
cover art for "My Secret To Keeping a Neurodiverse Family FUNCTIONAL" - Hester Grainger

ADHD Chatter

"My Secret To Keeping a Neurodiverse Family FUNCTIONAL" - Hester Grainger


Hester Grainger is a TV presented and founder of 'Perfectly Autistic', a company that offers Neurodiversity coaching and training.


00:00 Trailer

01:00 The secret to keeping a neurodiverse family functional

03:23 Where did your neurodiverse journey begin?

07:13 How has ADHD influenced your parenting style?

10:35 Are you an organised person?

14:30 The difference between 'mum brain' and actual ADHD?

18:54 The affect of undiagnosed ADHD on friendships and relationships

20:45 How the neurodiversity within your family affects your marriage?

25:49 What's the secret to a successful neurodiverse relationship?

27:20 RSD

33:02 Do you ever wish your children were neurotypical?

34:35 Your ADHD item

36:37 What are the best bits of ADHD?

38:21 Would you sacrifice the good bits of ADHD to get rid of the bad bits?

39:13 Washing machine of woes (ADHD in the workplace)

42:58 Parenting and Neurodiversity

45:46 Neurodiverse divorce rates

49:36 Your most impulsive thing

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This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

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