
Alex Horne Breaks the News
Alex Horne and The Walshes
Alex is joined by three of the members of Irish sketch wizards Diet of Worms; Shane, Amy and Niall.
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Alex Horne LIVE: Andy Zaltzman, Brett Goldstein and Ian Smith
41:48|Live from the Soho Theatre Alex Horne Breaks the News has taken his podcast to the people. In front of a live audience, Andy Zaltzman, Brett Goldstein and Ian Smith join Alex in taking the news to the proverbial cleaners and back.Alex Horne's top 13 songs of all time
30:31|Jiggle and bop to some of the greatest songs of all time. Yes Alex has finally given in to the weighty pressure and put together an album, yes album, of producer Joel's favourite songs.Alex Horne, Romesh Ranganathan, John Robins and handsome scorer Cat
34:16|After an interminable seven day hiatus we welcome back the weekly news podcast with former, present – and hopefully future - host Alex Horne and guest comedians Romesh Ranganathan and John Robins.Alex Horne, Andrew Maxwell, Matt Richardson and AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST
34:11|OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST and Alex Horne Breaks the News super fan LIZZY YARNOLD joins comedians Andrew Maxwell and Matt Richardson in the news cupboard this week. When everything else is a world cup special, we've gone against the grain.Alex Horne, Ed Gamble, Pat Cahill, No Andrew Maxwell and scorer Jim
31:27|Sometimes in life you get more than you bargained for and sometimes you get less. This time we've got both. Revelations galore.Alex Horne, Katherine Ryan, Brett Goldstein and Ray Peacock
34:54|Alex is joined by three, yes three, comedians this week. Ray Peacock, Katherine Ryan and Brett Goldstein. Its a triumvirate of great comedy guests. Triumvirate! there we said it again.Alex Horne, Adam Riches, Craig Campbell and Ian Smith
34:44|Adam Riches and Craig Campbell wade through the murky waters of the Commonwealth news, with Ian Smith giving a statistical analysis... of sorts.Alex Horne, Andy Zaltzman, Liam Williams and deep Sam Pearson
31:17|Andy Zaltzman and Liam Williams join alex at Dave towers for a hefty dose of wit, wonder and whimsy. Oh dear, at least the podcast is better than this intro.