
cover art for Ep - 73  - The high cost of children

Mrs Mean Money Show

Ep - 73 - The high cost of children

Season 1, Ep. 73

Children are very expensive, especially if you work.   
The government has increased the financial help it gives towards child care costs so that the parents of two-year-olds can now get a contribution towards the costs.  But this is still likely to be a lot less than is needed. 
The official line is that two-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours free child care a week if the parents each earn less than £100,001 a year. But when school holidays are taken into account the free care is equivalent to one  10-hour day a week and extra costs for food and nappies are  also likely to be added. And that is if you can find a child care place.
Budgets for babies are undoubtedly stretched making it vital that parents get every bit of help they can to cover the costs of children.

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  • 84. Ep - 84 Save money with flexible working

    24:49||Season 1, Ep. 84
    The way we work has changed in recent years and employees are set to get more opportunities to make work work for them and their families. Compressed four-day weeks will give employees the chance to complete a full working week in four days and continue to earn their full salaries. They will also be able to save big money as they are more productive for their employers. Working from home saves big on travel costs and a four-day week allows parents to cut their child care costs by thousands of pounds a year as well as cutting commuting costs.You may also be able to claim the cost of working from home from your employer or HMRC.
  • 83. Ep - 83 Your Money Questions Answered

    25:45||Season 1, Ep. 83
    Our finances have never been so sorely tested. Energy bills are increasing so are water bills and tax is also a worry among Mrs Mean listeners. But that does not mean we have to accept the bad news without fighting back. There are lots of tips to save money on energy and water bills. Now is the time to check them out. Those trying to improve their financial positions also need to make sure that side hustles do not increase their tax bills. New rules announced at the beginning of the year for people selling stuff on websites such as eBay, Vinted and Depop will increase the admin for the apps and websites but should not incur tax bills for most users. Check out the details and keep records to keep yourself safe.Taking a lodger can also rescue a stressed family budget with £7,500 a year rent without incurring a tax bill, as lots of students and people starting their first jobs need better value accommodation than offered by private landlords. Listen and save money.
  • 82. Ep - 82 Student living cost crisis

    29:41||Season 1, Ep. 82
    Student finances are even tougher this year for those starting their university courses, as maintenance loans are just 2.5% higher than last year, even though rents and other costs are increasing far faster than the cash help. The average maintenace loan is just £6,116 less than the average rent.And to make matters worse the financial help offered by the Students Loans Company has been reduced for students whose parents have a household income of £25,000 or more since 2008.Many parents with higher salaries will still struggle to help with the living costs of their children as their household finances are strained by higher mortgage rates, energy and food costs. Many parents are also not clear just how much they are expected to contribute to their children's living costs.It is not surprising that more than half of students have to find a job.We look at university living costs, the financial help available, getting a job, other ways of raising money and getting a guarantor for rental properties.
  • 81. Ep 81 - Cash Comeback

    25:57||Season 1, Ep. 81
    Cash is making a comeback. The cost of living crisis means that millions of people have to watch every penny and cannot afford to get carried away with credit cards or contactless ones.The number of people using cash for day-to-day spending is at a four-year high and cash is used for 12% of all transactions. It gives greater control of our money and does not fool us into thinking we have more money than we do.Supermarket shopping may take a little longer using cash and sticking to a budget but it is satsifying to cut grocery bills. You can also cut food waste if you plan for meals rather than buying the same things every week and throwing quite a bit when it goes off.There is new help in keeping cash in our wallets. After 6,000 bank branches closing in recent years banks are being required not to close any more from next year without making sure that local people will still have access to cash. Now is the time to avoid "card only" retailers and tell them why. Cash can allow you to treat yourself and may mean that your money does not run out before the month does.
  • 80. Ep - 80 - Take your time to protect yourself

    29:09||Season 1, Ep. 80
    The world gets faster but it can make us very vulnerable as scammers and the unscrupulous, trick us into making decisions too quickly. The banks are not always helpful if customers are defrauded.It is not only the elderly who are at risk. We all have to make sure we do not click on links, open attachments or accept phone calls from unknown senders.Busy people are probably the most vulnerable as they do not allow time to check things out. Just as dangerous are the friendly faces of stage and screen who encourage us to put our savings in special accounts or to take advantage of crypto currencies for the first time. These trustworthy faces are anything but. The celebrities know nothing about the investments being advertised their faces are being used by criminals to get us to trust them with our money.And once you have sent them your money it will disappear - probably out of the country - and in many cases the victims do not realise for years that they have been defrauded.Every time we check our emails we are in danger if we allow ourselves to be rushed. When we make holiday bookings we need to be just as careful as there are lots of criminals trying to tempt holidaymakers with super accommodation at bargain prices. Take time to do your research and protect yourself.Parking your car can also be a battleground with criminals and while supermarkets are not run by criminals they are not as open and honest as they used to be.Just take time to keep yourself and your money safe.
  • 79. Ep - 79 - Cut Insurance Costs

    27:56||Season 1, Ep. 79
    Home insurance bills are racing ahead. It means we all have to do our research early and be ready to move fast when renewing our policies if we want to save money. With average increases of 42% we need to check every aspect of our cover. Too many people pay too much for their buildings' insurance because they insure for the sale price of their home and not the rebuild cost. Lots of people are also encouraged to pay for cover they do not need and may even pay twice for specific cover such as travel insurance without realising. And even worse they may pay for travel cover that they will not be able to claim on because they are too old. Most important of all do not allow your policy to auto renew. This allows the insurance company to charge you what they like. And when you think you have the best value policy do not allow the insurance company to charge you up to 40% more by offering you so-called easy terms. Paying annually is far cheaper than in 12 instalments. Renewing insurance policies takes time but it is time well spent and should allow you to cut the cost.
  • 78. Ep - 78 Make Sure Your Money is Safe

    27:16||Season 1, Ep. 78
    Cyber attacks and IT glitches are happening more often, affecting millions of customers, and they can put our money in danger. Not only are hackers after our money, but fraudsters are ready to use news of IT glitches to persuade us to hand over our account details.They pretend to be from our banks, credit card companies or other organisations. They are very apologetic that our information is in danger and tell customers what to do to make sure our money is safe. They are nicely spoken and persuasive. Put the phone down. Do not open any links. Mobile phone thefts have overtaken cash and payment cards as the items most stolen from individuals in the UK. As our phones are also used as our bank accounts, payment cards, travel and event tickets they also put us in danger of losing far more than the value of their phones.Banks will be compelled to pay compensation to customers from October. Until then you have to be even more careful as some banks try to pay very few people who lose money. In the meantime keep your phone safe, believe no cold caller even if they appear to be calling from your bank. Fraud is the leading crime in the UK. Do not lose money.
  • 77. Ep77-Mend your budget before the election

    24:29||Season 1, Ep. 77
    We can all make extra money, and in most cases we will not have to pay any extra tax into the bargain. Whether it is selling on clothes that no longer fit, hiring out power tools, renting a room or space in your driveway you can start earning in days.With taxes at a 70-year-high and food and energy prices still much higher than they were a couple of years ago most of us need exta money, and it has never been easier to start a side hustle.There are also tax breaks that many are not benefiting from. Couples should make sure they use their tax allowances effectively. The marriage allowance is unclaimed by millions, many of whom could get £1,258 straightaway.The personal savings allowance allows basic rate taxpayers to earn £1,000 in interest without paying tax and those who have no other income can receive up to £18,570 in interest without paying any tax.We can all start by selling our old clothes, which is fee-free and tax-free.
  • 76. Ep76-Stop energy companies robbing customers

    28:49||Season 1, Ep. 76
    Customers are owed £3.7 billion by energy companies. The money has built up from overpayments of direct debits and should be returned. Companies err on the side of overcharging when they set up the amounts we have to pay for direct debits. A small buffer is sensible, but all too often customers are owed hundreds of pounds and more. We need to get our money back and after a 12% price reduction in April and another cut due to start in July it is time to contact our energy companies if they have not volunteered a reduction in monthly payments or a refund. It can take time to get through to the call centres and then to get a refund agreed. If you are owed money and the company is refusing to make a refund the Energy Ombudsman should help you and if the company still refuses to hand over your cash you can move to a rival energy company and then the old one will have to give you your money in 10 working days or pay a penalty of an additional £30.Once you have got your refund it is worth checking if elderly relatives, neighbours or friends are due a refund.