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  • ✨My Guided ADHD Meditation to Clear Brain Fog and Enhance Mental Clarity🙌

    This Guided Meditation has been created with ADHD needs and strategies in mind. Listen whenever you feel the brain fog and overwhelm creeping in to boost your mental clarity and calm. In just 20 minutes we will override the anxiety that comes with:Executive (Dys)FunctionBrain FogOverwhelmADHD ParalysisPlease Listen to the disclaimer (at 2mins 31secs) before proceeding with the meditation (at 3mins 53 secs)Give it a try and let me know how it goes! Screenshot the episode and tag me on your socials so I can share with our community ❤️Rate, Review, Subscribe, Screenshot and Share! Particularly with those you think need to hear this, it really makes all the difference, thank you 🙌Join us in the Private Facebook Group ✨1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.

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  • Two ADHD Time Management and Productivity Tools I LOVE ❤️🙌

    I cannot WAIT for you to try this because it's blowing my mind 🤯.Little naive me has always desperately tried to stick to a schedule. I long for habit and routine! But those of us with ADHD have come to the painful realisation - it's damn near impossible 😮‍💨... until now. Yes, at the grand old age of 37, I suspect I've cracked it 💪The first of the two strategies I've dipped in and out of for a while, as it does work well for the short time I can keep consistent with it. But when I recently discover the second strategy and paired the two together, that's when the magic started to happen.✨I really hope this works as well fo you as it has been for me but as always.... remember this is trial and error. There's no one size fits all but there is a fit for YOU.Give it a try and let me know how it goes! Screenshot the episode and tag me on your socials so I can share with our community ❤️Rate, Review, Subscribe, Screenshot and Share! Particularly with those you think need to hear this, it really makes all the difference, thank you 🙌Join us in the Private Facebook Group ✨1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
  • ✨The 3 Minute Hack I use to Prevent ADHD Paralysis

    ✨ If you're in the ADHDFest Facebook group, you will already be familiar with this tool as we have been trying it out together with a daily live body doubling session for the last couple of weeks 😉. If you're not in there, here's your sign to join! 🙌This is super simple hack I stumbled upon (sort of by accident 😂) that just so happens to work!! This is not for when you're already stuck in paralysis, it to pre empt it. Particularly useful when you're in full blown overwhelm, I'm keen to see how you get on with it, so do let me know!P.S. It's very simple and easy but don't let that put you off trying it. It's often the simple, easy, things we NDs struggle with 💪Rate, Review, Subscribe, Screenshot and Share! Particularly with those you think need to hear this, it really makes all the difference, thank you 🙌Join us in the Private Facebook Group ✨1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
  • ADHD Stimulant Medication: Everything Helpful I Did During Titration

    Hello my lovely ADHDFest gang ❤️This Bonus episode shares my best tips to reduce those pesky side effects when you first try ADHD medication 😬. I'm posting as a bonus rather than a regular Friday episode as this is not going to be relevant to everyone but....Great for those in that titration spot right now or anyone curious about some of the tougher parts of stimulants. 🙌 Maybe you're still deciding whether to try meds or not.🤔 But here are some things that got me through the dry mouth, low appetite etc.As always DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, psychiatrist or medical expert - please consult your doctor before taking medication or adjusting your dose etc.1 to 1 Accountability: https://www.adhdfest.comDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
  • ✨I don't know who needs to hear this but.....

    📖 Ready for story time???Today's episode came straight from the divine 🔮. I'm serious! During a meditation I felt pulled to tell you about my day and I had no idea why. It didn't seem to connect to ADHD or the Law of Attraction at all but my intuition kept nudging me all the same. So I sat down to reflect on what happened and how you might find value in it and IT HIT ME! It turns out it might just be one of the most important lessons we late diagnosed ADHDers need to internalise 🙌✨Slightly longer at just over 30 minutes but if you can stay with me to the end, I know you can benefit.Rate, Review, Subscribe, Screenshot and Share! Particularly with those you think need to hear this, it really makes all the difference, thank you 🙌Join us in the Private Facebook Group ✨1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
  • The Truth about ADHD 🤔

    In today's episode we're doing some serious myth busting 💪Using studies, statistics and my personal experience I'm diving into 10 of the most prolific myths surrounding ADHD and why they simply cannot be true. It's easy to attack people that believe and perpetuate this nonsense, write them off as dumb, ableist, old fashioned prejudiced bigots - but the truths is ...I spent a long time believing this stuff myself! 🤯😬 It's such a big topic and so new to mainstream awareness, it's possible there are things on this list that will come as a shock to you.We don't know what we don't know. Most of our "knowledge" is picked up through osmosis from society, family, headlines and social media "experts" and we don't always have the time to research into these big complex topics until it directly affects our every day lives. All we can do is educate ourselves and if we have the energy, educate others too - this episode is my contribution 😊One thing to remember is, it's what you know that matters. You don't need to convince anyone of anything, ever. Being honest with yourself about who you are without judgement and making decisions from there is the only thing within your control.......that and subscribing to the podcast 😉 Rate, Review, Subscribe, Screenshot and Share! Particularly with those you think need to hear this, it really makes all the difference, thank you 🙌Join us in the Private Facebook Group ✨1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
  • Is this ADHD or just me?

    One of the reasons ADHDFest was born was to gain clarity on what ADHD actually MEANS for adults in their everyday lives. ADHD can't be cured so it's important for us to get clear on what issues are just a part of the condition and what issues are separate parts of our personality and limiting beliefs that CAN be worked on and possibly eliminated 🤔 The research and studies just aren't there yet so if we want answers we are going to have to share and compare our experiences as a community ❤️In that spirit, today I share my experience of resisting expectations of other (and myself) and comparing it with the description of PDA (Pathalogical demand avoidance) an aspect of neurodivergence that is acknowledged but very poorly researched.As always, the podcast content gets better with every story you share - giving us a better perspective as a community so please do: Private Facebook Group1 to 1 Accountability: Rescue WorkshopMembers Only Accountability Podcast: The Body Doubling ClubADHDFest Burnout Bible: ⁠The Burnout BibleFree Dopamenu PrintableNewsletter here: Sign Up for UpdatesInstagram: ADHDFestFacebook: https://www.adhdfest.comFree Resource for Right to Choose Assessments: UK assessment bundleDisclaimer: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm simply a fellow ADHD'er that hyper focused on strategies and hacks for the last year and half. I'm not expert, just learning alongside you and sharing what I find. For Entertainment Purposes Only.