
cover art for ACFS Podcast -The Xenophobia and Hatred Series – Episode 3 – Rome and Carthage

African Camp Fire Stories

ACFS Podcast -The Xenophobia and Hatred Series – Episode 3 – Rome and Carthage

Season 2, Ep. 3

SUMMARY of Xenophobia and Hatred Series – Episode 3 – Rome and


For a while now we have been teasing the Rome and Carthage discussion.

We have done so in our three articles on Xenophobia (see our website: ), and also on Episode 1 of this series.

So it is about time that we truly get into the story of Rome versus Carthage. Find

out what were some of the reasons for hatred between these two very

powerful and seminal states of ancient times.

Starring: Cato The Elder; Roman Republic; Carthage; Hannibal; Scipio

Afrikanus; Mago; Hasdrubal; Tunisai; Hamilcar Barca; and many many more.

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