
cover art for Ep 33 | How Artists Get Inspiration: What If I Don't Feel Inspired?

The Botany Works Artist Podcast

Ep 33 | How Artists Get Inspiration: What If I Don't Feel Inspired?

Ep. 33

Key Moments & Structure:

1. Introduction (0:00 - 3:00)

• Host’s Brief Intro: A warm welcome to listeners, setting up the topic of inspiration and creative block.

• Why Inspiration is Important: Discuss how inspiration drives creativity and artistic growth.

2. Understanding Inspiration (3:00 - 10:00)

• What is Inspiration?: A dive into the definition of inspiration for artists, covering emotional, environmental, and cultural influences.

• How Different Artists Find It: Share examples of famous artists’ sources of inspiration (nature, emotions, other works of art, personal experiences).

• Variety in Creative Processes: Highlight the different methods artists use to stimulate their creative energy—journaling, music, travel, etc.

3. What if You Don’t Feel Inspired? (10:00 - 18:00)

• The Reality of Creative Block: Acknowledge that lack of inspiration is common for all creators.

• Advice from Artists: Stories or interviews with artists about how they overcome these dry spells (e.g., Pablo Picasso’s quote about how “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”).

• Practical Tips to Spark Creativity:

• Changing your environment (take a walk, visit a gallery, etc.).

• Try something new in your craft (different medium, tool, or technique).

• Collaborate with other artists for fresh ideas.

• Step away and recharge—sometimes rest is the best way to refresh creativity.

4. The Pressure to Be Continuously Inspired (18:00 - 23:00)

• The Myth of Constant Creativity: Discuss how the pressure to always be inspired can actually block creativity.

• Embracing Downtime: Sometimes, downtime or reflection leads to new ideas and insights.

• Long-Term vs. Short-Term Inspiration: Understanding that creativity often comes in waves, and it’s okay to not feel inspired all the time.

5. Inspiration from Everyday Life (23:00 - 30:00)

• Finding Art in the Mundane: Stories of artists who found inspiration in unexpected places—routine tasks, conversations, etc.

• Exercises for Daily Inspiration: Simple practices to notice beauty or creativity in the small moments of everyday life (daily journaling, sketching, or a gratitude practice).

• Using Limitations as a Creative Tool: How working within constraints (time, resources, or materials) can push artists to think outside the box.

6. Conclusion & Key Takeaways (30:00 - 35:00)

• Recap of Core Insights: Summarize key insights about finding and embracing inspiration (and the lack of it).

• Motivation to Keep Creating: Keep creating, even in moments of doubt. Inspiration will return.

• Call to Action: Encourage artists to try one of the tips or exercises shared in the episode and share their experience. 

Key Takeaways:

1. Inspiration comes in many forms: It can be found in nature, art, people, or everyday life.

2. Creative blocks are normal: Every artist experiences moments of not feeling inspired. It’s part of the process.

3. Action over waiting: Don’t wait for inspiration to come—start working, and often, creativity will follow.

4. Embrace breaks and downtime: Sometimes taking a break from work can spark new ideas.

5. Routine and discipline can foster inspiration: Establishing habits like daily sketching or journaling can help you stay creative even when you don’t feel inspired.

6. Collaborate and engage with other artists: Surrounding yourself with creative people can generate new ideas.

7. Find beauty in the mundane: Inspiration is often hiding in the simplest moments of life; pay attention to those.

Created by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers. Podcast by Ping He.

Botany Works Artist Instagram

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  • 32. Ep 32 | Navigate Art Business During Recession

    19:03||Ep. 32
    During a recession, artists often face challenges in selling their work and sustaining their practice, as both individuals and businesses may cut back on spending for art and creative projects. However, many artists adapt and find ways to navigate the economic downturn by employing various strategies:1. Diversifying Income Streams• Commissions & Freelance Work: Artists may seek out more commissioned pieces, including portraits, custom designs, and freelance projects like illustrations, graphic design, or mural work.• Teaching & Workshops: Offering art classes, online workshops, or tutorials can provide a stable source of income. Artists often turn to platforms like Skillshare, Patreon, or YouTube to monetize their skills.• Collaborations & Partnerships: Partnering with brands, other artists, or businesses to create collaborative works (such as product lines or limited editions) can provide additional revenue streams.2. Adapting to Digital & E-commerce• Selling Online: Artists increasingly turn to online platforms like Etsy, Instagram, or their own websites to sell their art. These platforms reduce the need for physical galleries, which may see reduced traffic during a recession.• Offering Prints & Affordable Options: While high-end pieces may struggle to sell during tough economic times, offering smaller, more affordable prints or digital downloads can appeal to a broader audience.• NFTs and Digital Art: The rise of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) has opened new avenues for digital artists to sell and monetize their work in the crypto space, providing a new marketplace unaffected by traditional economic downturns.3. Leveraging Social Media and Networking• Building an Online Presence: Social media becomes an essential tool for artists during a recession. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook allow artists to engage with audiences directly, building a loyal community around their work and promoting sales.• Crowdfunding & Support Communities: Artists often use Patreon or Kickstarter to secure regular funding from fans. These platforms allow artists to offer exclusive content, early access to works, or personalized experiences in exchange for monthly support.4. Exploring Alternative Sales Channels• Pop-up Shows and Local Markets: Instead of relying on traditional galleries, which might close or reduce exhibitions, artists can organize their own pop-up events, exhibit at local art fairs, or participate in community markets.Due to limited storage space for text please continue reading here via this link (Google Docs).ABOUT THE PODCASTCreated by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist InstagramABOUT THE HOSTPing HeA mom, a botanical artist, a teacher, and mentor for
  • 31. Ep 31 | Part Two - Keep Things Simple to Stop Procrastination for Artists

    31:34||Ep. 31
    Key Moments & Takeaways:Part 6: The Power of a Daily Routine• Why Routine Matters for Artists:Establishing a daily routine can help you stay on track. It doesn’t have to be rigid—just a consistent practice where you dedicate time to your art. This removes the need to “feel inspired” before you start creating.• How to Build a Simple Routine:Start small by dedicating just 10-15 minutes each day to your art. Over time, this habit builds momentum, and you may find yourself creating for longer periods naturally.• Morning vs. Evening Creativity:Experiment with the time of day that works best for you. Some artists are most productive in the morning, while others find their creativity flows better at night. Test different times to see when you feel most focused.Part 7: Simplifying Your Workspace• Declutter Your Space to Declutter Your Mind:A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Keep your creative space tidy and organized, reducing distractions and making it easier to start working.• Set Up a ‘Go-To’ Workspace:Have a designated space where you can sit down and immediately start creating. This could be a physical desk or a portable setup for digital artists. The fewer obstacles between you and your work, the easier it is to begin.• Minimalist Approach to Supplies:As an artist, it’s tempting to surround yourself with materials, but this can lead to overwhelm. Try using only a limited selection of tools or mediums for certain projects. This constraint can actually foster more creativity.Part 8: Overcoming Creative Blocks Through Simplicity• Embrace Imperfection:Often, procrastination stems from fear of making mistakes. Simplify your mindset by accepting that not every piece needs to be a masterpiece. Allow yourself to create bad art—it’s part of the process.• Start with Warm-Up Sketches or Exercises:Rather than diving into a major project right away, start your session with simple sketches or exercises to get your creative juices flowing. This can help overcome the intimidation of a blank canvas.• Change of Medium or Technique:If you feel stuck, try switching to a simpler medium or approach. For example, if you’re working on a detailed painting, take a break to do quick ink sketches. The shift can open up new perspectives.Part 9: Simplifying Your Social Media ApproachDue to limited storage space for text please continue reading via the download link here (Google Docs).ABOUT THE PODCASTCreated by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist InstagramABOUT THE HOSTPing HeA mom, a botanical artist, a teacher, and mentor for
  • 30. Ep 30 | Part One - Keep Things Simple to Stop Procrastination for Artists

    21:19||Ep. 30
    Key Moments & Takeaways:1. Why Artists Procrastinate:• Overwhelm by Too Many Ideas:Artists often face decision paralysis due to the abundance of ideas and inspiration. It can be hard to know where to begin.• Perfectionism and Fear of Failure:Fear of not achieving perfection can lead to procrastination. Artists delay starting because they worry their work won’t be good enough.• Distractions from Technology & Social Media:Constant notifications and distractions from social media make it hard to stay focused, leading to wasted time and reduced productivity.2. Simplicity is the Key to Overcoming Procrastination:• Break Down Big Projects into Smaller Tasks:Instead of tackling a huge project all at once, break it down into manageable steps like a quick sketch or color selection.• Use Limited Tools & Mediums:Reduce the complexity by limiting yourself to specific tools or mediums. This narrows your choices and increases productivity.• Set Simple, Clear Goals:Avoid vague goals like “paint more.” Set specific and manageable targets like “sketch for 15 minutes” or “complete one piece this week.”3. Practical Tips to Stay Focused:• 2-Minute Rule:If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately to build momentum.• Time-Blocking Sessions:Use the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of work followed by a short break) to maintain focus without burning out.• Limit Your Choices for the Day:Focus on one task or project each day to avoid decision fatigue and paralysis.• Celebrate Small Wins:Reward yourself for even the smallest progress, as these little victories add up over time.4. How Simplifying Unleashes Creativity:• Less Stress, More Freedom:By reducing choices and focusing on key tasks, artists can experiment and explore more freely within their structured approach.• Flow State:A simplified process helps you enter the “flow state,” where you are completely absorbed in your work, leading to more productive and satisfying sessions.• Consistency Over Perfection:Showing up regularly to create, even in small steps, will improve your work over time. Consistency is more important than aiming for perfection.5. Wrap-Up and Takeaways:• Keep It Simple:Simplicity means focusing on what’s important, not doing less. Declutter your mind, tools, and goals to make it easier to take action.• Action Step for Artists:Take one small step today to simplify your creative process. It could be setting a timer for 15 minutes or limiting your tools for the next project.By focusing on simplifying your workflow and reducing the overwhelming number of choices and tasks, artists can break free from procrastination and stay productive. The key is consistency, clear goals, and removing unnecessary distractions.ABOUT THE PODCASTCreated by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist InstagramABOUT THE HOSTPing HeA mom, a botanical artist, a teacher, and mentor for
  • 29. Ep 29 | The Art of Exhibiting: Lessons learned from the Gift and Stationery Shows

    30:05||Ep. 29
    Summary:Exhibiting at gift and stationery shows can be a transformative experience for business owners in the industry. It provides an opportunity to showcase products, meet potential buyers, and network with other professionals. However, the process can be challenging, especially for newcomers. The key to success lies in preparation, understanding the market, and learning from both successes and failures.Key Moments:1. Preparation and Planning:• Budgeting: Understand the costs involved, including booth fees, travel, marketing materials, and sample production.• Product Selection: Choose the right products to showcase, focusing on what aligns with the market trends and what’s unique about your brand.• Booth Design: A well-designed booth that reflects your brand identity can attract more foot traffic and make a lasting impression.2. Understanding the Audience:• Buyer Behavior: Get to know what buyers are looking for, including trends in design, materials, and price points.• Networking: Use the opportunity to build relationships with buyers, other exhibitors, and industry insiders. Follow up after the show to keep these connections alive.3. The Importance of Follow-Up:• After the show, it’s crucial to follow up with leads and contacts made during the event. This step can turn casual conversations into meaningful business relationships.4. Analyzing Success and Failures:• Review what worked and what didn’t after each show.Key Takeaways:• Preparation is Key: Start planning months in advance, considering all aspects from budgeting to booth design.• Know Your Market: Tailor your offerings and presentation to meet the needs of the audience at the show.• Networking is Vital: The connections made at these shows can lead to long-term business growth, so treat networking as a priority.• Follow-Up: The work doesn’t end when the show does. Timely and personalized follow-ups can convert leads into sales.• Learn and Adapt: Use each show as a learning experience. Continuous improvement will increase your success rate in future exhibitions.Book Recommendation:“The Art of Show: How to Exhibit at Trade Shows” by Dave WoodwardThis book provides practical advice on how to maximize your success at trade shows. It covers everything from booth design to effective sales techniques and post-show follow-up strategies, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to excel at gift and stationery shows.ABOUT THE PODCASTBotany Works Artist Podcast - created by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist InstagramABOUT THE HOSTPing HeA mom, a botanical artist, a teacher, and mentor for creatives.From developing a buzzworthy flower consultant business to running a home fragrance line, from self-publishing a stationery line selling in 180 stores in 18 countries to a creative mentor, Ping He is an example of how to make a successful career transition.
  • 28. Ep 28 | Articulate: The Artist’s Voice in Writing

    44:48||Ep. 28
    In this episode of the artist podcast, we dive into the critical role that writing plays in an artist’s career. The discussion revolves around how artists can use writing not only to explain their work but also to connect with their audience, document their creative process, and articulate their artistic vision. The episode features insights from established artists and writers who discuss the challenges and rewards of integrating writing into an artistic practice. Through interviews and real-life examples, the podcast underscores the importance of finding one’s voice as an artist, both visually and textually.The Importance of Writing for ArtistsWriting is an essential tool for artists because it allows them to express the concepts, emotions, and stories behind their work. While art can often speak for itself, writing provides clarity and context that can deepen the audience’s understanding and appreciation of a piece. It also helps artists communicate with galleries, collectors, and the broader public, making their work more accessible and marketable. Moreover, writing about their process and experiences can serve as a form of self-reflection, leading to personal and professional growth.Key Moments• Discussion on Artist Statements: The podcast highlights the importance of a well-crafted artist statement, which is often the first piece of writing that potential galleries and buyers encounter. Tips on how to write an effective artist statement that reflects the artist’s voice and vision are shared.• Interview with a Multidisciplinary Artist: This segment explores how one artist uses writing not just to explain her work but as an integral part of her creative process. She discusses how writing helps her explore ideas before they become visual works.• The Role of Journals and Blogs: The podcast emphasizes the value of maintaining a journal or blog as an artist. These writings serve as a personal archive and a way to engage with a wider audience, offering insights into the artist’s ongoing projects and evolving thoughts.• Tips for Overcoming Writing Blocks: The episode provides practical advice for artists who struggle with writing, including prompts, free-writing exercises, and strategies for making writing a regular part of their practice.Key Takeaways• Finding Your Voice: Just as with visual art, finding a unique voice in writing is crucial. The podcast encourages artists to write in a way that feels natural and true to their personal style, avoiding overly technical language unless it aligns with their artistic persona.• Writing as a Form of Reflection: Writing allows artists to reflect on their creative process, helping them to understand their motivations and challenges. This self-awareness can lead to more intentional and meaningful art-making.• Connecting with the Audience: Writing bridges the gap between the artist and the audience, making art more approachable and relatable. By sharing the stories behind their work, artists can build stronger connections with their viewers.• Enhancing Professional Opportunities: Good writing can open doors for artists, from grant applications to exhibition proposals. Clear, compelling writing can make an artist’s work stand out in competitive environments.This podcast episode makes it clear that writing is not just an ancillary skill for artists but a powerful tool for communication, reflection, and creation. Whether through artist statements, blogs, or integrated text-based art, writing can significantly enhance an artist’s practice.Botany Works Artist Instagram
  • 27. Ep 27 | Finishing Strong: Reflecting on Your Creative Goals

    01:00:08||Ep. 27
    As the year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on your creative journey and set intentions for the future. In this episode, we delve into the importance of reviewing your creative goals before the year’s end. Whether you’re a writer, artist, musician, or any kind of creative, this discussion will guide you through evaluating your progress, celebrating your wins, and identifying areas for growth. We also explore actionable strategies to realign your goals, stay motivated, and ensure a strong finish to the year.Key Moments:1. Introduction & Importance of Year-End Reviews: Ping explains why reflecting on your creative goals before the year’s end is crucial for continuous growth and satisfaction in your creative practice.2. Evaluating Progress: A deep dive into assessing your achievements, challenges, and the lessons learned throughout the year. This section includes questions and prompts to help listeners critically analyze their creative journey.3. Celebrating Wins: Discussion on the importance of acknowledging and celebrating successes, no matter how small, to boost motivation and self-confidence.4. Identifying Areas for Growth: Focus on recognizing where you might have fallen short and how to turn these areas into opportunities for improvement in the coming year.5. Reevaluating & Realigning Goals: Guidance on how to adjust or redefine your creative goals based on your current situation and future aspirations. This section also covers the importance of setting realistic and achievable targets.6. Strategies for Staying Motivated: Tips and techniques to maintain enthusiasm and momentum as you work towards closing out the year on a high note.7. Conclusion & Actionable Takeaways: The episode wraps up with a summary of the key points discussed and practical steps listeners can take to implement what they’ve learned.Key Takeaways:1. Reflecting Regularly is Crucial: Taking time to review your goals at the end of the year helps you stay aligned with your creative vision and identify both progress and setbacks.2. Celebrate Your Successes: Recognizing and celebrating your achievements, no matter how minor, is essential for maintaining motivation and building confidence.3. Identify Growth Areas: Understanding where you fell short provides valuable insights that can guide your goal-setting process for the new year.4. Realign and Adjust Goals: It’s important to be flexible with your goals; reevaluate them regularly to ensure they remain realistic and aligned with your evolving creative aspirations.5. Stay Motivated: Use a combination of small, achievable goals, regular reflection, and self-compassion to keep your creative momentum going strong.This episode serves as both a reflective tool and a motivational guide for any creative looking to finish the year with clarity and purpose, setting the stage for an even more productive and fulfilling year ahead.ABOUT THE PODCASTBotany Works Artist Podcast - a podcast created by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur herself, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist Instagram
  • 26. Ep 26 | Beyond the Booth: Maximizing Impact Before, During, and After Trade Shows

    44:10||Ep. 26
    In this episode of the Botany Works Artist Podcast, Ping delves into the art and strategy behind making a memorable impact at trade shows, with a special focus on events like Formex. As a stationery brand, how can you ensure that your booth stands out among the hundreds of others? Ping explores key strategies for maximizing your brand’s presence before, during, and after the show, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on buyers, retailers, and industry professionals.Key Moments:1. Introduction to Trade Show Dynamics (00:02:00):• We discuss the importance of trade shows like Top Drawer for creative brands, particularly in the stationery industry, as vital opportunities for networking, sales, and brand exposure.2. Pre-Show Planning and Strategy (00:05:00):• Learn about the significance of defining your brand identity and USP, and how these elements should guide your stand design, product selection, and marketing efforts.• Tips on designing a visually impactful and functional booth that reflects your brand’s aesthetic and attracts the right audience.3. Show Graphics and Product Presentation (00:12:00):• Discover the power of consistent branding and storytelling through your show graphics, and how to curate a cohesive product collection that tells a story and resonates with your target audience.• The benefits of offering limited edition items and the role of high-quality samples or giveaways in engaging attendees.4. Engagement Strategies During the Show (00:20:00):• We highlight effective ways to engage visitors, from personalized service and interactive elements to networking strategies that expand your brand’s reach.• The importance of showcasing innovation through technology and emphasizing sustainable practices to align with current market trends.5. Post-Show Follow-Up and Reflection (00:30:00):• The critical steps for following up with leads, personalizing communications, and continuing the momentum generated at the show.• Insight into evaluating your show performance, gathering feedback, and using these insights to refine your approach for future events.Key Takeaways:• Brand Identity is Key: A well-defined brand identity and USP will guide every aspect of your trade show presence, from stand design to product presentation.• Visual Impact Matters: Invest in a visually appealing and strategically designed booth that not only attracts visitors but also communicates your brand’s essence.• Engagement Drives Success: Personalized service, interactive elements, and networking are crucial for standing out and making meaningful connections at trade shows.• Follow-Up is Crucial: The work doesn’t end when the show does. A structured and personalized follow-up strategy ensures that the connections made at the show translate into long-term relationships and sales.• Continuous Improvement: Use each show as a learning experience. Analyze what worked, gather feedback, and continually refine your approach to maximize impact at future events.ABOUT THE PODCASTA podcast created by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers. As a creative entrepreneur herself, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist Podcast promotes a community of artists supporting each other through exploration and process while equipping them with a professional toolkit to become successful and thriving artists. Botany Works Artist Instagram
  • 25. Ep 25 | From Vision to Reality: Building Your Creative Space

    37:39||Ep. 25
    Summary of Creative SpaceA creative space is a dedicated area where artists can freely explore, create, and cultivate their art. This space is crucial as it fosters inspiration, focus, and a sense of identity and professionalism in one’s work.KEY MOMENTS Importance of Creative Space1. Inspiration and Focus: A designated creative area helps artists to immerse themselves in their work, minimizing distractions and allowing for uninterrupted periods of creativity.2. Professionalism: Having a dedicated space can enhance the seriousness and dedication to one’s craft, often leading to more consistent and higher-quality work.3. Identity: It helps in building a distinct identity for the artist, separating personal life from artistic endeavors.Forms of Creative Spaces1. Home Studio: A section of your living room or a spare bedroom can be converted into a creative space. It’s convenient and often cost-effective.2. Dedicated Art Studio: Renting or owning a separate studio space offers more room and fewer distractions.3. Outdoor Spaces: Gardens, backyards, or even public parks can serve as inspirational and refreshing spaces for certain types of artistic work.Important Factors to Consider1. Location: Proximity to your home or necessary resources can affect convenience and productivity.2. Size and Layout: Ensure the space is large enough for your projects and organized to accommodate your workflow.3. Lighting: Natural light is ideal, but good artificial lighting is also essential to reduce eye strain and accurately perceive colors.Practical Advice1. Storage: Invest in shelves, cabinets, and organizers to keep supplies tidy and accessible. Labeling is also crucial to maintain order.2. Health & Safety: Ensure proper ventilation, especially if working with chemicals or dust. Ergonomic furniture can prevent strain and injury.3. Financial Considerations: Set a budget for setting up and maintaining your creative space. Consider the cost of rent, utilities, and supplies, and look for second-hand or repurposed items to save money.Growth Mentality and MindsetA creative space isn’t just about the physical area but also the mindset. Embrace a growth mentality by:• Continuous Learning: Regularly update your skills and knowledge.• Flexibility: Adapt your space and methods as your needs and projects evolve.• Resilience: Overcome setbacks and use challenges as opportunities for growth.Key Moments of Creative Space1. Setup: The initial setup is crucial. Take time to plan and organize your space.2. Routine: Establishing a routine helps in making the most of your creative space.3. Reflection: Periodically assess and reorganize your space to ensure it continues to meet your needs.ABOUT THE PODCASTBotany Works Artist Podcast - a podcast created by artists for artists, illustrators, creatives, and aspiring designers and art lovers.It is a weekly podcast by Ping He. As a creative entrepreneur herself, Ping shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professionals who provide practical tactics and clarity to help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional life.Botany Works Artist Podcast promotes a community of artists supporting each other through exploration and process while equipping them with a professional toolkit to become successful and thriving artists.Botany Works Artist Instagram