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A Festival Of Left Ideas

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  • No More Cuts - Pre-Autumn Budget Discussion

    With yet more cuts on the agenda, find out why real change has to mean ending austerity for good, how we build the resistance, and the case for investment in our future. The first in a series of events opposing - and explaining the alternatives to - never-ending austerity, held ahead of the Autumn Budget 2023Tune into the discussion with former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Economist and Author Grace Blakeley, Gawain Little of the General Federation of Trade Unions and BFAWU General Secretary Sarah Woolley. Hosted by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas. Supported by the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU.)

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  • Lenin on Ireland: The decisive blow against English imperialism

    "If England is the bulwark of European landlordism & capitalism, the only point at which one can strike a major blow against official England is Ireland." - Karl MarxArise hosted this event as part of the Lenin 100 Series with Joe Dwyer, writer of forthcoming book on Lenin & Ireland, & Sinn Féin London Office.Lenin lies in a tomb in Moscow, yet his teachings are still reviled by 'mainstream' politics 100 years since his death. Yet in today's world, riven by inequality & war, is it worth returning to his demands of 'Peace, Land and Bread'? And our his writings on Ireland worth returning to as the nation moves towards unity and self-determinationsTo understand what Lenin really thought and did - and what we can learn from him today - Joe will take us through what he had to say on Ireland, how it inspires Irish socialists and what remains relevant for us all today in our struggle for a better world.Lenin 100 in Britain is a series of events ran by volunteers taking place in 2024 to commemorate Lenin's life and legacy.
  • Lenin as an Economist

    Lenin lies in a tomb in Moscow, yet his teachings are still reviled by 'mainstream' politics 100 years since his death. Yet in today's world, riven by inequality and war, is it worth returning to his demands of 'Peace, Land and Bread'?To understand what Lenin really thought and did we are hosting this 'Lenin 100' series. This session looks at his economic ideas, including the classic analysis "Imperialism - the Highest Stage of Capitalism" & the innovative ideas behind the New Economic Policy.Michael Roberts worked in the City of London as an economist for over 40 years. He has closely observed the machinations of global capitalism from within the dragon’s den. At the same time, he was a political activist in the labour movement for decades. Since retiring, he has written several books: The Great Recession – a Marxist view (2009); The Long Depression (2016); & Marx 200: a review of Marx’s economics (2018).Hosted by Lenin 100 and supported by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas. Lenin 100 in Britain is a series of events run by volunteers taking place in 2024 to commemorate Lenin's life and legacy.
  • Palestine: What should the new UK Government do?

    After the UK election, Labour & Palestine hosted a discussion with the Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot, Andy McDonald MP, Hugh Lanning (Labour & Palestine) and Jess Barnard (Labour NEC representative) on what the new Labour Government can do for Palestine. Banning arms to Israel, standing up for International Law, restoring UNRWA funding and recognising the state of Palestine - will the mass movement for Palestine be able to push the Government to take action? Supported by Arise - a Festival of Left Ideas.
  • Lenin Lives! The Struggle for Socialism – 100 Years On

    Tune into the opening session of the Lenin 100 Series with Paul Le Blanc, author, 'Lenin. Responding to Catastrophe, Forging Revolution,' sitting down with series host Logan Williams to discuss Lenin's legacy and the struggle for socialism 100 years on. This event was held as part of the Lenin 100 series, supported by Arise: A Festival of Left Ideas.
  • Vulture Capitalism - Grace Blakeley & Jeremy Corbyn In Conversation

    Grace Blakeley and Jeremy Corbyn talk about Grace new book: 'Vulture Capitalism - Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts and the Death of Freedom.'In Vulture Capitalism, acclaimed journalist Grace Blakeley takes on the world's most powerful corporations by showing how the causes of our modern crisis are the intended result of our capitalist system. It's not broken, it's working exactly as planned.As Ha-Joon Chang says, 'Read this book if you want to make fundamental changes to the world.'Hosted by Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas.Intro music: Which side are you on - by Sam Browse. You can find Sam's music on Spotify.
  • May Day Rally for Palestine

    Tune in for this online rally to mark International Workers' Day by demanding a ceasefire now, holding our government to account for complicity in war crimes and showing solidarity with Palestine. With special guest H.E Ambassador Husam Zomlot and speakers including: Richard Burgon MP, John McDonnell MP, Kim Johnson MP, Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, Beth Winter MP, Louise Regan (Palestine Solidarity Campaign & NEU), Maryam Eslamdoust (TSSA General Secretary), Gawain Little (GFTU GS), Jess Barnard (LP NEC member), Sam Browse (Arise), Mish Rahman (LP NEC member), Hugh Lanning (Labour & Palestine)Hosted by Labour & Palestine in association with Arise - A Festival of Left Ideas.