Research Bytes

  • 4. Dr Katrina Champion on the prevention of chronic disease risk factors in youth

    Dr Katrina Champion's research looks at how early intervention on the 'big 6' lifestyle risk factors could prevent chronic disease later in life.
  • 3. Dr Rachel Visontay on long term effects of alcohol use

    Dr Rachel Visontay's recent publication looks at long-term health effects of alcohol use and asks whether a little bit of alcohol could be good for depression.
  • 2. Dr Caitlin Jones on opioids for back pain

    Dr Caitlin Jones aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of opioids for low back pain, and uncovered some interesting findings in her research. Listen to find out more, you can read her paper here: Opioid analgesia for acute low back pain and neck pain (the OPAL trial): a randomised placebo-controlled trial
  • 1. Dr Nick Hunt and developing oral insulin

    Dr Nick Hunt and his colleagues from the University of Sydney's Faculty of Medicine and Health have been using nanotechnology to take us even closer to an oral insulin, negating the need for injections. Listen to hear more about his exciting research and read his paper: Oral nanotherapeutic formulation of insulin with reduced episodes of hypoglycaemia Access the transcript