
cover art for Diving into the King of Misery by Daudi Matsiko

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Diving into the King of Misery by Daudi Matsiko

We've got @daudi 's prolific song writing featured in his 2024 record King of Misery.

The beloved @nateblackton joined me on Absent Sounds while Weadee took a nap and we dove into the album, from top to bottom, track by track. You can catch the episode on @friendsofcjam today @ 1pm EST.

I also wanted to give more context on a song I wasnt sure about during the recording of the episode, and the video used here-

"Derby’s Dose is a song that means a lot to me. It’s a personal response to a tragic and horrific moment in our collective history. Derby was an enslaved man, tortured and murdered by Thomas Thistlewood. A Lincolnshire man. Derby’s story broke my heart. What is more, is that Derby had skin, a body and desires like my own. Like all of us, a desire for shelter, food and safety. Yet he was greeted with torture, dehumanisation and ultimately annihilation. The legacy of that human loss lives on today, unresolved. This song was created lovingly with that in mind. My sister, Judith Matsiko, joined me on vocals for this song. It was really special to have her voice on the recording with me and added to the personal nature of the process. Making a difficult and heavy song, less lonely and more beautiful."

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