
The Role of the State, Media & Ruling Class in Class War Britain - Lessons for Today
The second session of the 'Class War in Britain - The Miners' Strike 40 Years On' event marking 40 years since the Miners' Strike.
The role of the State, Media & Ruling Class in Class War Britain - Lessons for Today
Tune in with Jon Trickett MP, Hugh Lanning, who led the campaign to overturn the ban on unions at GCHQ & Niamh Iliff, Nottingham student campaigner and Sam Browse, Arise Festival.
Education, discussion and debate on one of the most important struggles in our history - including what really happened; the role of the state and media; and lessons for solidarity and socialism today.
As mentioned throughout the discussion you can find all our upcoming events and how to support Arise Festival here:
Hosted by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas.
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Palestine: The Struggle for Justice in 2025 - with Dr Mustafa Barghouti
54:26|Q&A with Dr Mustafa Barghouti, direct from Palestine.Mustafa Barghouti is a Palestinian physician, activist, and politician who serves as General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI). He has been a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council since 2006and is a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization Central Council. In 2007, he was Minister of Information in the Palestinian unity government.Hosted by Arise - a Festival of Left Ideas and Labour & Palestine.Intro music for the Arise Festival Podcast - "Which Side Are You On" by Sam Browse.100 Years on What Would Lenin Make of the World Today - with Steve Howell
55:51|With Steve Howell - author of 'Game Changer,' the novel 'Collateral Damage' & former advisor to Jeremy Corbyn.Lenin lies in a tomb in Moscow, yet his teachings are still reviled by 'mainstream' politics 100 years since his death. Yet in today's world, riven by inequality & war, is it worth returning to his forensic analysis of imperialism and opposition to its wars?Leading anti-imperialist writer Steve Howell looks at the world situation using the framework of Lenin's famous "Imperialism" and how this can help transform our activism today.Hosted by Lenin 100 and supported by Arise Festival. Lenin 100 in Britain is a series of events run by volunteers taking place in 2024 to commemorate Lenin's life and legacy.Intro music for the Arise Festival Podcast - "Which Side Are You On" by Sam Browse.Trump - Hands off Latin America!
01:07:35|Trump - Hands off Latin America! No to Racism and US Intervention, Yes to Social Progress and Equality!With... Rodolfo Pastor, Former Secretary of the Presidency, HondurasAlex Main, Director of International Policy at the Center for Economic & Policy Research, USDr. Francisco Dominguez (VSC & NSCAG)Bernard Regan (CSC)Maria Perez Ramos (Mexico)Sarah Woolley, BFAWU General Secretary. Chair. Presented by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas with support from the Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Bolivia, Friends of Ecuador, Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America, Mexico Solidarity Forum, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, Wiphalas Across the World & more.Intro music for the Arise Festival Podcast - "Which Side Are You On" by Sam Browse.The Future of The Left After Trump’s Election
01:24:14|How can the Left in the US respond to Trump's victory, why did he win and how can we build the global alliances to challenge his reactionary agenda?An analytical discussion by leading Left US speakers:• Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation & Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership• Dan Denvir, host of the socialist podcast The Dig.• Waleed Shahid, former spokesperson for Justice Democrats.• Gabriel Winant, writer about work, inequality, and capitalism in modern America.Facilitated by John McDonnell MP. Hosted by 'Arise - a Festival of Left Ideas.'Intro music for the Arise Festival Podcast - "Which Side Are You On" by Sam Browse.Public Ownership and Control - Key to Tackling the Crises We Face
01:01:58|Moves to bring rail back into public ownership have been welcomed across the country, and support is growing for public ownership of water and energy too, alongside ongoing movements for an end to privatising our public services.At a time of financial and environmental crises, tune into this discussion on how public ownership and control is key to our future with Trickett MP, Cat Hobbs (We Own It), Ben Chacko (Morning Star), and Tom Griffiths, (Keep our NHS Public). Chair - Siân Errington, Arise.Part of a regular series of online events looking at the cost-of-living crisis and Left economic policy alternatives.Hosted by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas in association with The Morning Star. You can see what's coming up from Arise Festival and support us at Blakeley on Theories of Imperialism & the Crisis Today
47:03|Grace Blakeley, acclaimed author of 'Vulture Capitalism,' joins Matt Willgress of Arise Festival to discuss "How can theories of imperialism and state-monopoly capitalism help us understand the crisis today?"In today's world riven by crisis, inequality and war is it worth returning to the classic theories of Lenin, Bukharin, Luxemburg, Hilferding and others about imperialism to help us understand and transform society?Hosted by Arise - a Festival of Left Ideas as part of the Lenin 100 series. Lenin 100 in Britain is a series of events ran by volunteers taking place in 2024 to commemorate Lenin's life & legacy.UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Briefing
36:55|A briefing on Palestine, Trump, the Labour Government and International Law for UN Palestine Day. Tune in to hear from leading voices for Palestine: Richard Burgon MP, Hugh Lanning (Labour & Palestine), Louise Regan (Palestine Solidarity Campaign), Mads Wainman (Warwick Students Union officer), and Jess Barnard, Labour NEC. Hosted by Arise - a Festival of Left Ideas and Labour & Palestine. You support Arise Festival and find all our upcoming events at' Political Economy - the annual Engels Lecture with Economist Michael Roberts
55:25|Michael Roberts presents an online lecture on 'Engels - his contribution to political economy.'Michael Roberts worked in the City of London as an economist for over 40 years. He has closely observed the machinations of global capitalism from within the dragon’s den. At the same time, he was a political activist in the labour movement for decades.Since retiring, he has written several books. The Great Recession – a Marxist view (2009); The Long Depression (2016); Marx 200: a review of Marx’s economics (2018): and jointly with Guglielmo Carchedi as editors of World in Crisis (2018).You can find a link to the slides in the lecture here: forever! Class Unity - the Fight for Coal Not Dole, and the Struggle for Socialism
39:55|The third and final session of 'Class War in Britain - The Miners' Strike 40 Years On'Solidarity forever! Class Unity - the Fight for Coal Not Dole, and the Struggle for SocialismTune in with Ian Lavery MP; Sabby Dhalu, Co-Convenor of Stand up to Racism; Sarah Woolley, BFAWU General Secretary and Mish Rahman. Education, discussion and debate on one of the most important struggles in our history - including what really happened; the role of the state and media; and lessons for solidarity and socialism today.As mentioned throughout the discussion you can find all our upcoming events and how to support Arise Festival here: by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas.