
All The Things - Essential Nourishment of a Particular Kind

Slow cooked conversations about what feeds us.

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  • 10. Amanda Lee Falkenberg

    Amanda Falkenberg; international award winning pianist and composer, currently based in Dubai, she began her journey into composition as the youngest accompanist with the Australian Ballet company in 2000. Inspired by visual imagery, it was a natural progression for her to write for film and TV, stage plays, documentaries and feature films, and more recently her own symphony, The Moons, which will be premiered this month by The Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Chicago. And I can’t wait to be there with her! You can find out more about Amanda at

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  • 9. Emma Galloway

    Emma Galloway is a former chef, food stylist and photographer and author of 3 best selling cookbooks, all seeded from her famous blog My Darling Lemon Thyme. Emma’s aim is to inspire people to take charge of what they put into their bodies by cooking wholefood recipes from scratch, that are as vibrant and beautiful to look at as they are delicious to eat. As you can imagine, we get along just fine! We discuss the profound effect of simply putting seeds in the ground, to the nuanced difference between Australian and New Zealand swear words - all the big and important things...
  • 8. Dr Vanessa Kimbell

    Dr. Vanessa Kimbell is a leading expert in nutrition and the digestibility of bread. Her doctorate focuses on Baking as Lifestyle Medicine, specialising in personalising bread for gut health and genetics. She is also the Course Director at The Sourdough School in the UK, a world-renowned centre of research and education in bread, the gut microbiome, and the impact of bread on health. She is currently writing her 6th book and is, put simply, my food superhero. You'll never look at a sandwich in the same way again after this chat!
  • 7. Amy Chaplin

    Now living in upstate New York, but raised in rural New South Wales, Amy's approach to food is inspired by nature and the healing benefits of whole foods. She speaks my love language. So you can only imagine the squeal that I didn't even try to contain, when she wrote lovely things about my new cookbook, released in the US this week. There's also a good deal of chat about nettles. As there should be!
  • 6. Lean Timms

    Forever exploring and full of curiosity for this world, Lean’s greatest love is to discover and document inspiring places and stories. Her approach to photography is driven by natural light, in situ spontaneity, storytelling, sharing and capturing a genuine sense of place. Lean is also the photographer that I had at the top of my list when I was asked to put together my dream team for my very first cookbook. And if you think we didn’t relive the tea-fuelled dance moves and delicious memories of that very special photoshoot in this chat, think again Batman.
  • 5. Annabelle Hickson

    Annabelle Hickson, editor of Galah magazine, and creator of beautiful new book by the same name, is all about flying the flag of beauty, freedom and opportunity for regional Australia and the people who live their lives there. She is all substance and zero pretence - our kinda girl! We chat about AI, handling criticism, handling success, emojis and sex on kitchen benches - all the normal country conversations. You can find Galah's magazine and book via their website or via Instagram
  • 4. Beata Alfoldi

    If you ever wanted to find encouragement to walk your talk, Beata is your girl. The choices Beata has made from the place of deep grief after losing her son in childbirth are nothing short of profound. Yes, this is a conversation about navigating the darkest days of grief, but it is also about what sits beyond that. It couldn't be more inspiring.To find out more about Beata and her current work please visit