
cover art for First Season’s Premier: Introduction to ASK Trio, Productivity and the Nine Dimensions of Wellness

ASK Trio About Wellness

First Season’s Premier: Introduction to ASK Trio, Productivity and the Nine Dimensions of Wellness

Season 1, Ep. 1


EPISODE TITLE: First Season's Premier: Introduction to ASK Trio, Productivity and the Nine Dimensions of Wellness


Music Copyright and Attribution

  1. “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
  2. “Brittle Rille” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
  3. “Meditating Beat” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons 0 International License.



Zarina Noor, Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)


Guest Speaker

Zarina Noor



Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)


ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is a production by ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).



The information provided in this podcast is for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor, specialist or physical trainer for advice on these topics.

All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021.


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Hello! Hola! Marhaba! 

WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time. 


SEGMENT I | Introduction To ASK Trio and Productivity


ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast…


[Syazana] HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Hi! I’m Syazana, your show host and founder of ASK Trio About Wellness podcast and You’re listening to the first episode of the first season of this new podcast in the year 2021. The Astro Duo are my son and daughter. They are like my teen superheroes. They can be trusted to “rescue” mom and dad from tasks like spring cleaning, laundry, and shoveling away piles of snow after a snowstorm. (Sometimes, my teens would even give me a good foot massage! At Saratoga County, New York, we do get hit by strong winds, snow storms or blizzards at times.)


HOW do families strive to be productive? In the case of a snowstorm, you need to find a solution to remove the piles of snow quickly. Let’s say you know what type of winter clothes to wear (winter jackets, gloves, hats and boots). And you also know the right tools to use like shovels, snow brushes and snow scrapers. In this case, the task of clearing the snow can be done efficiently and effectively. When you do something efficiently, it means that you are doing things RIGHT and when you do a task effectively, it means that you are doing the RIGHT things. So, you can achieve the goal of optimal productivity if you strive to be BOTH efficient AND effective at the same time. Now is there a formula for productivity? Yes! Efficiency plus Effectiveness equals Productivity (Efficiency + Effectiveness = Productivity). 


DO YOU really want to know what inspired the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast? WHO should listen to this podcast and WHY? Yes, I hear, here’s my story…

It was a cold, “brutal” winter in January 2015 when my family landed at Albany International Airport in New York’s Capital Region. We were from Dresden, Germany, and had also traveled to Munich, Berlin, Prague and Austria, when we were there for a month due to my husband’s work commitment and relocation from Singapore (Singapura) to the Empire State office.  

When my family made the decision to move to New York, many sacrifices were made. The three significant ones were leaving our families behind; saying goodbye to our circle of friends, even when we didn’t want to; and for me, pressing the pause button, putting my career on hold. (I had to shut down my small business firm which offered tutoring services, character development programs, motivational talks and a book club for students.) Over twenty years, I had also worked as a senior executive officer, an associate consultant, a trainer, a premarital counselor and facilitator. Like many other good Muslims out there, I prayed to Almighty God for His protection, blessings, guidance and wisdom (for my family and those we left behind). I had prepared myself mentally and emotionally to tread this new journey to America with an open heart and mind. Within a few months, I met many amazing people, both young and old, and from different nationalities, faiths and colors of the skin in New York, Vermont and beyond. With God’s will, they made my family feel welcomed and loved by being there and extending a helping hand when we needed a lifeline of support to adapt to this new environment. I met several families with special needs children (mainly through my special needs daughter who was the second reason for the family’s move to New York). Each special needs family has their own inspirational story with valuable lessons for my family to learn. 


Two years later, when my family had fully adjusted to the new lifestyle, I thought to myself: “Hey! It’s time to explore a new career.” So, I explored writing as a new career option, (and kept my mind intellectually challenged) doing book projects, writing and editing eNewsletters and conducted volunteer and teacher training workshops. Five years passed and as we all try to survive and thrive in this unpredictable world, I was inspired to focus on starting an online business from home. (Being an Asian with Indonesian-Singaporean heritage, I’ve also experienced discrimination first hand.) Finding a space to build a community where every voice matters becomes a priority. With the current global health pandemic, everyone (including my family) can benefit from productivity and wellness education in a fun, lighthearted yet productive way. My daughter loves to chat (she also dreams of becoming an actress so she’s excited that she’s a co-host and a voice actress on this podcast!) and she loves everything about people, culture and history. So, when trending research findings showed me that there is a rapid growth in the health and wellness industry and that there’s a steady increase in the number of people who love listening to podcasts (like you and me), I knew that it is the right time to start this podcast-centered business from home


DO YOU need a listening ear or an avenue to express your inner most thoughts, your pent-up feelings or emotions that could be on a roller coaster right now? DO YOU care about people and culture, multicultural families and an inclusive world where special needs communities have a space in this world too? Maybe you’ve learned something new and would like to share this skill or knowledge with others because you care? If your answer is “Yes!”, then ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is the right podcast for you and your family. 


IF YOU were to ask me to name three things that could make a big difference in your life now and in the future, I would say: the people you meet; the books you read; and how you plan and spend your day every day to achieve productivity and overall wellness in your life. So, stay tuned and let’s get to know someone special and what friendship means to her…

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[Azimah] Hello! I’m Azimah.

Today I want to talk about my friendship with my BFF. That’s right—my best friend forever. Her name is Jules. We have been friends for four years! We’re both special needs kids.

What I like about Jules is that she makes me feel comfortable, accepted and loved. I get invited to her birthday outings every year in the summer. I’ve been to her house (and) she’s been to my house for our play dates. I love her so much!


Our last play date was at Sky Zone early this year (and) we had a fun time together. We both get along. We don’t quarrel. We missed each other! We both loved going on school field trips together. Jules and I used to see each other in class and enjoyed lunch time. We played games together, we waved goodbye when it was time to go home. 

Now, we’ve missed seeing each other since the COVID-19 in March because she attends school in-person but I’m on remote (learning). I hope we’ll see each other again soon…


~ End of Segment I ~


* * *  


SEGMENT II | Introduction To The Nine Dimensions Of Wellness


Coming up next…

In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness--physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City.

[Azfar] Tell us more about who you are and what you love to do in your personal life.

[Zarina] Hello, everyone! First and foremost, I would like to thank (the) ASK Trio About Wellness podcast for having me. My name is Zarina. I’m from Singapore and have been living in New York City for 20 years with my husband and our 16-year old daughter. I’m a Group Fitness Instructor with Shape Up NYC and also a Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor.

Besides leading classes and working out at the gym, I also love going to the museums with my family. I’ve been to the British Museum and The Louvre (In Paris) but my favorite is the Metropolitan Museum of Art right here in New York City. As a member, I would frequent the MET not only to enjoy the exhibits but also to participate in the family workshops and attend the cultural performances.

[Azfar] What motivated you to become a Group Fitness Instructor with Shape Up NYC, a Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor and pursue a Personal Trainer program with the American Council on Exercise?

I found great joy after incorporating exercise in my lifestyle. I feel stronger, happier and energized after every session. However, I realized that not everyone has a gym membership. Shape Up NYC is a free city-wide fitness program supported by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. I like the idea that Shape Up NYC offers free classes--breaking down common barriers that prevent community members from engaging in regular physical activity. So, I started the 12-week Group Fitness Instructor training (program), and shortly after, taught my first class in Spring 2019. The positive feedback I received from my Total Body Conditioning participants highlighted everyone’s unique physical ability.

In order to cater to individual goals, I decided to pursue a Personal Trainer certification course with ACE, the American Council on Exercise. My passion for indoor cycling started when I had to restrict myself to low impact exercises due to injury in 2016. From a once a week newbie, I became an avid cyclist over the years. Riding three times a week, I would occasionally treat myself to boutique studios around the city. I’ve also rode in Barcelona, Paris, and yes, Singapore. It’s one of those classes, given a good instructor and a pumped up playlist, one can have loads of fun while burning hundreds of calories. In 2019, I rose to the challenge and became a Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor. After a few auditions and demos, I was offered a position at the gym. My class is geared towards the beginner, emphasizing on bike set up, riding technique, and building up stamina and confidence for an enjoyable ride.

[Azfar] What is your wellness advice for listeners of ASK Trio About Wellness podcast?

[Zarina] To all listeners out there, I encourage you to include exercise in your lifestyle. Set a realistic goal and get your family involved. One of the benefits of exercise as a family is that it enhances emotional wellbeing and self-esteem. And if you are planning to include physical wellness in your 2021 list, I invite you to tune in and follow (the) ASK Trio About Wellness podcast starting this January (2021). I will be sharing tips and strategies for you and your family.



[Azfar] Hello, everyone! My name is Azfar and today I’m going to be touching upon one of the nine dimensions of wellness and that is mental wellness. It is very important to be aware of our mental wellbeing as it is the leading factor to how we conduct our daily activities. 


If we are happy and feeling good about ourselves, it is very easy for us to accomplish all the goals and tasks that we have planned out. However, if we are down and depressed, we often find it difficult to perform those same tasks because our minds are not well conditioned. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to understand our feelings and emotions so we can live a healthy lifestyle full of productivity. 


In order to achieve this healthy lifestyle and state of mental wellbeing, it is very important to stay happy and always look on the bright side of things no matter what you face in life. One of the hormones in our body that is released when we are in a state of happiness is dopamine. There are a lot of ways to achieve this state of happiness and for your body to release this dopamine such as listening to music or engaging in your favorite hobbies, exercising, going outdoors and getting enough sunlight for our body especially when the cold weather is coming up. It is very important to get enough vitamins and minerals so that we can be lively, vibrant and energetic. All of these and other new habits that you can start doing in your lives will improve your overall mental health. 


For me personally, at the end of each day, I like to spend some time alone by myself to reflect upon what I’ve done throughout the day. Have I achieved all my goals for the day? Did I help out with my family? Did I go outside and get enough exercise? Did I get enough sunlight? Did I feel good about myself today? Now that most of us are confined to our homes because of the current situation with the Coronavirus, it is very crucial to take care of our own mental health as well as those around us in our homes. After all, love begins at home. 


~ End of Segment II ~ 


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We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to 

Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!

*Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.


~ End of Episode~


*A preview of this episode was played "on air" on January 1st, 2021 at 9:00 PM EST during the LIVE cast via Podbean Podcast App & Player as part I of the podcast official launch.


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  • 3. Hello! Winter 2020-2021 Pre Launch Promotional Episode

    02:24||Ep. 3
    Show Notes | Hello! Winter 2020-2021 Pre Launch Promotional Episode | Trailer   Hello! Hola! Marhaba! WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Have you ever wished that you could have more time, resources or energy to actually do everything that you plan to do? As we struggle to survive this global health pandemic triggered by the Coronavirus, do you wish to learn with us and acquire skills and knowledge to manage our emotions better and build relationships with people and the environment? Don’t worry, be happy!   ASK Trio About Wellness is your go-to podcast about wellness and productivity. Join me, Syazana Sani, and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Starting with our first-ever pilot episode on November 27th, we’ll strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time. Together, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness--physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. With Coach Zarina from New York City, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness. Support us to be your favorite podcast so we can interview experts, multicultural families plus special needs communities to share useful skills, knowledge and exciting stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility.   So, what are you waiting for? Like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Send us your feedback before our official launch on January 1st, 2021. Subscribe to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!     *Music Copyright and Attribution: "On My Way.” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.   All Rights Reserved ©Syazana Bte Mohamed Sani (2020) of ASKtrioWello LLC
  • 14. Pre Launch Pilot Episode

    16:10||Ep. 14
    ASK TRIO ABOUT WELLNESS PODCAST | PILOT EPISODE | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE: Introduction to ASK Trio, Productivity and the Nine Dimensions of Wellness   Background Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. “Brittle Rille” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Meditating Beat” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons 0 International License.     * * *   Co-sponsors Zarina Noor, Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Disclaimer The information in this podcast is for educational purpose only. You should consult your doctor, specialist or physical trainer on these topics. All Rights Reserved ©Syazana Bte Mohamed Sani (2020) of ASKtrioWello LLC  Hello! Hola! Marhaba! WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.   SEGMENT I | Introduction To ASK Trio  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast… Do you love listening to inspirational stories that can lift you up and set you off to a special space where every voice matters?   [Syazana] Hello! I’m Syazana, and the Astro Duo are my teen superheroes. It was a cold, “brutal” winter in January 2015 when the three of us and my husband landed at Albany International Airport in New York’s Capital Region. We were from Dresden, Germany, and we had stayed there for a month due to my husband’s work commitment and relocation from Singapore (Singapura) to the Empire State office.    Hey, you might just be wondering: “Why ASK Trio About Wellness podcast and who is it for?” I hear you and so, here’s my story… When my family made the decision to move to New York, some sacrifices were made and the three most important ones were leaving our family behind, saying goodbye to our circle of friends and for me, pressing the pause button and putting my career on hold. Like many other good Muslims out there, I prayed to Almighty God for His protection, blessings, guidance and wisdom for my immediate family as well as the loving family and friends I left behind. I had mentally and emotionally prepared myself to tread this new journey to America with an open heart and mind. Within months, I met many amazing people both young and old and from different nationalities, faith and different colors (of the skin) in New York, Vermont and beyond. With God’s will, these amazing people made my family felt welcomed and loved by being there and extending a helping hand when my family needed a lifeline of support to adapt to the new environment. Interestingly, I met several families with special needs children through my daughter’s circle of friends and each family has their own inspirational story with valuable lessons for my family to learn.   Two years later, I had fully adjusted to the new lifestyle and soon I thought to myself: “Hey! It’s time to explore a new career.” So, I explored writing as a new career opportunity which then led me to take writing, editing and volunteer training projects. Five years passed and as we all try to survive and thrive in this unpredictable world, I wanted to find a special space to build a community where every voice matters and everyone can benefit from productivity and wellness education in a fun, lighthearted yet productive way. Trending research findings that I’ve read showed me the rapid growth in the health and wellness industry due to a higher demand and a steady increase in the number of people like you and me, who listen to podcasts. This could be due to more stay-at-home orders, work-from-home and online or remote learning for students.   So, let me ask you, yes, you: Do you care about people and culture, multicultural families and an inclusive world where special needs communities have a place in this world? Do you need a listening ear, or an avenue to express your inner most thoughts, your pent-up feelings or emotions that could be on a roller coaster right now? Perhaps you’ve learnt something new or discovered some effective habits that have helped you and your family to be productive despite the unique circumstances where you work from home or you or your kids are learning remotely at home and now you would love to share this skill or knowledge with others because you care? Then, you have come to the right place, at the right time! ASK Trio About Wellness podcast and is the podcast for you and your family.   If you were to ask me to name three things that could make a big difference in your life now and in the future, I would say: the people you meet, the books you read, and how you plan and spend your day every day to achieve productivity and overall wellness in your life. So, stay tuned and let’s get to know someone special. Get ready to listen to a short and sweet tale of what friendship means to a special needs kid…   * * *     [Azimah] Hello! I’m Azimah. Today I want to talk about my friendship with my BFF. That’s right—my best friend forever. Her name is Jules. We have been friends for four years! We’re both special needs kids. What I like about Jules is that she makes me feel comfortable, accepted and loved. I get invited to her birthday outings every year in the summer. I’ve been to her house (and) she’s been to my house for our play dates. I love her so much!   Our last play date was at Sky Zone early this year (and) we had a fun time together. We both get along. We don’t quarrel. We missed each other! We both loved going on school field trips together. Jules and I used to see each other in class and enjoyed lunch time. We played games together, we waved goodbye when it was time to go home.  Now we missed seeing each other since the COVID-19 in March because she attends school in-person but I’m on remote (learning). I hope we’ll see each other again soon…   * * *     SEGMENT II | Introduction To The Nine Dimensions of Wellness and Coach Zarina Noor Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness--physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City. [Azfar] Tell us more about who you are and what you love to do in your personal life.   [Zarina] Hello, everyone! First and foremost, I would like to thank ASK Trio About Wellness podcast for having me. My name is Zarina. I’m from Singapore and have been living in New York City for 20 years with my husband and our 16-year old daughter. I’m a Group Fitness Instructor with Shape Up NYC and also a Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor. Besides leading classes and working out at the gym, I also love going to the museums with my family. I’ve been to the British Museum and The Louvre (In Paris) but my favorite is the Metropolitan Museum of Art right here in New York City. As a member, I would frequent the MET not only to enjoy the exhibits but also to participate in the family workshops and attend the cultural performances. I found great joy after incorporating exercise in my lifestyle. I feel stronger, happier and energized after every session.   However, I realized that not everyone has a gym membership. Shape Up NYC is a free city-wide fitness program supported by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. I like the idea that Shape Up NYC offers free classes--breaking down common barriers that prevent community members from engaging in regular physical activity. So, I started the 12-week Group Fitness Instructor training (program), and shortly after, taught my first class in Spring 2019. The positive feedback I received from my Total Body Conditioning participants highlighted everyone’s unique physical ability. In order to cater to individual goals, I decided to pursue a Personal Trainer certification course with ACE, the American Council on Exercise. Part of my fitness routine include indoor cycling—it’s one of those classes, given a good instructor and a pumped (up) playlist, I’ll burn 600 calories easily. A few of the instructors I know challenged me to join them. So, in 2019, I became a Schwinn Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor. My class is geared towards the beginner, emphasizing on bike set up and riding technique.   [Azfar] What is your wellness advice for listeners of ASK Trio About Wellness podcast? [Zarina] To all listeners out there, I encourage you to include exercise in your lifestyle. Set a realistic goal and get your family involved. One of the benefits of exercise as a family is that it enhances emotional wellbeing and self-esteem. And if you are planning to include physical wellness in your 2021 plan, I invite you to tune in and follow ASK Trio About Wellness podcast starting this January (2021). I will be sharing tips and strategies for you and your family.   * * *   [Azfar] Hello, everyone! My name is Azfar and today I’m going to be touching upon one of the nine dimensions of wellness and that is mental wellness. So, to start off, it is very important to be aware of our mental wellbeing as it is the leading factor to how we conduct our daily activities. If we are happy and feeling good about ourselves, it is very easy for us to accomplish all the goals and tasks that we have planned out. However, if we are down and depressed, we often find it difficult to perform those same tasks because our minds are not well conditioned. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to understand our feelings and emotions so we can live a healthy lifestyle full of productivity.   In order to achieve this healthy lifestyle and state of mental wellbeing, it is very important to stay happy and always look on the bright side of things no matter what you face in life. I would like to share with you some tips and strategies for you to apply in your daily lives so that you can promote mental wellness for yourself and those around you. One of the hormones in our body that is released when we are in a state of happiness is dopamine. There are a lot of ways to achieve this state of happiness and for your body to release this dopamine such as listening to music or engaging in your favorite hobbies, exercising, going outdoors and getting enough sunlight for our body especially when the cold weather is coming up. It is very important to get enough vitamins and minerals so that we can be lively, vibrant and energetic, so that we can achieve all our goals that we have planned.   All of these and other new habits that you can start doing in your lives will improve your overall mental health.  For me personally, at the end of each day, I like to spend some time alone by myself to reflect upon what I’ve done throughout the day. Have I achieved all my goals for the day? Did I help out with my family? Did I go outside and get enough exercise? Did I get enough sunlight? Did I feel good about myself today for what I’ve done? Now that most of us are confined to our homes because of the current situation with the Coronavirus, it is very crucial to take care of our own mental health as well as those around us in our homes. After all, love begins at home.   * * *     We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello i.e. a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback before our official launch on January 1st, 2021 to Visit our website at and subscribe to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!     ~ End of episode ~ * * * 
  • 3. Family Time and Learning Experiences | Journey To Wellness Through Physical Wellness

    17:18||Season 1, Ep. 3
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE 2 | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE: Family Time and Learning Experiences | Wellness Journey Through Physical Wellness   Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. “Fresh Air”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Gymnopedie (No. 3)”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Silly Fun”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Bright Wish”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Car Drive By Sound”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Heartbeat Sound”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Street Baskin at Prague, Czech” by Azman Repin. This work is a contribution by the author to ASK Trio About Wellness by ASKtrioWello LLC. Co-Sponsors Zarina Noor, Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Advisors Danny Ozment of Emerald City Productions, Jennifer Kilcoyne and Greg of the New York State Small Business Development Center (SBDC).   * * *   Guest Speaker Zarina Noor   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Disclaimer The information in this podcast is for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor, specialist or physical trainer for advice on these topics.  All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021   ASK Trio About Wellness is a production by ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   TRANSCRIPT   Hello! Hola! Marhaba! WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.   SEGMENT I ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast…   PART I | FAMILY TIME (IN EUROPE) [Syazana] HELLO! May peace be upon you. Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! You’re listening to the second episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah. We’d like to thank our co-sponsors for supporting the production of the trailer episode, pilot episode, the first season’s premier episode (officially released on January 4th, 2021) and this second episode. They are Coach Zarina Noor, Hardi Kamsani and my husband, Azman Repin. Also, our sincere appreciation goes to our advisors Danny Ozment of Emerald City Productions, the New York State Small Business Development Center and all our teachers, relatives, friends from around the world for all your feedback and words of encouragement. Check out the tribute section of the show notes for the full list. Thank you and may God bless you all. In today’s episode, you’ll enjoy some content summarized from the second part of the recent podcast launch party. When my family stayed in Dresden, Germany for a month, we toured several cities: Munich and Berlin in Germany, Austria and Prague in Czechoslovakia. (My family had stayed an entire month in Dresden, Germany before moving to New York due to my husband’s work commitment and VISA processing).   WHAT were the best memories of the Euro trip? [Azfar] My favorite part of the Euro trip was when we were able to experience and enjoy all the different cultures in Europe. Also, one of the most memorable parts was when we took our road trips on the Autobahn (highway) where there’s no speed limit and we could drive and enjoy the beautiful landscape and scenery of Europe. [Azimah] What I like about Germany is that we get to stay in hotels, eat croissants, eat cereals and a lot more. The best part of the trip was that we get to spend time with our family and go on fun trips. [Syazana] For me, my best memory of the Euro trip was at Prague, Czechoslovakia. I love the beautiful landscape and the architecture. It felt really romantic walking down the streets there too. In Germany, I like it there as well especially that the transport system is pretty neat and coordinated. Oh! I remembered that Azfar discovered the best burger in Austria!   PART II | LEARNING EXPERIENCES Next, we received a voice memo recorded by Teacher Sabariah who is also my cousin from Singapore. She has been keeping in touch with my family, always supporting our journey. Let’s check it out... [Sabariah] Hello kak (sister) Syazana, Azfar, and Azimah! I have three questions on the learning experience that you have in USA. My first question is: How would you describe studying abroad in FIVE words? My second question: How are the classes different there than the classes in Singapore? And my last question: Which class was your favorite or still is your favorite? That’s it! I wanna hear more from you.   AZFAR Answer to Question #1: How would you describe studying abroad in FIVE words? [Azfar] The best thing about studying here in New York is the school environment. The learning environment is nourishing, joyful, relaxing, authentic, and balanced. Answer to Question #2: How are the classes different there than the classes in Singapore? [Azfar] The most important factor in the school system is the learning environment. In Singapore, the school environment is quite competitive and very academically focused. There isn’t much balance between academics and your own personal life. Here in New York, the learning environment is very much balanced. It encourages students to achieve both personal and academic goals. It is relaxing and not very stressful. I really like it here and I’m very glad to be studying here. Answer to Question #3: Which class was your favorite or still is your favorite? [Azfar] I’m a senior in a high school and I’m in the International Baccalaureate program (IB). This IB program is offered throughout the world and it is a very beneficial program as it not only focuses on your academics but it develops you personally as a human being and to achieve all your goals academically and personally. In this program, there is a subject called Theory of Knowledge also known as TOK. This is the core class that combines basically all the other subjects into one class. I really love this subject because we have a lot of meaningful discussions and we learn a lot of life lessons in it. It is in a way a philosophy class because we learn about ethics and human interactions more than any other topics. If you are given the chance, I highly encourage all students to pursue this IB program as it is very beneficial for you and it promotes both academic and personal development.   AZIMAH Answer to Question #1: How would you describe studying abroad in FIVE words? [Azimah] The classes here are happy, cheerful, relaxing, inspirational, and lovable. Answer to Question #2: How are the classes different there than the classes in Singapore? [Azimah] In Singapore, there’s no cooking lesson. I find the classes stressful. In New York, there’s a kitchen in the special needs classroom. We love cooking classes. I get to cook my favorite food such as Bergedil. It’s like a Malay Hash Brown. The ingredients are potatoes, salt, pepper, green onions, parsley and eggs. Answer to Question #3: Which class was your favorite or still is your favorite? [Azimah] My favorite class was Mrs. Sue Bernd’s class. The subject I like most is Social Skills. I learned to be independent and responsible. As a parent, I love to build good rapport with the school teachers. I was an active committee member of the school’s Parent Support Group in Singapore. The education system in Singapore is one of the best in Asia and I find it excellent for above average learners. Singapore is a young city-state and I’ve seen the education landscape changing for the better over the years. I’ve also observed the dedication and diligence of the school teachers, principals and staff. They have tried their best to make the classes there less stressful and learning more enjoyable especially that they have to prepare the students for the national exam, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Why did Azfar find the classes in Singapore competitive? Well, he was streamed into the top class of his cohort from primary three to five, when he was eight to eleven years old. Azfar was also active in the school Track and Field and the Soccer Team. He was proud to be the Soccer Team’s Vice Captain. When he started school here, Azfar adjusted well and was in the school’s Modified Soccer Team and Tennis Team. Now, he’s in the Outdoor Club and as the club’s President, he organizes hiking trips to many beautiful mountains in upstate New York. For Azimah, she said that the classes there were stressful and that’s mainly because she’s a special needs kid who was diagnosed with having Global Developmental Delay. Despite that, she enjoyed attending classes, thanks to all her caring teachers and (the school) staff. What is Global Developmental Delay? What does a student like Azimah struggle with? What is it like parenting a special needs kid like Azimah? Tune in for more stories about this category of special needs kids in the upcoming episodes! * * *    SEGMENT II | JOURNEY TO WELLNESS THROUGH PHYSICAL WELLNESS Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness--physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City. [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest... Coach Zarina! [Zarina] Hello everyone! I hope you had a good start to the new year! 2020 was a year to be remembered! Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many of us! With the abrupt closures of school, workplace and gym, my family found ourselves spending more time at home. We were either cooking and baking in the kitchen or on the couch binge watching the latest series. This new lifestyle, along with the uncertainty of the pandemic causes stress and anxiety which affects our physical health and mental well-being. I am very thankful that my daughter accepted a dance challenge on social media and got my husband and I involved. I may not be a dancer, but moving to music with my family was certainly a mood booster! It made me realize the importance of physical wellness.   Question 1 [Syazana] We have a question for you. What does physical wellness mean to you? How about physical activity and exercise? Isn’t it the same? To me, physical wellness means taking care of myself. Making sure I get at least seven (7) hours of sleep, having a well-balanced diet and incorporating physical activity daily. Physical activity refers to any form of body movement that works your muscles and requires energy expenditure. It could be walking, dancing and even doing everyday tasks like grocery shopping. Whereas, exercise, is a type of physical activity. It’s usually planned and therefore more structured.   Question 2 [Syazana] Next question: Can you offer some guidance to our listeners who are just probably starting out or are beginners on their journey to physical wellness? [Zarina] Absolutely! To all beginners out there, before starting this journey, it is best for you to check with your physician first. Once cleared, set a short realistic goal. This will help to keep you on track and power your success! A proven way is to use the SMART goal method. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound. Step #1 State what you would like to accomplish. Be specific with your goal. Say “I would like to lose 10lbs.” This is better than just stating wanting to lose weight. The more specific you are, the more likely you will work towards achieving it. Step #2 Being able to measure your progress is important to keep you motivated. You could choose to either weigh yourself every week or perhaps measure by how your pants fit. Step #3 Setting an attainable goal means it should be achievable. It is safer and more practical to aim to lose 1lb-2lbs per week than 10lbs. This helps to set the path of your success. Now, make sure that this goal is set for yourself. It’s relevant to your lifestyle, and you are not pressured by others. Step #4 And lastly, it is important for you to set a deadline. This will avoid being complacent and help you to stay focused on achieving that goal. So back to the goal: It’s even better to say “I would like to lose 10lbs in six months.”   Question 3 [Azimah] Do you like exercising with your family? Is it fun? [Zarina] Yes! I love exercising with my family! This is when we have fun doing similar activities together. Filling the room with contagious laughter while staying healthy. My daughter and I love to dance together and make videos too! And you know the beauty of it is that it improves not just my mood, but also her mood. [Syazana] Certainly! That’s why Azimah is so into dancing at home especially during this remote learning. [Zarina] And do you know that dancing is also a form of physical activity? [Azimah] Ooohhh! It’s like a mother and daughter time. [Zarina] Yes! Precious bonding time for mother and daughter.   Question 4 [Azfar] I have a question for Coach Zarina. So, now that it’s cold out (there), it’s quite difficult for me to get out of my house and do my regular training/exercises (I usually jog around the neighborhood twice or thrice a week.) Do you have any specific exercises for circuit training that I can practice at home? [Zarina] I would suggest selecting a few bodyweight exercises like mountain climbers, burpees, squats and lunges. Then set a timer to do each movement consecutively. Start with a 30:30 ratio which means you work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Aim for two to three rounds. To achieve the cardio benefit, your heart rate should be between 70%-80% of your maximum heart rate.  *** We have come to the end of our show today. If you like our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or   Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.   ~End of episode~   *TRIBUTE In addition to our co-sponsors, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has shown support or have expressed interest to support our podcast including those who have given their feedback on our trailer and pilot episode during the pre-launch campaign. From New York: From New York: Nazha, Laila, Siti Khatijah, Jules-Lyn, Uzma, Patricia, Azizan, Zila, Hanna, Karima, Saba, Sanaa, Margaret, Ottavia and teachers and staff from the Ballston Spa School district, Rachel (Friends of NTU).   From California: Andrea and Michelle From Vermont, USA: Faridah From London, UK: Ivy and Nora; From Melbourne, Australia: Wiryani Sydney, Australia: Connie and Ethan From Singapore: Sabariah, Faridah (The Angklung Queen), Noor Sida, Aida, Saharudin, Peck Wei, Yaznita, the KLA families—Yati, Hanna, Sheila and Ida, my Islamic teacher Haslinda Hassan and sisters from Mutiara Hawa group, former teachers Ms. Diana and Mdm Lai, our families—the KhamSanis siblings, Azan-Aini, Azizah-Fauzi and the big Haji Salim family, Kathy Bonyamin, relatives and friends whom we might not have mentioned their names here but are praying for our success, my sister Surina, my dad Haji Sani Bin Mohamed Sani and sisters, relatives of my late mom, Hajjah Khamsah Bte Haji Warkim especially her sister, Hajjah Kulipah Bte Warkim (Wak Ipah) and Asmah (Cik Mah). Thank you so much! May God bless you and reward you all!   * * *    
  • 3. Understanding Special Needs Kids With Global Developmental Delay | How To Stop Making Excuses For Your Physical Wellness and Precautionary Measures To Observe

    15:40||Season 1, Ep. 3
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE #3 | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE:  Understanding Special Needs Kids With Global Developmental Delay | How To Stop Making Excuses For Your Physical Wellness and Precautionary Measures To Observe   Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. “Pensive Piano” by This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “The Master”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Beat One” by Kevin McLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Ambient Bongos”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License. “Nightdreams”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “City Sunshine”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License. “Thunder”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License. “Sunny Day Sound”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License. “Car Drive By Sound”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. Co-Sponsors Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Guest Speaker Zarina Noor   Scriptwriter | Producer | Director Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is a production by ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   Disclaimer The information provided in this podcast is for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical doctor, specialist and/or personal trainer for advice on these topics.   All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021.        * * *   Hello! Hola! Marhaba!  WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast…   SEGMENT I | Understanding Special Needs Kids With Global Developmental Delay  PART I [Syazana] Hello! May peace be upon you! Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! You are listening to the third episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah. This episode is co-sponsored by Hardi Kamsani and my husband, Azman Repin. Thank you and may God bless you. In the last episode, we talked about family time and travel memories. Did you say you love to travel but now you can’t go overseas because of the border restrictions or quarantine regulations related to the Coronavirus?  I hear you! My family is in the same boat just like many of you. How are you coping with the current global travel restrictions? What are you doing to strengthen family bonding as a way to promote overall wellness in your family? What are you doing to improve productivity in your family? We would like to hear your stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility (TRAILS). So send us a text or voice memo with your story, name and country of residence via email to The first ten (10) entries will win a one-year special VIP membership worth $99 to the new ASKtrioWello Club. Check out for more updates about the pre launch of the Club membership on March 21st, 2021. What are you waiting for? Send us your story today!   PART II [Syazana] As promised in the last episode, we will discuss more about special needs communities especially kids with global developmental delay in this episode. What is Global Developmental Delay? “Developmental delay is when your child lags behind their peers in one or more areas of emotional, mental, or physical growth.”  [WebMD. (2021). What is developmental delay in young children? Retrieved January 19th, 2021 from the world wide web.] The child often has difficulty in language or speech, vision, movement or motor skills, social and emotional skills, thinking or cognitive skills. When a child has a significant delay in two or more of these areas, as in Azimah’s case, then the child has “global developmental delay."  What does a special needs kid like Azimah struggle with?  [Azimah] I find many things difficult: handwriting, Math, speech, reading, understanding instructions and comprehension. I couldn’t button my blouse or tie my shoe laces. Speaking in front of everybody makes me nervous. [Syazana] Other than executive function, Mathematics, speech and language deficiency, Azimah also struggled with visual spatial skills, gross and fine motor skills. When someone is speaking, Azimah tends to get excited and wants to speak too. So, Azimah, tell everyone:  How do you feel about being a co-host on this podcast? [Azimah] I’m so happy to be on the show. More people will understand more about special needs kids like me. I want people to understand me better. I know someone who understands me and cares for me. She is sister Uzma Popal! [Syazana] Who is sister Uzma Popal? Stay tuned to the next episode and listen to how amazing people like sister Uzma Popal made special needs kids feel loved, cared and motivated to contribute to the community through social responsibility.   ~ End of Segment I ~   * * *   SEGMENT II | How To Stop Making Excuses For Your Physical Wellness and Precautionary Measures To Observe  Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City. [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest... Coach Zarina! Woohoo! [Zarina] Hello! I’m Coach Zarina. I hope everyone is in the best of health and ready to start working towards achieving the SMART goal that you have set for yourself this new year! DO YOU need some help to kickstart your wellness journey through your physical wellness goal?  Most of us would find it difficult to start something new but I can assure you that you are NOT alone! So, let’s do this TOGETHER!  [Azimah] Coach Zarina will be on the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast for TWELVE weeks!  [Syazana] That’s right! For twelve episodes, Coach Zarina will guide YOU and your family in this wellness journey through physical wellness. (ASK Trio About Wellness podcast hosts and ASKtrioWello LLC are grateful to Coach Zarina for her willingness to collaborate on this podcast.) [Zarina] Oh! It’s my pleasure! Now that your goal has been set, write it down and establish a plan to start your journey. The very act of writing something down improves recall (Naka & Naoi, 1995). [Source: Houston, Elaine. (2020). What is goal setting and how to do it well. Retrieved January 14th, 2021 from the World Wide Web:] [Syazana] Oh yes! For me, I like to write down my goals and notes. I use pen and paper as well as word processing softwares like Microsoft Word and Google Docs. I like using Google Calendar to sync all my Things To Do list with my schedule. There are many new productivity apps right now so you might just want to check it out.    [Zarina] That’s great! This would be a reminder on how important this goal is to you and think about all the benefits of physical activities. Regardless of your age, abilities, shape and size, everyone can reap the benefits. Some of the benefits include improving (your) mental health, maintaining a healthier body, strengthening bones and muscles and improving the quality of your well being. However, sometimes even with the right mindset, we find ourselves making excuses.  [Syazana] Excuses, excuses! What are some of the most common excuses and what can you do to stop falling into this trap? Excuse #1 [Azfar] “I’m always busy, you know, and I can’t find time to exercise or do any physical activity!” [Zarina] Now, (in) that way, we’ll have to talk about willpower and determination!  Make physical activity a priority. You don’t have to spend an hour for a good workout. Even a little activity is better than nothing! Start with a 10-minute session per day. You can also sneak in a workout during a commercial break while watching TV.  Excuse #2 [Syazana] “I feel like doing an activity but I’m not ready for any structured routine.” [Zarina] I would suggest: create a playlist and go for a walk during lunch time or walk with your friends. You could also get your family to go for a walk after dinner. Excuse #3 “I’m worried if I exercise, I’ll get tired and can’t do anything else!  [Zarina] Oh no, that’s not true! In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Exercise is actually an energy booster! Exercise increases blood flow to your body and makes your heart pump oxygen to your brain and muscles faster. It also promotes the release of natural endorphins that will relieve pain and stress as well as boost your creativity and sharpen your mind. [Syazana] Do you know what I discovered over the years? Whenever I’m active in sports or physical activity, I experience a positive increase in my creativity and a sharper mind. When I was around twelve years old, I was a sprinter, a netball player, a Brownie or Girl Scout, a storyteller and a poetry reciter. With guidance from my awesome teachers and support from my parents, I could excel and pass the school exams with flying colors. I was taught the importance of priority, time management, managing my energy level and also the power of prayers.  Coach Zarina, you were also active in sports during your school days, right? If I recall correctly, you were a cross country runner, a netball player and also a storyteller, correct? [Zarina] Oh yes! We have quite a lot in common, Syazana. We both started an active lifesyle at a young age.  [Syazana] Hmmm, that’s true. [Azfar] So, how much exercise or physical activity do you recommend?  [Azimah] How about teens like us, Coach Zarina? For most adults, the current recommendation is to get at least 150 minutes of physical activity that is of moderate intensity. That’s about 30 minutes, five (5) times a week. For teens, the recommended duration is 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days. When exercising at moderate intensity, you might not be able to sing but you can still talk to someone without gasping for air. To make it a well balanced program, do include strength training, balance and flexibility exercises too. This can be done two to three (2-3) times a week.  Okay! I hope you feel ready to begin now. If you are new to exercise or have taken a long break, do take steps to ensure all the extra precautions are observed. Please stop if you feel dizzy or feel a sudden sharp pain.  [Azimah] So, what is step number one? STEP #1 Always warm up your body and practice stretching techniques before exercising. “Warming up will help to increase the temperature of your body to an optimum while also preparing your muscles to be ready for exercise. Thus warming up will actively help to prevent injuries to muscles, which may otherwise occur if you start from cold and exercise.”  [Source: New Skills Academy. (2020). Fitness Instructor Certification (Module 15). Retrieved December 20th, 2020 from the World Wide Web: (restricted access)] Five to ten (5-10) minutes of warm up should be sufficient followed by stretching. [Azimah] Ooohhh! I got it! Hmmm...How about step number two? STEP #2 Drink plenty of water. Your body performs better when it's properly hydrated. The American Council on Exercise recommends drinking: 17 to 20 ounces of fluid, two (2) to three (3) hours before working out. [Source: The American Council on Exercise (ACE). (2009). Fit Facts: Healthy Hydration. Retrieved January 14th, 2021 on the World Wide Web:]  Another eight (8) ounces, 20 to 30 minutes before starting your workout. Seven (7) to ten (10) ounces, every 10 to 20 minutes while exercising and drink an additional eight (8) ounces of fluid within 30 minutes after exercising. [Azimah] Aaahhh! Okay, so what is step number three? STEP #3 And finally, remember to cool down after your workout. This is just as important as your warm up and your exercise itself. Implementing cool down static stretches would prevent muscle soreness and allows your heart rate to return to its resting rate. Stretching is important because it helps to strengthen our muscles, avoid injuries and release tension. [Azimah] So, do you want to know more about stretches that you can do together with your family at home? Tune in to the next episode to find out more!   * * *   We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or  Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.   ~End of episode ~   * * *
  • 4. Why Respect and Social Responsibility Are Important Family Values | Types of Stretches For Physical Wellness

    20:58||Season 1, Ep. 4
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE #4 | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE:  Why Respect and Social Responsibility Are Important Family Values | Types of Stretches for Physical Wellness   Music Copyright and Attribution 1. “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 2. “Ambient Bongos”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License. 3. “Plucky Daisy.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 4. “Mister Exposition.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 5. “Two Together”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 6. “Quiet Panic.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 7. “Slow Heat.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. 8. "Sounds of Nature." A contribution by Syazana B. Mohamed Sani to ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast by ASKtrioWello LLC. * * *   Co-sponsors Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Show Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Guest Speakers Uzma Popal and Zarina Noor   Scriptwriter | Producer | Director Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is a production by ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   Disclaimer The information in this podcast is for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical doctor, specialist and/or personal trainer for advice on these topics. All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021.   * * *   Hello! Hola! Marhaba!  WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast.   SEGMENT I | WHY RESPECT & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ARE IMPORTANT FAMILY VALUES  PART I [Syazana] Hello! May peace be upon you! Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! You are listening to the fourth episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah. This episode is co-sponsored by Hardi Kamsani and my husband, Azman Repin. Thank you and may God bless you. In the last episode, we talked about Global Developmental Delay and how it affects special needs kids like Azimah in terms of what she struggled with and her wish that more people will have a better understanding of her condition.  [Syazana] Now tell us Azimah: Who are some of the amazing people you’ve met here in New York? [Azimah]  I met many amazing people here. One such person is sister Uzma Popal. I miss talking to her, hugging her and taking photos (together)! She’s the one who had motivated me to volunteer at the Muslim Soup Kitchen Project. [Syazana] Welcome to the show, sister Uzma! Can you tell us more about who you are, what you do, your family values and what you’re doing to build an inclusive community where every voice matters? [Uzma] My name is Uzma Popal. I work at Al-Hidaya Center as a Senior Educational Program Advisor.  I am also the director of one of the center’s programs called The Muslim Soup Kitchen Project, also known as M.S.K.P.   One of the values that is most important to my family and I to help build an inclusive community where every voice matters is respect. We respect each other, our neighbors and everyone we come in contact with. We respect others by giving them their rights. Our family has rights over us, our neighbors have rights over us.  When we have guests over, even they have rights over us. Many people tend to forget to fulfill the rights they themselves owe to each other. To me, respecting each other's privacy is important in building good relationships.  If we speak nicely to each other instead of using harsh words that could hurt feelings, it shows that we truly respect them. Respecting one another also shows that we love and care for each other. When there is love, we can then build a strong inclusive community. Like other good Muslim families, my family will go the extra mile to show that we genuinely care for others. For example, during special events or family celebrations, we make goody bags as little gifts to share with our neighbors. [Azimah] Wow! That is super duper awesome! What’s another family value that’s important to you?  [Uzma] Another important family value is social responsibility. Everyone has a social responsibility towards the community they live in. The volunteers at Muslim Soup Kitchen Project or M.S.K.P. help the less privileged or needy families in our community.  One of the ways in which we strive to fulfill our social responsibility is to provide at least 500 meals monthly to those who are homeless and cannot afford food. These numbers are rising due to COVID-19 health pandemic. Many of them are suffering from food insecurity or shortage.  [Azimah] I remembered the first time I volunteered with M.S.K.P., with my family, at a shelter home for (the) homeless! Thank you to you, sister Uzma, for accepting me as a volunteer!  [Uzma] You’re welcome! Helping our neighbors is also part of my faith as a Muslim and is an act of worship. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) May Peace Be Upon Him said “He is not a believer whose stomach is full while his neighbor goes hungry.” During the health pandemic, some people are not able to continue help at the homeless shelters. However, M.S.K.P. continues to provide food to them during this challenging time. Also, during Ramadan, Al-Hidaya’s M.S.K.P. gave out packaged food items such as oil, rice, flour, canned items as well as pasta and pasta sauce to at least 123 needy families which totaled over 576 people.   Every year, we organize the National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day where communities throughout the U.S. distribute meals to the less fortunate. Even with  COVID-19, our volunteers, selflessly put their lives at risk to prepare thousands of meals to feed the poor that day.  We also have the Thrift Stop which is kind of like a thrift store but we don’t sell anything. What happens is every Saturday, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, people can bring in donations, and we also have families that come in and they can take donations. So we take items such as clothes, shoes, home goods, toiletries.  And while we do the bi-monthly drives, so every other month, we’re collecting certain items like books, bags when school starts, in the winter we collect blankets and things like that. So we collect a lot of essential items that people need everyday. We also even collect cans that people can bring in and we use that to raise money (funds). [Syazana] Sister Uzma, M.S.K.P. volunteers have done so much for the community. You have received many awards, right?  Yes! Alhamdulillah. Our volunteers came from all backgrounds and faith. Both Muslims and volunteers of other faiths also joined us to help achieve our mission: To create unity through serving humanity. We’ve received many awards from local churches and government officials as well as local shelters. So all this would not be possible without the volunteers. So may God accept from them their good deeds and put barakah (blessings) in all the projects of M.S.K.P. [Azimah] Do you have any advice for our listeners?  [Uzma] Let me ask you: Can you imagine if families don't respect each other? If we just cared about our own rights and not to fulfill other people’s rights? Our neighbors rights? What kind of world would that be? Would you even want to be close to each other? We would hurt each other’s feelings. Everyone would be self obsessed and worry about only themselves. Family  institutions would be broken. Can you imagine if we didn’t share our fortune and food while others around us are dying of hunger? Can you imagine enjoying your holidays and having a happy time with your family while there are neighbors out there who are even more sad than happy during the holidays because they cannot even afford food to feed their families? Now imagine if everyone cared for one another, respected each other and those who have the means provided for those who do not. A world where everyone is kind to one another. Family members respecting each other, community members putting others before themselves. A world where no one goes to bed hungry. Only YOU can choose what kind of world you want to live in. So, let’s make a difference in this world together by showing respect, love and fulfill our social responsibilities. If you would like to volunteer for M.S.K.P., you can email So you can email and we need volunteers all the time. For example for the Thrift Stop, for monthly soup kitchens, you can cook, you can drive, for many other projects. We’re always looking for donations. So, please consider donating as well. You can go to our website: [Azimah] Thank you so much, sister Uzma. So, everyone please support M.S.K.P.! Stay tuned to the next episode... [Syazana] ...and listen to more stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility.    * * *   SEGMENT II | TYPES OF STRETCHES FOR PHYSICAL WELLNESS Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City.   [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest...Coach Zarina! Woohoo! Welcome back, Coach Zarina! [Syazana] Yeayyy!  [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! [Zarina] Thank you! I hope you’re all staying healthy and remember to take the three precautionary steps before starting any workout sessions. [Azimah] Oh! I remember! What’s up next, Coach Zarina? [Zarina] Next, I want to emphasize again that it is important for you to include stretching during your warm up AND your cool down… There are several types of stretching techniques to choose from. The common ones are: Static stretching; Dynamic stretching; Active Isolated Stretching (AIS); Myofascial release; and  Ballistic stretching.  But for warm up, I would suggest dynamic stretching.  Dynamic stretches are controlled continuous movements of your body through its range of motions. These moves often simulate the exercise that you’re about to do. It helps to prepare your body for a more intense routine. Do you know how? [Azimah] Uh oh! I don’t know!  [Azfar] Tell us more about it! [Zarina] As you are doing these continuous movements, your heart rate will increase gradually. This will increase the blood circulation to your entire body, providing oxygenated and nutrients-rich blood to your muscles and the energy for your workout!  [Azimah] Ooohhhh! That’s good! [Zarina] Warmed muscles also allow you to stretch them thoroughly and help your joints move through wider ranges of motion. This will make you more flexible and increase your range of motion. At the same time, this will decrease the chance of pulling a muscle and getting injured. [Azfar] Yes! Before I go for a jog, I would normally do stretches too. [Zarina] Great job! Now, most importantly, dynamic stretching helps to prepare you mentally for what you’re about to do. This means that you’re able to reconnect with your body and try to focus on your upcoming exercise. And remember: At the end of your workout, it is also very important that you set a recovery period. This is the time when you reduce the intensity of the exercise and bring the heart rate down. I would recommend you to do static stretches. [Azimah] Hmm...First, I heard you talked about d-y-n-a-m-i-c stretches. Then you mentioned...hmm...what’s that again? S-t-a-t-i-c stretches?  [Zarina] Correct! Static stretching is done when the muscles are warm and the stretch is held for a period of time. This will lengthen the tissues and improve the range of motion of your joints, reducing muscular pain and joint pain.  Now when it's done properly, it will improve your posture, release(s) stress and tension in your muscles. It can also help you feel more relaxed after a workout. [Azfar] I heard that you lead walking groups in NYC. Do you do those two types of stretches with your participants too? [Zarina] Yes! I lead two morning walking groups weekly, where most of the participants are active seniors. And as you know it’s winter here in New York, so we spend about 12-15 minutes warming up with a few dynamic stretches. Yes, those stretches that keep you moving!  And today, I would like to recommend some stretches to those who have set walking as their exercise goal.  [Azimah] Aaahhh! I like to go for walks. I can hold (my) hands with my mom, look at the ducks and geese swimming in the ponds nearby. Last Monday was Martin Luther King holiday. My dad drove for almost three hours to (the) Lake Placid. The lake was frozen! My mom and I played with the snow too! [Syazana] Yeah! That was a lot of fun! We tried to do some outdoor audio recordings too. Maybe we can talk more about that in the next episode. [Azfar] Right! Let’s do the stretches now! [Zarina] Okay! But first, let’s start with a few sets of marching on the spot. Keeping your elbows bent close to your body and fist soft, pump your arms up and down in rhythm with your steps.  Now remember to breathe in and out through the nose. Good! Last 3-2-1, shake it off. Great! Let’s do these stretches together! Stretch #1: The Leg swings  Standing on your left leg, we’re (you’re) going to swing your right leg loosely from the hip in a front to back motion.  Ready? Let’s go...front and back, front and back. Keep it relaxed like the swinging of a pendulum. And your foot (feet) should swing no higher than a foot (12 inches) off the ground. Last 2-1 and shake it off. Now we're gonna switch legs. Ready? Good! Let’s go...3...2...and...1. Stretch #2: Pelvic loops Stand with your hands on your hips, feet hip-width apart and your knees gently bent. Keep your body upright. Now we’re going to make five (5) slow, continuous circles with your hips, pushing them gently forward, to the right, back and to the left.  Ready? Let’s go...forward, right, back, left. Forward, right, back, left. Forward, right, back, left...two...and last one...forward, right, back and left. Great job! Reverse the direction. Ready? Forward, left, back and right. Forward, left, back, right...Last one...forward, left, back and right. Stretch #3: Arm circles Hold both arms straight out to your sides, making yourself into the letter T. We’re going to make five (5) slow backward circles with your hands, starting small and finishing with large circles, using your entire arms.  Ready? Let’s go 5-4-3-2-1! Shake out your arms, back out to your sides. Now we’re gonna go forward. Ready? Go! 5-4-3-2-1. Recover. Well done, everyone!  [Azfar] Thank you, Coach Zarina! Those stretches are great! I think what we all need is some motivation to stay on track with our physical wellness goals. [Syazana] Hmmm...How about listening to success stories? In the next episode, can you share your experience with friends who have achieved success in reaching their physical wellness goals for physical activity or exercise? That could be a good way to get motivated, right, Coach Zarina? [Zarina] Absolutely!  [Azimah] So, everyone, stay tuned to the next episode to get more tips and strategies for you and your family! We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or  Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.   ~ End of Episode~   * * *
  • 5. How To Strengthen Love and Family Bonding Through Wellness Walks | Success Stories To Motivate You In Achieving Your Physical Wellness Goals

    18:12||Season 1, Ep. 5
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE 5 | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE:  How To Strengthen Love and Family Bonding Through Wellness Walks | Success Stories To Motivate You In Achieving Your Physical Wellness Goals   Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Water Droplets In River”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Breaktime.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Amazing Plan.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Iron Horse.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Round Drums.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.   Co-sponsors Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Guest Speaker Zarina Noor   Scriptwriter | Producer | Director  Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast is a production of ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   Disclaimer The information provided in the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical doctor, specialist and/or personal trainer for advice on these topics. All Rights Reserved ©2021 ASKtrioWello LLC (New York)   * * *   Hello! Hola! Marhaba!  WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast… SEGMENT I | HOW TO STRENGTHEN LOVE, FAMILY BONDING THROUGH WELLNESS WALKS  [Syazana] Hello! May peace be upon you! [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!     [Syazana] You are listening to the fifth episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah.  [Azfar] This episode is co-sponsored by Hardi Kamsani and my dad, Azman Repin. Thank you and may God bless you.  [Syazana] In the last episode, we talked about respect and social responsibility as important family values to help build an inclusive community. Today, we’ll focus on just ONE family value that has a significant impact on family institutions: LOVE. In this episode, we’ll talk a little bit more about taking wellness walks in the snow. What do we call it, Azimah? [Azimah] We call it snow therapy! [Syazana] Yeah, right! There’s something quite therapeutic when you get your shoes buried in the snow and walk like… [Azimah] big, fluffy polar bears! [Syazana] We’ve even started our 60-day wellness walk challenge last week to show that we love each other enough to find quality time ‏together. Taking a walk, not just once or twice a week but EVERY day, can potentially result in TWO incredible benefits:  [Azimah] What is the first benefit? [Syazana] It can strengthen family bonding.  [Azimah] What is the second benefit? [Syazana] It can be a motivating factor to help achieve our physical wellness goal especially because walking is a form of exercise.  [Azimah] Ooohhh! I got it! [Syazana] Let’s listen to an outdoor audio recording of the recent family’s road trip to Lake Placid after almost a three hour-drive...take it away, Azimah! [Outdoor audio recording at Lake Placid] [Azimah] Hello! This is Azimah Azman from the Astro Duo.  [Syazana] Hey! No! [Azimah] Yeah! I can hit your face (with snow). Yeah... [Syazana] Let’s make (build) a snowman. You’re supposed to make one! [Azimah] Yeah. [Azman] What are you doing?  [Azimah] We’re playing (with) snow. [Syazana] Trying to make (build) a snowman. Come let’s all make a snowman...on the frozen lake. [Azimah] Yeah! This is...this (place) used to be (home to the Winter) Olympics (in 1932 and 1980). (Source:, New York Department of Economic Development (2021). Six (6) Things You Didn’t Know About Lake Placid. Retrieved February 3rd, 2021 from the World Wide Web: [Azman, while taking a photo of the Azfar and Azimah] Nice! (Next) four of us...wefie...four of us...wefie! [Syazana] Ready? [Azimah] Oh! You see we’re right here in the snow. It’s so fun especially during this Martin Luther King Jr. and it’s snowing here, right?!! [Syazana] Martin Luther King holiday! [Azimah] Yeah! It’s a holiday. So, it’s snowing here in (the) U.S.!  [Syazana] In New York! [Azimah] In New York! Woohoo! [Syazana] Are you enjoying (Lake Placid)? [Azman] Marvellous! [Syazana] Marvellous? [Azimah] Yeah! [Azman] (You) must enjoy (with) chocolates! Shall I get you chocolates? [Syazana] Oh! We’ll see about that! [Azimah] Yeah! Chocolates! Yeah! [Syazana] So, Azfar: How do you like this place so far? [Azfar] It’s good! Very beautiful scenery. [Syazana] Did you take a lot of photos? [Azfar] Yes. (WE took quite a lot of photos!) [Azman & Azfar, ready to snap a family photo with several visitors and dog sledding passing by in the background] Oooh...oooh...hoo...hoo! Okay, cantik (beautiful)...Oh! Nice! [Syazana] That’s it! Our family trip to Lake Placid. [Azimah] Hey! We have some good news! [Syazana] Yes! In episode three, we had invited you to send a story of what you are doing to strengthen family bonding or how your family is coping with the current travel restrictions during this global health pandemic. The good news is...we’ve received the first entry to the ASKtrioWello Club One-year VIP membership giveaway!  [Azimah] Stay tuned to the next episode to find out who our first winner is... [Azfar] ...and listen to more stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility.   ~End of Segment I~   * * *   SEGMENT II | SUCCESS STORIES TO MOTIVATE YOU IN ACHIEVING YOUR PHYSICAL WELLNESS GOALS Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City.   [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest...Coach Zarina! Woohoo! Welcome back, Coach Zarina! [Syazana] Yeayyy!  [Zarina] Thank you! I’m back! I hope you and your family are doing well and staying healthy by getting enough sleep, eating well balanced meals and adding physical activity in your daily routine. This is essential for your well being in the midst of this health pandemic.  Do you remember the precautionary steps to observe before you start any workout sessions and the dynamic stretches for warming up? [Azimah] Oh yes! I remember! What will you be talking about today? [Zarina] Today, I want to emphasize that while you are observing precautionary measures such as wearing masks and “social distancing” during this global health pandemic, it does not mean that you can’t stay connected to your network of friends, your social circle. Yes, you can practice social distancing by “physical distancing”. At the same time, don’t forget about your physical activity and exercise goals. And do your best to stay motivated! [Azfar] Do you have any success stories of those who have achieved their physical wellness goals? [Azimah] Oh yeah! Please share with us so that we can be motivated to achieve our goals. [Zarina] First, allow me to let you in on a SECRET!  [Azimah] Say what? A secret? [Zarina] Yeah. It’s an open secret! If you want to achieve your goals, I find it easier to attain success if you get friends to be your workout buddies. Your friends will hold you accountable for the goals that you have set for yourself. They can also help you to keep track of your goals and at the same time, foster better relationships with them especially during this pandemic.  [Azimah] Ooohhh! So, everyone should go and get a workout buddy! [Zarina] Good idea, Azimah! I have two workout buddies: The first one is V. Patel, an overweight 38-year old mother who has high blood pressure. The second one is Wan, an elderly woman in her mid 70s who walks with a cane and has balance issues. She had gone for physical therapy sessions before the pandemic.  [Azfar] So, what were their SMART goals? [Zarina] We set short goals together. It started in summer last year with a deadline at the end of 2020. The goal with V. Patel is to lose weight. Our 6-day weekly workout schedule includes endurance, strength and flexibility exercises.  The goal with Wan is to improve balance, coordination and flexibility. Our 4-day weekly workout schedule includes strength, balance and flexibility exercises. [Azfar] So, what were their results like after a few months? [Zarina] It was outstanding! My first buddy, V. Patel was successful in achieving her goal! I am so proud of her! During our weigh-in in mid December 2020, while I lost a few pounds, she lost almost 40 pounds! I admire her self-discipline in terms of her diet. She had the willpower to switch to healthier choices of meals and observing intermittent fasting. She feels stronger than before, full of energy and definitely happier!  [Azimah] Bravo! Bravo! Woohoo! [Azfar] How about your second workout buddy, Wan? [Zarina] As for my second buddy, Wan, her results were remarkable! She passed her balance tests and was commended on her standing posture during the end of year doctor’s visit. That’s another success story to motivate you to go and get a workout buddy! For me, I noticed improvement in my flexibility with lesser muscle tension these days!   [Azfar] Wow! Impressive! Azimah started a workout session with Coach Zarina last week. Azimah, tell everyone: Did you enjoy stretching and working out together? [Azimah] YES, I like it so much. It’s really fun!  [Syazana] Yeah! Azimah was so excited, she told Coach Zarina that she wanted the next session to be held on the same day at the same time the following week.  [Azfar] Okay! Now, let’s listen to an audio recording of the workout session in action which was conducted by Coach Zarina via Zoom.  [Workout Session In Action] [Azfar] Now that we all know how much Azimah liked the workout session, shall we set a goal for Azimah to achieve in twelve (12) weeks? Perhaps some exercises to help her improve her balance? [Zarina] A SMART goal for Azimah is to exercise 3-4 times a week, for a duration of 30 minutes during each exercise session.  Now Azimah: To help you remember this, you can do the set of exercises that you and I do together every week on alternate days with your mom or brother.  [Syazana] What a great idea! Azimah, that means you can ask me to join you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while your brother can join you on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. [Zarina] So, are you ready for success, Azimah? [Azimah] Yes, I’m ready to rock and roll! Look, I’m wearing this T-shirt that says “No, excuses! Play like a champion!” [Azfar] Wow! We’ve got so many things happening!  Here’s a reminder to all our listeners: The information in this podcast is for educational purposes only.  You should consult your doctor, specialist or physical trainer for advice on your physical wellness goals before you plan to follow any of the suggestions or recommendations in this podcast. [Azimah] In the next episode, what will you be talking about, Coach Zarina? [Zarina] Next week, I will highlight the four types of exercise:  Endurance;  Strength; Balance; and Flexibility “...Now as variety is the spice of life in food, so it is in exercise. Change it up, but most of all, don't overdo it.”                                                                            [Martina Navratilova (Tennis Player with 59 Grand Slam titles)] [Azimah] Okay! I can think of doing different types of exercises just like I want to eat different types of food! So cool...and yummy! [Zarina] Let me give you a quick summary. There are four types of exercises. Each exercise serves different purposes and has different benefits for your physical well-being. Limiting yourself to one or (2) types of exercise could lead to injury and boredom. You should incorporate various exercises from each type of exercise in your routine to develop a well-rounded workout. [Azfar] What is the main difference between endurance exercise, strength, balance and flexibility exercises?  [Azimah] Tune in to the next episode to find out more!   ~ End of Segment II ~   * * *   We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or  Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.   ~ End of episode ~   * * *
  • 6. How To Cope With Anxiety During A Health Pandemic | Types of Exercise To Include In Your Physical Wellness Routine

    18:44||Season 1, Ep. 6
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE 6 | SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT EPISODE TITLE: How To Cope With Anxiety During A Health Pandemic | Types of Exercise To Include In Your Physical Wellness Routine   Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.  “Clear Waters.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0   International License. “Wounded”. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Groundwork.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Lift Motif.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Gold Rush.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Fig Leaf Rag.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.   Co-Sponsors Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Guest Speaker Zarina Noor   Scriptwriter | Producer | Director  Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast is a production of ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   Disclaimer The information provided in the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical doctor, specialist and/or personal trainer for advice on these topics. All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021.   * * *   Hello! Hola! Marhaba!  WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast…   SEGMENT I| HOW TO COPE WITH ANXIETY DURING A HEALTH PANDEMIC   [Syazana] Hello! May peace be upon you! [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!     [Syazana] You are listening to the sixth episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah.  [Azfar] This episode is co-sponsored by Hardi Kamsani and my dad, Azman Repin. Thank you and may God bless you.    [Syazana] Have you started your physical wellness journey such as taking wellness walks with your family? In the last episode, we talked about how to strengthen love and family bonding through regular wellness walks and the potential benefits that you can enjoy together. [Azimah] Hey! We promised our listeners that we will announce the first winner of our new ASKtrioWello Club membership giveaway, right? [Syazana] You are right, Azimah! [Azimah] Are you ready?  [Syazana] The first winner of our one-year ASKtrioWello Club VIP membership giveaway is… [Syazana] Connie C. from Sydney, Australia!  [Azimah] Bravo! Bravo! Congratulations!  [Syazana] Connie’s voice memo was the first entry we received for the January to March exclusive membership giveaway. She shared her personal story of how she coped with panic and anxiety during this global health pandemic. [Azimah] Let’s sit back, relax and listen to her short story…   Hello, ASKtrioWello team and everyone! This is Connie from Sydney, Australia.  Today, I just want to share with everyone: How did I cope with panic and anxiety over the uncertainty of this global health pandemic? First of all, I just had to tell myself that this is a global health pandemic so everybody is facing the same problem, not just myself. It is natural to feel anxious and I start to look at issues that are within my control so I can work on them first. Issues that are beyond my control, I’ll just let them go such as the uncertainty of when you’ll be back to normal again.  It helps to do journaling so I get a better perspective of things and organize my thoughts. It helps me with my emotions as well. I time myself for about five minutes to scribble any emotion or thought that is in my mind without worrying about spelling mistakes or grammar. Just keep writing. It helps to clear my mind. Pulling myself back and observing my own emotional thought(s) from a third party perspective helps to not identify with it and I become aware and conscious of it whenever any thought pops up.  Most of the time it is our own ego trying to get us to think in a complicated and dramatic way. Like one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Eckhart Tolle, says: “Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no purpose.”  We tend to worry about what is to happen in the future and forget about being in the present. Accepting the present moment is the key as it is the only reality we have now since it is happening now. Any thought about the future is just a thought and not a reality. The past is also not a reality anymore now as it might be a reality when it happened during that time. But now, it is not! Thank you.                                                                                                                [Voice memo by Connie C. from Sydney, Australia]            [Syazana] Did you learn something from the story? How about you, Azimah? [Azimah] Oh yes! I love to listen to real life stories. There’s always something for me to learn.  [Syazana] Good girl! Hey! I think we have something to celebrate today too. Do you remember? [Azimah] Oh yeah! We are very excited to welcome Connie and her son, Ethan, as our volunteers! [Syazana] That’s right! No words can describe how grateful we are to Connie and Ethan. They have informed us that they would love to help us with the production of the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast as our volunteers.   [Azimah] Do we need more volunteers? [Syazana] Of course! If you support our mission, have relevant skills such as marketing, copywriting, research or others and would like to help us build an inclusive community, why not sign up to be a volunteer with Friends of ASKtrioWello Club? [Azimah] Yes! Please visit! Stay tuned to the next episode to find out who the next winner is... [Azfar] and listen to more stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility.   ~End of segment 1~   * * *   SEGMENT 2 | TYPES OF EXERCISE TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PHYSICAL WELLNESS ROUTINE  Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City. [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest...Coach Zarina! Woohoo! Welcome back, Coach Zarina! [Syazana] Yeayyy!  [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! [Zarina] Thank you! I hope everyone is well. As you may have heard, New York City was hit by another major winter storm a few days ago. New Yorkers were urged to stay home. About 18 inches of snow had blanketed the city!  My outdoor classes were cancelled. I stayed active by playing the ‘Just Dance’ video game with my family and ‘met up’ with my workout buddies for a few awesome sessions. What about you? Have you found a workout or exercise buddy?  [Azimah] Oh yes! I am so lucky to have three exercise buddies: Coach Zarina and her daughter, Maryam, plus my mom. [Zarina] Awww! Exercising becomes so much fun when you have workout buddies, right? [Syazana] Certainly! [Azfar] What will you be talking about today? [Zarina] Today, I will talk about the different types of exercise.  [Azimah] Oh! Hang on! Do you have any inspirational quotes to share with our listeners? [Zarina] I sure do! It’s one of my favorites:                                  “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”                                                                             [Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives] [Azfar] That’s a good one!  [Zarina] It’s okay if you miss a few workout sessions to get some rest. However, as soon as your body is ready, get going and continue your journey with a positive attitude. Now, let’s learn about the four types of exercises: Do you know the main differences between one type of exercise with another? [Azimah] Uh-oh! I don’t know.  [Azfar] Let’s put on our thinking hats and listen well. [Zarina] Sounds good!  [Azfar] What is the first type of exercise? [Zarina] Type #1 | Endurance Exercise Endurance, also known as cardio and aerobic exercise is probably the most popular type! This involves exercises that increase your breathing and heart rate. Endurance exercises work your heart, lung and circulatory system, keeping them healthy while improving your total fitness.  [Azimah] What is the second type of exercise, Coach Zarina? [Zarina] Type #2 | Strength Exercise Strength exercise helps to develop strong muscles and bones. Also known as resistance and weight training, it involves using your own bodyweight or tools like resistant band and dumbbells to stimulate muscle development, build strength and endurance.  [Azfar] How about the third type of exercise? [Zarina] Type #3 | Balance Exercise “Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls.” [Watson, Stephanie. (2020, Nov 23). Balance Training: How it works. Retrieved February 4th, 2021 from the World Wide Web:]        [Azimah] Oh! I know about balance...balance exercises! Thanks to you, my gym teacher and mom for teaching me. [Zarina] That’s right! You’re doing quite well, Azimah. Keep it up! [Azimah] Bravo! Bravo! Woo! So, what’s the fourth type of exercise? [Zarina] Type #4 | Flexibility Exercise Flexibility exercise is done by stretching your muscle. It makes your body limber and easier for the joints to move in different directions. Regular exercise is positively related to wellness. Since each type of exercise focuses on different parts of the body, (it’s) best to include all four types into your workout to gain the benefits.  [Azfar] So, let’s recall: What are the four types of exercise? Endurance exercise; strength exercise... [Azimah] Balance exercise... [Syazana] And flexibility exercise. [Zarina] Typically, most of us will choose brisk walking, jogging or cycling as endurance workouts! As mentioned in the previous episode, a smart strategy is to select a workout that can be done indoors too! For me, I invest in an indoor stationary bike to cycle at home.  [Syazana] That’s awesome! I used to have a stationary bike years ago but not anymore. I used to go to the gym in my neighborhood before the start of the pandemic.  That’s where I met my gym buddy who is also a music scholar: she’s a professional flutist, writer and a music teacher. Hello, Miss P! How are you? I know you might be listening to this podcast! [Azimah] We miss you, Miss P!  [Syazana] Yeah! Ever since she moved out of the neighborhood about a year ago, we hardly meet in-person but we’re still keeping in touch through phone or video calls and text messages.  [Zarina] There are many exercises that do not require equipment at all. Whatever you chose, remember to warm up. Start gradually and build up.  Here’s another example of a 5-minute warm up that begins with two (2) minutes of light cardio moves. You can choose to march or jog in place, jump rope or do jumping jacks to get your heart rate up. For now, let’s continue with more tips on what stretches you can do at home with your family...   Stretch #1: Body weight squats  If your legs are not warmed up yet, do shallow squats for this move.  Now stand with your feet (about) shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly out. Engage your core and bend at your hips to sit on an ‘invisible chair’.  Keep your butt back and your weight in your heels.  Check that your knees are inline(in line) with your toes and stand back up. Again. Down and up. Now we’re gonna repeat for 30-60 seconds. Make sure you breathe. Good! Well done!   Stretch #2: Lunge with a twist Stand with your hip-width apart with your arms straight in front of you.  Step your right foot forward, bend both knees and twist your torso to the right.  Now engage your core and squeeze your glutes. Slowly, bring your arms back to center and return to (the) starting position.  Now we’re gonna repeat with your left leg. Step your left foot forward. Bend both knees and twist your torso to the left.  Yes, engage your core and squeeze your glutes. Slowly bring your arms back to center and return to (the) starting position. Good! Now we’re gonna continue for 60 seconds.  But remember to twist the torso on the same side as the forward leg. Good! And recover.  Let’s move on to...   Stretch #3: Inchworm  Start in a standing position.  Roll down gently until your hands touch the ground. Slowly, walk your hands forward until you are one long line in a plank position.  Now pause. Let’s walk your hands back towards your feet and slowly stand up to the starting position. Now we’re gonna repeat this for 30 seconds. Ready? Begin! Roll down... Good! High plank up and walk your hands back towards your feet and breathe. Well done, everybody! When you’re perspiring lightly and feeling warmth all over your body, you are set to begin your endurance routine! Have a great work out!   [Azfar] If you like to share your exercise routine with our listeners or need more ideas for indoor cardio workout, please send us an email with your text or voice memo to We’re having a special promo again! EIGHT (8) listeners will win a one-year VIP membership to the new ASKtriowello Club.  [Zarina] Wow! That sounds like a great deal! [Syazana] Yeah! Don’t miss this chance! Visit our website: [Azimah] So, everyone: Stay tuned to the next episode! Like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!   ~ End of Segment 2 ~   * * *   We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or  Visit our website at and *SUBSCRIBE to ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podbean Podcast App & Player and YouTube@asktriowello as at June 2021.   ~ End of episode ~   * * *
  • 7. How To Build Trust In Relationships | Endurance Exercise and Stretches To Help You Achieve Your Physical Wellness Goals

    19:12||Season 1, Ep. 7
    SEASON 1 | EPISODE 7 | SHOW NOTES EPISODE TITLE: How To Build Trust In Relationships | Endurance Exercise and Stretches To Help You Achieve Your Physical Wellness Goals   Music Copyright and Attribution “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “The Master” by This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “A Moment’s Reflection” by This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Happy Little Elves” by This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Promising Relationship.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution  3.0 International License. “Open Those Bright Eyes.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Doh De Oh.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Barroom Ballet.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Blackbird.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Heroic Reception.” This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. “Heart Beat” by Mixkit Sound Effects. "Music Mix" by Hardi Kamsani. This work is an original contribution by the artist and was created using royalty-free GarageBand Loop Library, GarageBand software.   Co-Sponsors Hardi Kamsani and Azman Repin (M. S.)   Hosts Azimah Azman, Azfar Azman and Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   Guest Speaker Zarina Noor   Scriptwriter | Producer | Director  Syazana B. Mohamed Sani (M. S.)   ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast is a production of ASKtrioWello LLC (New York).   Disclaimer The information provided in the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast is for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor, specialist or personal trainer for advice on your physical wellness goals before you plan to follow any of the suggestions or recommendations in this podcast.  All Rights Reserved ©ASKtrioWello LLC 2021.   * * * Hello! Hola! Marhaba!  WELCOME to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! Join me, Syazana Sani and the Astro Duo, Azfar Azman and Azimah Azman, your hosts from New York. Let’s strive to educate, regenerate and elevate family institutions through optimal productivity and wellness education, one episode at a time.  ARE YOU READY to listen to inspirational stories of trust, respect, acceptance, integrity, love and social responsibility from multicultural families and special needs communities? Sit back, relax and be inspired by the awesome people that we highlight in the first segment of the podcast…   SEGMENT I| How To Build Trust In Relationships  Part I  [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! This episode is co-sponsored by Hardi Kamsani and my dad, Azman Repin. Thank you and may God bless you.  [Syazana] Hello! May peace be upon you! You are listening to the seventh episode of the first season of the podcast with me, Syazana, and the Astro Duo, Azfar and Azimah.  Do you remember what we talked about last week? [Azimah] Hmmm...Let me think... Ah! I remember the voice memo by Connie, our first Club membership giveaway winner! [Syazana] Excellent! Yes, Connie shared about the benefits of journaling to help her cope with anxiety during the health pandemic triggered by the Coronavirus.  Do you remember that Connie was my old classmate from Merlimau Primary School in Singapore?  [Azimah] Of course! She was the one who called-in to say hello at the LIVE Cast of our Podcast Pre Launch Party in January. [Excerpt from LIVE cast recording of the ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast Pre Launch Party on January 1st, 2021 via Podbean LIVE Streaming.]  [Syazana] Xie Xie ni, thank you, Connie! Wow! Not only was it refreshing to hear her speak in three languages, it warms my heart to have a friend, not of the same race, ethnic group or religion, who is so sincere and ready to help her friend in need by stepping up to be a volunteer for this podcast.  Today, we’ll talk a little bit more about trust as an important universal value that is necessary to build a good relationship with another person. Do you know what trust means? [Azimah] Oh! You mean like I trust my BFF Jules and she trusts me too? [Syazana] That’s right, my clever princess! Trust is important in every relationship. It could be a family relationship, a friendship, a working relationship, building communities in a neighborhood and also to build an inclusive, online community like ASKtrioWello.  Trust cannot be built overnight. It takes time to build trust, sometimes it takes months, other times, it takes years!  [Azfar] Here’s an inspirational quote from The Stoic Emperor that Connie shared with us:  “Trust is built slowly. Trust is destroyed quickly. Trust can make complex things possible. The absence of trust can make simple things impossible. Trust powers relationships, businesses, nations. Trust is as precious as it is fragile.”                                                                                                                   [The Stoic Emperor] [Maxime Lagace. (2021). Retrieved February 14, 2021 from the World Wide Web:]  [Azimah] Hey! We promised our listeners that we will announce the next winner of our (club) membership giveaway, right? [Syazana] Yes! [Azimah] The second winner of our ASKtrioWello Club VIP membership giveaway is...sister  Zahia from Watervliet, New York! Masha’Allah! Masha’ Allah. Congratulations! [Syazana] Zahia is an American citizen who lives with her husband in Watervliet (New York).   She’s originally from Algeria and is one of the amazing people we met here in New York: she’s kind, caring and knows how to handle special needs kids like Azimah. In fact, she reminds me of my sister, Win, in Singapore!  [Azimah] Two weeks ago, sister Zahia invited us over to her home and we went for a wellness walk together in her neighborhood.  [Syazana] Yeah! Last week, she invited us over to her home again and we went for another wellness walk! This time her husband, Ammar, drove us to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), one of the oldest colleges in New York located in Troy. We walked together at the stadium and then toured the city of Troy. Zahia is pretty, slim and fit. She’s health conscious and cares a lot about physical wellness.  Do you know what’s her secret for optimal productivity and wellness?  [Azimah] I think so!  [Azfar] Okay! Now, tell everyone: What’s her first secret? [Azimah] She goes for walks with her husband everyday for one to two hours! [Azfar] What’s her second secret? [Azimah] She eats and cooks healthy meals! Yum! Yummy!   [Syazana] Plus healthy desserts and beverages!  [Azfar] Is there a third secret? [Syazana] Yes, indeed! Like many good Muslims we know, she strives to build good relationships with people and share knowledge that is beneficial to others. Now here’s a bonus for everyone: When I asked Zahia if she’s willing to share recipes of the tea and cake she served us last week, she said...YES! [Azimah] Woohoo! Woohoo! To get the recipe for sister Zahia’s Chocolate Flaxseed Walnut Cake and learn how to make a simple, refreshing Oregano Tea, stay tuned to the next episode to find out more…   ~ End of Segment I ~   * * *   SEGMENT II | Endurance Exercise and Stretches To Help You In Achieving Your Physical Wellness Goals Coming up next… In the second segment of the podcast, we’ll learn about productivity and the nine dimensions of wellness—physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, social, intellectual, mental, occupational and financial wellness—so we can survive and thrive in this unpredictable world. This week, you’ll get tips and strategies on how to embark on your wellness journey through physical wellness with Coach Zarina from New York City. [Azimah] Now it’s time to welcome our special guest...Coach Zarina! Welcome back, Coach Zarina! [Syazana] Yeayyy!  [Azfar] Welcome back to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast! [Zarina] Thank you! Wow...I can’t believe that we have reached episode number seven (7)! Time    flies when one is having fun! It’s also the third week of February 2021. Do you know that February is the American Heart Month? This is the time where major heart organisations in the US spotlight the heart disease, the leading cause of death here.    “Heart disease can impact anyone, but risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse can increase the likelihood of developing the disease.  By adopting a few healthy habits, each of us can reduce our risk.”      [JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America] [Source: The White House: A Proclamation on American Heart Month, February 3rd, 2021.  Presidential Actions] [Azfar] Since physical inactivity is a risk factor of heart disease, it means that we all need to strive to lead an active lifestyle, right? [Zarina] That’s right, Azfar! One of the healthy habits that you can adopt is to include physical activity in your lifestyle. I know that you have resumed jogging at least twice a week even when it’s cold out and that’s awesome! Keep it up! [Azfar] Thank you! [Zarina] From the last episode, we’ve learned that endurance exercises involve activities that increase your breathing and heart rate. They work to keep your heart, lung and circulatory system healthy.  Today, let’s take a closer look at an endurance exercise that also helps to improve your mood, build strength and overall health.  Can you guess what it is? [Azimah] Any clues, please? [Zarina] Sure!  First clue: It’s a simple exercise and it’s free!  Second clue: It’s a good choice for those with joint problems.  Third clue: The only thing you need is... a pair of comfortable shoes! [Azfar] I know! Walking! [Azimah] Hey! I know it too!  [Zarina] Yes, it’s walking!  For beginners, it’s ideal to begin with brisk walking. At this pace, you can still talk comfortably but need to catch your breath every few sentences. When you find that talking is only possible in spurts of three or four words, you are on power walking mode! This is a faster paced walk with your arms swinging front to back. It is important to maintain proper forms to benefit from your walk and avoid injury. Are you ready? [Azfar, Azimah] Yes! Yeah! Tip #1: Head and shoulder  Try to focus your eyes straight ahead at the horizon. Keep your neck comfortable in line with your spine. Relax your shoulders.  Tip #2: Abdominal and chest Engage your core. Imagine ‘zipping up’ your abdominal to bring your navel up and towards your spine. This will help to keep your chest up.  Tip #3: Arms and hand  Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and keep them close to your body. Relax your arms with palms facing inwards, swing front to back in pace with the stride of the opposite leg.  And lastly…  Tip #4: Feet Land gently on your heel, rolling softly to push off with your toes. Imagine showing the bottom of your shoe to the person behind you. [Azfar] Good tips, Coach Zarina! [Zarina] Just like stretching is encouraged in your warm up, it’s also best to stretch after a good walk when your muscles are still warm.  These are three stretches that you can do to help maintain your mobility, improve flexibility and reduce the chance of injuries.  [Azimah] What is stretch number one? [Zarina] Stretch #1 : Calf and hip stretches Step your right foot forward and bend your right knee. Make a quick check to make sure that it is behind your foot. Keep your left heel grounded and straight behind you. You should feel the stretch in your left calf and hip. Hold for 15 seconds. Switch legs and repeat. [Azfar] What is stretch number two? [Zarina] Stretch #2: Back and hamstring stretches Stand with your feet together with a slight bend on your knees. Lean forward from your waist towards the ground. Let your head and arms hang loosely under its own weight, and let it ease into the stretch with each deep breath. Let’s go for ten (10) slow deep breaths. Slowly bring yourself up to the starting position and repeat. [Azimah] Okay! What is stretch number three? [Zarina] Stretch #3: Quadriceps stretch Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Using your left hand, reach back to grab your left foot or ankle and pull it towards your butt. Make sure your knee is pointing down towards the floor. Hold for 15 seconds. Release to switch legs and repeat. So, how do you feel after doing those stretches? [Syazana] I feel good!  [Azimah] Yeah!      [Azfar, Syazana] It’s a good break! [Zarina] Do these stretches slowly. Please stop if you feel dizzy or uncomfortable. If it’s necessary, rest one hand on something stable for balance, if you need to. That’s it for today! Do you need more ideas, tips and strategies? [Azimah] Stay tuned to the next episode to get more ideas, tips and strategies for you and your family! [Azfar] If you like to share your exercise routine with our listeners or need more ideas for indoor cardio workout, please send us an email with your text or voice memo to We’re having a special promo again! EIGHT (8) listeners will win a one-year VIP membership to the new ASKtriowello Club.  [Zarina] Wow! That sounds like a great deal! [Syazana] Yeah! Don’t miss this chance! Visit our website:! [Azimah] So, everyone: Stay tuned to the next episode! Like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter! ~ End of Segment II ~   * * *    We’ve now come to the end of the show today. If you have enjoyed our show, like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @asktriowello a-s-k-t-r-i-o-w-e-l-l-o. Send us your feedback to or  Visit our website at ( and *SUBSCRIBE to the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast!   *Available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Tune In, Listen Notes, Pandora and Podbean Podcast App & Player as at June 2021.   ~ End of episode ~   * * *