
cover art for 10. attempting sobriety

am I okay

10. attempting sobriety

Season 1, Ep. 10

Guys, I apologise I recorded this episode SO long ago - I usually record about a month before posting but somehow this episode has ended up being more like 2 months later. So we're talking The Traitors, we're talking Dry January yet we're in March.

But anyway, I've never ever completed Dry Jan - but I think you do these things in life when you're ready for them, and I've been dabbling in drinking less alcohol for the past year or so as I've become increasingly more aware of the connection between hangovers and my anxiety and my productivity and even my overall self worth.

I think the reason I succeeded is because there was absolutely zero pressure at all - I just woke up on 1st Jan and said 'right, I think I'm gonna try dry January', no pressure if it turns into a damp Jan, but let's attempt it. I had two goals... the first being to stop this dependence on alcohol and detach myself from the idea that nights out will automatically be less fun without it, and 2) to see if there was ACTUALLY any difference in how I felt. You may be disappointed to hear that there was (I was disappointed too, to an extent), but in actuality it's so so exciting! Life can be good without alcohol! I actually didn't have a drink until March and the only reason I did was because I was getting so stressed about the concept of drinking again and how I'd deal with it (hello OCD) that I almost needed to break the fear by drinking (confusing but it makes sense if you know my controlling brain xo). Now it's the end of March and I drink WAY less, I have almost zero dependence on it and I've been on multiple nights out DANCING SOBER!

This is absolutely not to make anyone who drinks feel guilty for drinking - we all deserve to do whatever we want in life. It's to show people that as quite a heavy, dependent drinker, you can stop drinking and still enjoy life. Plus alcohol MIGHT be making your anxiety worse, and I'm so grateful to have learnt this now.

Kisses & happy drinking - margarita or virgin margarita xxxxx

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  • 17. 17. why everyone needs to go solo travelling

    53:22||Season 1, Ep. 17
    Hello people! Today we’re talking about solo travelling because I truly think it’s the most soul-healing, confidence-boosting, incredible thing in the world and everyone needs to do it. Nothing is more life-affirming than throwing yourself into a country, situation, hostel that you've never been to and are totally alone in, and being forced to get comfortable with it. Being forced to speak to strangers when you feel anxious, awkward, embarrassed, and then realising that everyone is so lovely, everyone is in the same boat, and people that you would never have thought you'd have been friends with in 'the real world' turn out to be some of the most brilliant people you've ever met.When you're on your own there's no room for judgement - I think when you're travelling with friends you end up leaning more into each other, you're more choosy about who you spend your time with or what you spend your time doing. But when you're solo you can't care about what anyone thinks because it's just you - there's no one else to bounce off. You just have to follow your gut, make decisions for yourself, be strong enough to do exactly what YOU want to do and ultimately be ABLE to do exactly what you want to do.The joy of being able to do your own thing and then have hundreds of people to hang out and drink with in the evening. The fun of travelling with different groups of people for different sections of your travels. The magic of riding a moped in the sunset, parking up at a beachside bar and having a beer on your own, with your journal or just your thoughts. And don't get me wrong there are times when it's hard and lonely and sometimes even sad that the people you love aren't with you for some of the best moments of your life - but it is so, SO worth it for the gain. It also cured my relationship with food because I didn't have the time or energy to restrict, or care about how I looked, or choose 'low calorie' options, because how can you immerse yourself in a country's culture when you're obsessing over calories?PLEASE go on a solo trip - even if just for a few days, it will make you so happy.So much love and kisses xxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 16. 16. lies women have been told: uterus edition

    31:48||Season 1, Ep. 16
    Hi guys, today's episode is a bit different but I felt I needed to spread the word about some VERY important information I found out about our menstrual cycle that could literally CHANGE THE WAY WE LIVE. I'm sure by now a lot of people know that the hormonal pill ain't so good for us - or at least it's doing more to our hormones than we probably realise. It's changing our moods, it's affecting how we feel, it quite literally causes us to have different personalities while we're on it. I know people who've felt more angry, more sad, more anxious, more sensitive AS PEOPLE for the entirety of their life while on the pill, and then have come off it and lost those more 'negative' emotions / traits. There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling angry or sad or being sensitive sometimes, but if hormones that aren't supposed to be in your body are causing it, then maybe it's not so great?The second, and I think probably less known thing, is that us women should be working and living with our menstrual cycle - and for each phase of our cycle we have different energy levels, we crave different things, we desire differing amounts of social interaction, we're even MORE ATTRACTIVE and people ARE MORE LIKELY TO SAY YES TO US during certain times of our cycle. It's just crazy and I can't believe this isn't common knowledge. It's bad and mad and annoying but also very very great to know now. And this isn't just some woo woo spiritual stuff, this genuine science and facts and it should be plastered all over every office and bus in London (and everywhere else). I'm intrigued to know who knows this already because I was shocked. PLEASE dm me your thoughts or experiences on this too, I'd love love love to know.So much love and kisses xxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 15. 15. British drinking culture

    44:30||Season 1, Ep. 15
    hey guys - firstly, I'm very sorry that I appear to have not posted an episode last week... I sent my podcast to my editor too late and it was the very week that he had a giant project to work on so he couldn't do it in time. BUT it will never happen again (hopefully). This week's a bit of a different one - I know I usually talk about mental health (don't worry, I still spend the first 10 minutes breaking down the 2-day panic attack I had the day after ending things with my therapist xo), but today I wanted to discuss British drinking culture because it's hilarious. I was reminiscing about it on a walk the other day and just thinking what the actual f*ck. It's actually WILD and no wonder so many British people have bad relationships with alcohol and that it's so ingrained in our culture when we were chugging vodka by the litre from the age of 14. I would love (and hate) to be a fly on the wall at one of the 'gatherings' or house parties that I went to in my teens because we were feral - I'm embarrassed and horrified but also find it kind of cute and hilarious to thinking about. This isn't a lecture on drinking, it's pure reminiscing on the horrors and joys of my teen years (and early 20s) and the shameful things my friends and people I knew got up to when under the influence of alcohol (and before that even). Enjoy revelling in these & please share any great stories you have too.Kisses xxxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 14. 14. embracing religion as a non-religious person

    47:14||Season 1, Ep. 14
    About a year ago on a Wednesday evening I was looking for something to do that wasn't drinking - it was a sort of 'spiritual' event, but actually run by bhaktas (Hare Krishna followers). I was reluctant but it looked interesting so I gave it a go, and I came away from that experience feeling genuinely high, like ecstatic - it was honestly one of the best things I've ever done and I nearly cried on the way home (lol). I can't really explain WHY it was so amazing, but it was this space where no one was judging one another, everyone was SO open and eager to learn about each others' beliefs and experiences, we were singing and dancing and chanting and eating together - as strangers but leaving as somewhat friends. I'm not religious. I often call myself 'spiritual' - I don't know if I really am but I meditate and journal and do what I can to make my soul happy. But that experience really opened my eyes to how limiting my views on religion had been previously. I've always feared religion in a sense and I think that's a theme with non-religious people - it's foreign to us so we're scared of it, we blame it for world wars and we belittle its teachings. I'm not sitting here saying all religion is good and there's nothing wrong with it, and it's also such a generalisation to just say 'religion' when every single person's relationship with it and God is different. But today's episode is essentially about being more open to other people's beliefs, taking what resonates and leaving what doesn't, and not fearing what we don't know. I go to quite a few services and events despite not following any religion or belief, and I can honestly say I come away from every event feeling filled with love and gratitude, and somewhat jealous of the community that I'm not fully part of. Religion encourages community, it encourages kindness, it encourages not harming living beings, it encourages helping other people, it's often lots of singing and dancing and hugging and prayer, and in my experience can be truly magical.If you're listening to this as a non-religious person, go to a religious service and embrace it fully - I really believe you'll come out feeling great.Kisses xxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 13. 13. feeling 'too old'

    42:50||Season 1, Ep. 13
    Lately I've been questioning my purpose and wondering what my true soul calling is in life - and whether that needs to be one thing or five things, and accompanying this is the feeling that I'm 'too old' to start over, I'm 'too old' to do new things, I'm too old full stop. I'm a huge victim of excessive comparison - and I always seem to bring age into this comparison game. I look at Olivia Rodrigo and think 'GOD why wasn't I a hit singer at 17, why wasn't I a child actress?' (I'm not even good at acting so I don't know why this thought crosses my mind). I look at Amelia Dimz and think 'why didn't I write a newspaper column that would then turn into Chicken Shop Date at 19'? I look at creators on TikTok and feel frustrated that their growth is faster than mine and ultimately it makes me feel like I'm not good enough and like it's too late to do what I really want to do because I'm nearly 30 and that's when I need to have everything sorted out.Women in this society are SO made to feel that we need to have it all figured out by 30 - we need to be stable and own a home and be on a great career path so that when we have kids they can be born into our glorious cushioned world surrounded by money and safety. I'm trying to reframe this because 1) I don't need kids at 30 and 2) LIFE DOESN'T END WHEN YOU REACH 29. Life literally is just beginning - it's only society and media and what we've been told that makes us feel otherwise. So I'm beginning to reframe it and I think it's working... kind of. So much of changing how we feel is simply about shifting our mindset & choosing to think differently - so from now on I choose to believe that my life is just beginning, I choose to believe that the sooner I start something the sooner I will have started it, and I choose to believe that 100-year-old me will be LAUGHING thinking about how old 27-year-old me thought she was.Quit the job, go travelling, stop settling for average relationships because you're scared you won't find the one - life's too short to live a mid life. Kisses xxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 12. 12. how to be happier

    42:30||Season 1, Ep. 12
    This episode's a little ironic because the past couple of months have been an absolute sh*t show for my emotions & mental health.HOWEVER, I'm on my way out of the bad period now & I've had some realisations about what truly makes me (and maybe all of us) feel bad - the word 'depression' has always terrified me because it feels so loaded, but it doesn't need to be that way. I'd labelled myself as 'depressed' and had this overwhelming fear that everyone would have to treat me differently and there was something chronically and un-fixably wrong with me, but it turns out a huge part of it was situational, which I didn't really realise before? I was speaking to my therapist about it and she asked me to write out hour-by-hour what I was doing every day and give it a pleasure & achievement rating /10. Apparently those are the two things that are crucial to our happiness, and turns out, it wasn't that surprising I was feeling low as I had nearly 0 pleasure and 0 achievement in my life (lol).I'm not saying changing habits will cure everything - but lately I've realised how crucial the simple things are to my happiness. True and genuine happiness isn't about success and 'hitting my goals' as I always thought it was - it's about connection, finding joy in life's every day moments, and going back to the basics of what we crave as humans (nature, socialising, achieving things that actually make us feel fulfilled). It's funny because I feel like I'm constantly told all of this on social media - I just haven't been listening (until now). Remember to find pleasure in life every day, you deserve it queens. Kisses xxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 11. 11. how to love your body

    30:12||Season 1, Ep. 11
    Guys I'm sorry the bath was being a bit attention-seeking in this recording, so the audio's got a little 'spice' to it (annoying background noises xxxx)Anyway, today we're talking about how to love our bodies. I often get messages from people who watch my TikToks (and friends / people in real life sometimes!) asking how I started loving my body again post-ED-recovery. And this definitely doesn't just apply to people who've had an ED, because I'd say that at least 9999999% of women have hated their bodies at some point in their lives (and probably many points).I would argue that having an ED actually healed my relationship with my body because even pre-major-eating-issues I never really LIKED my body (post-puberty) - I was constantly yoyo dieting, comparing myself, sucking my stomach in, ordering 28-day detox teas for £5 million... the only reason I didn't develop an ED earlier is because I wasn't 'disciplined' enough (joking, obviously). Fun fact: I remember in my teens I genuinely used to wish I had an ED so that I could lose weight 'without it being hard', so healthy xoxo P.S. be careful what you wish for !!!! SO having an ED actually FORCED me to get better and heal all of that ^^ shit. Here are some things that I think have really helped me hate my body less, and hopefully they can help you love your body more too (if you don't already adore it, which you should). Loads & loads of love and kisses xxxxxxxmy TikTok: IG:
  • 9. 9. sertraline: how antidepressants saved me

    37:16||Season 1, Ep. 9
    I know how so many of us view antidepressants because I used to be that person... 'I'm not someone who takes medication', 'I'm not taking something that will change my personality', 'I don't want to put something foreign in my body' [DESPITE TAKING THE HORMONAL PILL WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED WHEN IT CAN LITERALLY CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU]. Sorry, passionate about that one. Anyway, like many people I saw those who took antidepressants as 'other' - a solution only for those who are REALLY fucked up. But one day I was forced into a situation where antidepressants really felt like my only option, and what a great day that was!I'm not on antidepressants anymore and it's important to caveat that I took them for anxiety rather than depression, so I can only speak from personal experience. But sertraline truly changed my life in the most wonderful way possible. I have a love-love relationship with it and I want to share the love and remind you that you're not a failure for choosing medication - it could be the bravest and best decision you ever make. Ignoring your issues is for the weak!!!!! Don't let your ego convince you otherwise xxxxxx my TikTok: IG: