
cover art for The Japanese Oni; Kappa; and Satori

Almost Canon

The Japanese Oni; Kappa; and Satori

Season 1, Ep. 83

On this episode we start by detailing two encounters we recently received from listeners. One about a UFO encounter in the 1970's that caused not only the listeners car to stall on the main road but the three cars behind him to stop as well and the second story is about a family that moves into a house where something horrible has once happened and they were having to deal with the repercussions of that act.

Then Nick moved onto the topic which in honor of FX's Shogun and the release of Rise of the Ronin, is Japanese folklore. Nick dives into three different beings: the Oni, the Kappa and the Japanese Bigfoot, the Satori. Now as Nick was doing his research for this topic he picked up on several key pieces of lore that could connect the Oni, the Japanese demon, to the biblical Nephilim and even the Celtic Tuatha De. this is a shorter than normal episode but it might be more impactful than most, specially if looking for answers is something that interests you.

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  • 2. Bonus Episode 2: Mysterious Stone Structures of New England

    *Due to technical difficulties on this weeks episode I’ll be releasing the newest bonus episode from the Almost Canon + catalog. If you’re a Plus member keep your eyes out for the next week or so for a new bonus episode!*On this second, official bonus episode of Almost Canon, we take a deeper look at some of the stone structures me and Mark talked about over the past several weeks. We’ll read excerpts from the awesome books "Weird New England" by Joseph Citro and "Field Guide to Mysterious Places of Eastern North America" by Salvatore M. Trento all while throwing in my own two cents on the different sites.We thank you for your support, it makes what we’re doing here worth doing! Thank you!!Here’s a link forWeird New England: Guide to Mysterious Places of Eastern North America :
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