Always Advance Podcast

  • 44. Use this to start a new chapter of your life

    This episode will help you answer the question; What's next?If you answer the six questions posed during this episode it will allow you to uncover 6 different roads!Catch the LIVE episode @alwaysadvancing
  • 43. Dunning-kruger effect

    Check out this weeks episode to learn why a man from Pittsburg thought he could get a way with not one but two bank robbery’s by rubbing lemon juice on his face.. say what!?Follow our Instagram:AlwaysAdvancing to view the graphic.Are you overestimating your own knowledge and expertise..Statistics say yes!
  • 42. A3 Strategy to get ahead

    If you use this strategy and mix in self-assessment, observation and competition. You'll be the best at what you do!Adapt to your personal and professional environments by adopting the skill's neccessary to compete, hyper focus and double down on said skills to become adept and compete for numero uno. ADAPT | ADOPT | ADEPTThis strategy is simple yet effective. It will create disproportionate value and in-turn make you indispensable.
  • 41. Mental Model-The Flow

    Follow @alwaysadvancing on Instagram to watch live episodes.Mihaly Cxikxzentmihalyi discovered after interviewing over a thousand people about what made them happy, he found that all the responses had five things in common.Happiness, or "l]flow", occurs when we are:1.Intensely present in an activity2.We choose that activity3.This activity was neither under challenging nor over challenging.4.It had a clear objective.5.There was immediate feedback.
  • 40. TAAP Episode 40-Egocentric Bias

    The egocentric bias is a cognitive bias that causes people to rely heavily on their own point of view when they examine events in their life or when they try to see things from other people’s perspective. This bias causes people to either underestimate how different other people’s viewpoint is from their own, or to ignore other people’s viewpoint entirely.Got Ego? Tune in to this episode to bring greater awareness and gain some tools to help debase this bias.
  • 39. TAAP Episode 39-What is the RMF method?

    Mental Models for super thinking.By implementing the RMF model and connecting it to the principles of your life, tough decisions will never be a problem. 
  • 38. TAAP Episode 38-Cody Broderick

    Cody is one of Utahs top CEO’s his Translation Tech Company provides services in 150 different countries. Codys early years were not a common childhood, we talk about coming from rough backgrounds and environments. What lessons translated well into entrepreneurship, how he broke away from limiting beliefs and self sabotaging patterns. Also covering the amazing impact his company is making on a global level!
  • 37. TAAP Eps 37-Correspondence Bias

    The correspondence bias is the tendency to draw inferences about a person's unique and enduring dispositions from behaviors that can be entirely explained by the situations in which they occur. We tend to see far too direct a correspondence between others' actions and personalities.
  • 35. TAAP Episode 36-First Principle Thinking

    First-principles thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated problems and unleash creative possibility. This principle assists to break down complicated problems into basic elements and then reassemble them from the ground up.It’s one of the best ways to learn to think for yourself, unlock your creative potential, and move from linear to exponential results.The greats from Aristotle to the real life Tony Starks, Elon Musk use this thinking model.