
cover art for Xena: One Against an Army

As The Chakram Turns

Xena: One Against an Army

Season 3, Ep. 11

We are back with a very dear episode of Xena: One Against an Army. While Helen has some issues with the episode, and it's themes, Bryn is very eager to talk about this episode and it's meaning to the fans. Join the two of us as we trample through this episode of Xena and other as we work our way through the show that brought us together.

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  • 10. Xena: The Bitter Suite

    49:20||Season 3, Ep. 10
    We are back with one of the most anticipated episodes of Xena: The Bitter Suite. The TV musical episode that never gets credit for starting the random musical episode trend. Both Bryn and Helen have strong opinions and feelings regarding the episode and because of that, this episode is almost an hour. Join us in our discussion by emailing us at or joining us on Instagram and Tiktok with @asthechakramturns
  • 8. Xena: Maternal Instincts

    37:37||Season 3, Ep. 8
    We are back with the first of the big rift Xena episodes: Maternal Instincts. Both of us are way too excited to get into this story line but also way too opinionated about a 25 year old show. Join us as we discuss the length and depth of Gabrielle's lies, how evil and smart Hope really is, and how Xena some how knows everything that's going to happen. We also see the return of Callisto and her problem with rock caves. Join us for our rewatch, and join the discussion with us by email or on socials with @asthechakramturns and @thechakramturns (twitter) intro/outro: Globe trekking by Philip Ayers.
  • 9. Xena: Warrior, Prestress, Tramp

    26:05||Season 3, Ep. 9
    We are back to talk about an other of the many doppleganger episodes that Xena has to offer with Warrior, Priestess, Tramp. Join us this week as we discuss how well Lucy does at making sure the audience knows who is talking, the evolution of how Gabby is treated, and which of Joxer's songs we prefer. If you'd like to reach out with questions or to just add to the conversation, you can email us at: asthechakramturns@gmail.comor find us on our socials with: @asthechakram turns (IG and Tiktok) and @thechakramturns (twitter)intro/outro: Globe Trekking by Philip Ayers
  • 7. Xena: The King of Assassins

    28:32||Season 3, Ep. 7
    After all the trauma of the last few weeks we are happy to return to a more lighthearted Xena episode. Autolycus and Joxer join up with the duo this episode for some twin shenanigans that also include Cleopatra for some reason. The Xena timeline is officially off the rails. Bryn and I discuss weird silly things, while enjoying the ability to laugh after four very serious Xena episodes. Join our discussions by sending an email to us at or find us on our socials with @asthechakram turns for insta and tiktok and @thechakramturns for twitterintro/outtro: Globe trekking by Philip Ayers.
  • 6. Xena: The Debt

    36:47||Season 3, Ep. 6
    We are back with a pod that includes the next two episodes of Xena: The Debt. These two episodes deserved to be covered together so we did that, also there was just no real clear way to break them up. In this episode Helen and Bryn discuss the next backstory dump that we get about Xena, this time with a change of location to Chin. We learn about how she got healed, and continue to have discussion about whether or not this rift is really a rift or just a bunch of really bad choices made with the idea that the other person couldn't handle the choices that were made. It's complicated. You can join in on the conversation with us at or using @asthechakramturns on most social media sites .Intro/outro: Globe Trekking by Philip Ayers
  • 5. Xena: Gabrielle's Hope

    29:06||Season 3, Ep. 5
    After a week to deal with an unexpected OCD trigger, we are back with the follow up to The Deliverer: Gabrielle's Hope. Join us as we discuss the things we liked and disliked about this episode. We are very interested in hearing your thoughts on this one as well. You can email us at asthechakramturns@gmail.comOr find us on our socials with @asthechakramturns or @thechakramturns (twitter only)
  • 4. Xena: The Deliverer

    26:10||Season 3, Ep. 4
    This week we stumble into one of our dreaded episodes. Join us as we tumble into the start of the big rift between Xena and Gabrielle, that happens throughout the entirety of this season. Helen and Brin actually do not agree about something this time around and both are pretty passionate about it. If you want to join us in conversation, you can email us at You can also find us on most social media with @asthechakramturnsIntro/outro Globe Trekking by Philip Ayers
  • 3. Xena: Dirty Half Dozen

    28:42||Season 3, Ep. 3
    We are back with the episode we forgot was the real episode 3: The Dirty Half Dozen. We discuss how Ares is very clearly sus during this episode, and how Gabby is also not what the happy tag along any more. Join us as we discuss how Xena handled their first season long story arc. Email: asthechakramturns@gmail.comSocials: @asthechakramturns /@thechakramturnsIntro/outro: Globe Trekking by Philip Ayers