
cover art for 208- Baby Reindeer

Almost Accurate

208- Baby Reindeer

This week the boys dive into the twisted world of Netflix's newest hit, Baby Reindeer.

They've also got a treasure trove of news to talk about, from Nintendo's newest console, to new castings in the MCU, and even more!

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  • 209- Most Anticipated TV Shows of Summer 2024

    Full disclosure folks... we weren't sure what we were going to talk about before we saw this article on Polygon a few minutes before we started recording so... enjoy "our" most anticipated TV shows of summer 2024! Joking aside, there are some quality choices on this list... we're talking the Boys season 4, Clipped, a Batman animated series spinoff, House of the Dragon season 2, and more! Yeah, it's gonna be a good summer to sit in the AC and enjoy some fresh, fire content. We'll be there for sure.
  • 207- Fallout Part 2

    The boys are back and we're back with even more Fallout. Is this our surprised best show of 2024??Thus far, the answer certainly seems to be yes. But, there is even more on the horizon, because that Deadpool & Wolverine trailer looks to be setting up something that we daresay might actually be good? Yeah! We daresay yes!
  • 206- Fallout Part 1

    This week the boys talk about the first half of the surprisingly strong Amazon series Fallout. Like seriously, this was SO much better than we expected, it's honestly as shocking as the USSR pumping a ton of nukes our way. What's that? Oh yeah, the USSR is still around in the Fallout series, just like black and white TV's and other 1950's things.... yeah it's a whole thing and we DEFINITELY cover it all in the most graceful way imaginable. Plus we have a full episodes worth of news! There's a new trailer for Joker: Foilé a Deux, they are making a Last Ronin movie (and game which we apparently already talked about on a previous episode) and emulators are now available on the Apple App Store (officially) for the first time! Finally, another place to play old Pokémon games!
  • 205- X-Men '97

    This week Jake and Ryan jump back into the late 90's to look at this fantastic Disney + sequel series, X-Men '97! They also have a jam-packed week of news, from a supposed Happy Gilmore sequel being developed on Netflix, to a new trailer for Colin Farrell's Penguin, to how music and tv kinda sucks in the modern age. Hey, we do it all on this show. And we're getting older and we like to complain sometimes.
  • 204- New Movies Will Come Out... Eventually

    We have another bumper episode of news, with some new trailers for the Star Wars Acolyte series, The Crow, & announcements that The Batman 2 is being delayed, a second season of Peacemaker is coming.... sometime... they're making another animated Cat in the Hat movie... in 2026... and that Blade movie is never coming out. Like seriously. Point being, new movies will come out eventually! And rest assured, when they do, Almost Accurate will be here watching them. But in the meantime, we sit and speculate. So why not relax and have some speculating time with us, won't you?
  • 203- Final Fantasy VII Rebirth & The Boys Talk About Midsommar and Thanksgiving

    Wow that was a long title. I've had to put my thumbs on ice from all of the typing I've just done. Anyways, I guess it's time to write an episode description unless you all think that title is long enough. You know what? I'll say it again. This is about playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and we talk about watching Midsummer and the movie Thanksgiving (the movie, not the holiday. Our review of the holiday of Thanksgiving is like, way different). Also there's some news. Anything we miss??
  • 202- Winter News Round-Up

    The boys have been sick but the news doesn't stop! Jake snagged an Analogue Pocket (IYKYK) which is pretty rad, Madam Web has been a huge 'effing flop for Marvel & Sony, Star Wars is releasing a collection of Battlefront games, and SO SO many more things! Strap in y'all, 3 weeks is a lot of time for news to accumulate and the boys do their dardnest to plow through all this packed in winter news. Lord help us.
  • 201- Palworld

    We're joining the 20-million something players that are checking out Palworld! Is it innovative and new and unlike anything that's ever been seen before? Come on now, you know we were joking about that part. The boys also talk Jon Stewart returning to the Daily Show, that INSANE looking Death Stranding 2 trailer, and more in this week's episode!