
Adam Richard Has A Theory
WhoDis Theory 29 (Legend of Ruby Sunday 3)
Season 21, Ep. 931
Adam continues to theorise about the latest episodes of Doctor Who, including 'Rogue' and 'The Legend of Ruby Sunday,' starring Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson, and wonders about the Destroyer's gift of admin.
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1066. Theory 1066 (Companion Wishlist 2)
10:05||Season 21, Ep. 1066Adam thinks over more companions he wishes had joined Doctor Who for more than one adventure, and those from the extended universe he'd love to see on screen.1065. Theory 1065 (Companion Wishlist 1)
10:01||Season 21, Ep. 1065Answering the question 'Who is the greatest Doctor Who companion that never was?' sends Adam down a very strange Ghost Whisperer tangent hole.1064. Theory 1064 (Joy to the World 22)
10:25||Season 21, Ep. 1064Talking about the Doctor Who Christmas special 'Joy to the World' starring Ncuti Gatwa leads Adam to go off on a tangent about 2000AD, Alan Moore, Harlan Ellison and The Twilight Zone.1063. Theory 1063 (Planet of the Dead)
10:18||Season 21, Ep. 1063Adam responds to a query about the Doctor Who Easter special 'Planet of the Dead' starring David Tennant, that sends him off down a Big Finish Lost Stories tangent hole.1062. Theory 1062 (War Games Colour 3)
10:45||Season 21, Ep. 1062Adam shares his thoughts on the new colour version of the classic Doctor Who story 'The War Games' starring Patrick Troughton, which somehow involves Jackie Collins.1061. Theory 1061 (War Games Colour 2)
10:28||Season 21, Ep. 1061Earth-2 Peter's precis on the re-edited and colourised version of the Doctor Who story 'The War Games' concludes, and Adam is thankful that he isn't hearing stray vacuum cleaners.1060. Theory 1060 (War Games Colour 1)
10:00||Season 21, Ep. 1060Earth-2 Peter has watched the re-edited and colourised Doctor Who story 'The War Games' starring Patrick Troughton, and Adam wonders what happened to the movie trailer voiceover man.1059. Theory 1059 (Joy to the World 21)
10:05||Season 21, Ep. 1059James imagines what goes on with all those personalities inside the star seed in the Doctor Who special 'Joy to the World' starring Ncuti Gatwa and Nicola Coughlan.1058. Theory 1058 (Joy to the World 20)
11:56||Season 21, Ep. 1058Matt's Missive about the Doctor Who special 'Joy to the World' comes to a conclusion, and Adam gets frustrated again at dead hologram people.