
cover art for Sam Khalil and the Million-Dollar Power of Financial Literacy

Australian Property Investor

Sam Khalil and the Million-Dollar Power of Financial Literacy

Season 8, Ep. 808

With over 27 years in business under his belt and a team of over 70 people across Australia, Sam Khalil is no stranger to the secrets of achieving property investing success.  The managing director and founding member of the DPN Group of companies, delves into his colourful experiences from being born in Sudan and growing up in Australia to later on starting businesses. Between property development, financial planning, and more, there isn’t much he hasn’t tried!

In this episode, armed with a wealth of business knowledge, he gives insight about a particular path he nearly took, why financial literacy is paramount, and why haggling isn’t always worth it in the end.

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  • 852. Rob Flux: On Raising Capital, the 20/12/2 Rule, and Getting an AFSL

    Rob Flux is a property developer, educator, and mentor as well as founder of Australia’s largest property network group Property Developer Network. His personal and professional journeys have intertwined throughout the years, starting from purchasing his family home from his parents as a teenager to starting his thriving network group through a conversation with friends sharing their property experiences.In this episode of our 'Investor vs. Developer' series, Flux doesn't miss a beat and faces the devil in the details of raising funds. It's no surprise that he has proven himself to be methodical and extremely thorough in his property journey time and again. Now in this final chapter of our special two-part series on capital raising, he explains the 20/12/2 rule, how to traverse the thin line between managed investment schemes and needing an AFSL, and the benefit of seeking the right lawyers. 
  • 851. Raymond Hempstead: Build Generational Wealth With Your Super Fund!

    From overcoming a life-changing motorbike accident over 20 years ago to becoming a trailblazer in the SMSF property investment space today, Supavest Founder and Managing Director Raymond Hempstead throws the curtains wide open on how you can buy, build, and own property with your super fund! Growing up in Queanbeyan then settling down in Sydney, and from accounting to property investing, Hempstead has exemplified how success can rise from the ashes of uncertainty and challenges. Today, he uses his strong business acumen to hit his company's target to help Australian families build their generational wealth. Plus, he underscores the importance of reframing your mindset about retirement, and outlines how you can make the most of your super fund so you can have the choice and full control when planning the 'longest holiday you will ever have'.
  • 850. Simon Lacey Uses Leverage To Amass 26 Properties by Age 44

    Lacey Elite Buyers Agents Founder Simon Lacey is certainly all too familiar with the brevity of life. So when life gave him the chance to jump from the hospital bed to walking again, he didn't waste time nor the lessons he learnt from the property book his uncle gave him at 15 years old. Truly, he had put the saying, 'Actions speak louder than words', to the test when he first entered the property world at a young age —and he had proven it to be true! Now, he underscores what property and financial freedom has afforded him and his family —a fact which actually led him to build his own buyers agent business.With undeniable success in creating wealth through property since his early 20s, he highlights and weighs in on the potency of hard work, leveraging equity, and never judging a property's potential for high growth based on its initial price in the market!
  • 849. Simon Lacey Unearths Power of Wealth Creation via Property at Age 15

    Simon Lacey, founder of Lacey Elite Buyers Agents, has always taken to outfitting himself with a positive outlook and thirst for a better future. That is why when he discovered his love for real estate at age 15, and his eyes were opened to the potential of wealth creation through property, he dug his heels in the ground and immediately got to work as an apprentice in his late teens and saved up. Thus, sooner than later, harnessing the power of leveraging, he purchased his very first investment property at 21 years old. Since then, he has amassed 26 properties, and now helps steer others towards the same financial freedom he enjoys today —proving this Melburnian as a man of action! 
  • 846. Aidan Collyer and the $700,000 Property Deal that Yielded a 7% Return

    We’re back with real estate agent and Collyer Property Investments Director Aidan Collyer — a real estate agent who markedly aims to help direct clients to the right path relevant to their unique situation, whilst emphasising the fact that seeking expertise from those who know exactly what they're doing is key to successful property investing. Furthermore, while noting how house-and-land deals can potentially boost one's investing journey, he eagerly underscores his long-held notion that 'Time is property's best friend', and he generously gives a breakdown of the key things he does before diving into any property deal. Plus, hear about the $700,000 property opportunity he put together for a client that yields up to $980 a week! 
  • 845. Aidan Collyer — From Investing Success at 23 to Thriving House & Land Deals

    Plunging into the property game at age 23, Collyer Property Investments Director Aidan Collyer has since then harnessed the power of positive cashflow and unlocked the benefits and the unique value that house-and-land deals bring to the table. Now with 11 years of real estate experience, he unboxes his investing know-how, reveals how he hits all the targets not only for himself but also for his clients, and shares how he tackles all the ups and downs in his own property investing journey. No matter the time, no matter the day, he unquestionably embodies the very picture of intentional productivity and persistent hard work that result in booming property success.
  • 844. James Short: From Endurance Race Training to Property Investing

    We’re back with business and life coach extraordinaire James Short. Even with already 16 fruitful years of coaching clients, he understands that one must keep moving on the path towards success. Equipped with almost two decades of coaching success, he unpacks the incredible story of how he became an ultra endurance athlete and how he uses that real-world experience as a powerful metaphor to give his clients aiming to go the next level the push they need—in property investing or otherwise. Plus, he gives a glimpse of the properties he has garnered so far and how he thinks luck, intelligence, and hard work actually fit in the picture.
  • 843. James Short — Mr. Fitness Talks Coaching & Investing in Property

    Being young never stopped Short from taking life by the horns early on and trudging up the metaphorical hill to achieve his goals. Since 2010, business and life coach, speaker, and property investor James Short has guided directors and leaders across various industries, arming them with the mindset to build the businesses that fit their visions.As a firm believer of excellence and with almost two decades of invaluable experience coaching top-level business owners, he now opens the curtains to the timeless and practical know-hows he has outfitted himself in his journey towards success. In fact, he tells it like it is and lends his wisdom on determination and discipline to those who want to help themselves.
  • 842. Godfrey Dinh - Short Term Rent: How to Get 2 Years Upfront Rent in 3 Minutes

    Godfrey Dinh is the founder and CEO of Futurerent, the groundbreaking fintech captivating property investors all over the country. He has been investing in Australia and internationally for over 15 years, and takes pride in helping landlords make the most of their money as soon as they can. Upon realising commercial investors could access 3 months up to a year's worth of their rent upfront but residential investors couldn’t, he jumped at the chance to revolutionise the industry.In this episode we’ll hear about Dinh buying his first property at a very young age, then realising he hadn’t accounted for all the possibilities that come with buying property after the initial purchase. We’ll find out what happened to that property in Ermington and what became of its dilapidated tennis courts, discover how he came up with the idea for Futurerent, and how he got it up and running after several years of run-ins with red tape. We’ll also unearth the nitty-gritty ins and outs of Futurerent and how it can provide you with the upfront funds you need, fast.