
Accidental Chaos

What could possibly go wrong?

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  • 7. Fake-ish News

    Three dweebs discuss recent happenings in an untimely manor. Naturally everything will be up-to-date; what could go wrong?

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  • 6. Pork 'N Dreams

    Five dweebs discuss all things dreamy (and nightmarish), weaving some new fantasies along the way that the Sandman wouldn't touch with a 9-foot pole.
  • 5. The Shrekisode

    Welcome to church! Four swampy donkeys realized that they don't talk enough about religion on this podcast, so they decided to devote an entire episode to our green lord and savior. What could possibly go wrong?
  • 4. Music & Mayhem (ft. Axel The Furious)

    Three dweebs sit down with theatrical metal artist Axel The Furious to discuss music, art, and all manner of nostalgic nerdisms. There WILL be multiple Hank Hill impersonations. You have been warned.
  • 3. Cere-Bros

    Four dweebs share positive unpopular opinions, discuss thoughts on recent shows, and trade horrific dad jokes. Truly a recipe for success.
  • 2. Spring Things

    Spring is in the air...damn. Four dweebs discuss the oddities and idiosyncrasies of the springtime and its various holidays and customs. There's absolutely no conceivable way this could go off the rails.
  • 1. Grand Re-Opening

    Accidental Chaos returns with some new faces (uhh, voices) as the fellas sit down for a civil discussion regarding practical matters yap about nerdy and nostalgic topics whilst talking over one another. What could possibly go wrong?