging to potential enemies. “Boil’ and ‘Gravy’ close out with the stressing the importance of building great relationships with neighbors, being respectful as guests in their country.
  • Authentic Profile: Scott "Roger" Chafian (Part 2)

    59:08||Season 1
    In the second episode we find ‘Roger’ reporting aboard his first ship, USS Antietam. As he starts his professional career, ‘Roger’ discusses the many aspects of leadership, from his commanding officer mentoring him in many challenging situations, to learning how to lead a division of 24 sailors. ‘Roger’ discusses his many experiences over his three year tour including being in a battle group, his port call adventures, and the hurdles he overcame in earning his Surface Warfare pin. The episode closes with the story of the USS Antietam’s Commanding Officer delaying ‘Roger’s’ transfer by three weeks to give him the opportunity to conn the ship under the Golden Gate Bridge to his hometown of San Francisco.
  • Authentic Profile: Scott "Roger" Chafian

    01:11:58||Season 1
    Did you know how our host ‘Roger’ became so knowledgeable on so many topics? In a change of pace, regular guest Brian ‘Sunshine’ Sinclair interviews Scott ‘Roger’ Chafian on his Navy career. In this first episode ‘Roger’ talks about being an ROTC student traveling across San Francisco Bay, through initial assignment as an ASW officer on one of the Navy’s newest cruisers. Even at this early stage ‘Roger’ gives keen insight on how the Navy gets things done and how leadership lessons are taught from the very beginning.
  • Hypersonics

    01:19:26||Season 1
    In a follow-up discussion from Episode 1 of our Cubic Corporation sponsored series On Future War, Roger and Sunshine perform a deep dive on Hypersonic weapons. From the basics of what physically is happening to the air around an airframe as it speeds up, Roger and Sunshine describe how the properties of air change at Mach 5. They also discuss the types of Hypersonic weapons and the benefits, or risks, of employment from the ground, from aircraft, from ships and potentially submarines. Lastly Roger and Sunshine discuss how defending against hypersonic weapons may bring us back to strategies used in World War II.