
cover art for No Perfect Time Place Condition

Another Day's Journey

No Perfect Time Place Condition

We are always looking for the perfect place time and condition but is there really one? We must just learn to trust God and follow His plan.

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  • Can't Go Back

    When God brings you out don't go back to yesterday's mindset
  • Why I Have Not Left The Church

    With so many people expressing why they have left the church. I wanted to take a moment and express why I have not left the church
  • Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

    There is an old question still asked today why bad things happens to good people? My question does is does bad things only happen to good people and what can we learn from it?
  • Monday Morning Quarterback

    We can so easily look at other's decision and say I would have done it this or that way. But in reality, would we?
  • Freedom in God

    Because of Jesus Christ, we have a been given freedom from our sin. We have been forgiven.
  • Choose to Die Daily

    We are instructed through scripture we must die daily. We have to choose daily to crucify the old man, our old ways of thinking and doing. Old things have passed away and all things have become new.
  • Choose to remove the speck or the beam

    Often times we are quick to point out and try to remove the speck in someone else eye, but God calls for us first to remove the beam in our own eye. What choice have you been making lately?
  • Choose Who You Will Serve

    Joshusa 24:15 informs us to make a choice. The choice of whose God you want to serve. That choice is still echoing today. What God are you serving, the god of this world or the true and living God?