
cover art for E12: Sheena Patel's I'm A Fan

Joel Golby's Book Club

E12: Sheena Patel's I'm A Fan

Season 1, Ep. 12

We've looked at a few books on JGBC with themes desire as of late, and 2022's I'm A Fan took on a life of its own post-release for absolutely nailing the topic through a modern day lens. It's an astute, sharp and witty book that Joel has recommended "the arse out of" since it came out. So yeah! A good one this week!

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    You asked for it, you got it. Joel's read a book that he hated and it's Jonathan Ames' collection of articles and short stories that have not dated well and probably weren't very good at the time either.
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  • 13. E13: Nico Walker's Cherry

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    In this special bonus episode, Joel speaks to Sheena Patel about her creative influences, the process of writing and crafting her incredible debut novel, 'I'm A Fan'.
  • 11. E11: Joel Golby's Four Stars

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