
Back Tracks: Aerosmith Revisited
Episode 92: Joanie's Butterfly
Season 2, Ep. 92
This week we check out a deep cut off of Rock In A Hard Place, "Joanie's Butterfly"!
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You can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio!
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98. Episode 98: The Final Mixtape
01:38:57||Season 2, Ep. 98Well all good things must come to an end and we wrap up our journey through the Aerosmith catalogue a bit early by nominating 3 songs each for inclusion on our Ultimate Aerosmith Mixtape. Kevin Brown joins us to help put the pod to bed and help moderate our final discussion on what songs we think best represent the band.Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!97. Episode 97: Come Together
59:10||Season 2, Ep. 97This week we roll another Beatles cover, "Come Together"!Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!96. Episode 96: The Hop
46:35||Season 2, Ep. 96This week we roll the Done With Mirrors album closer, "The Hop"!Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!95. Episode 95: Train Kept A Rollin'
01:05:27||Season 2, Ep. 95This week Sean from the SeanGeek And FastFret Podcast joins us and we roll one of Aerosmith's most well known covers, "Train Kepy A Rollin'"!Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!94. Episode 94: Love In An Elevator
01:02:01||Season 2, Ep. 94This week we roll one of the big ones from Aerosmith's 80's resurgence, the legendary "Love In An Elevator"!Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!93. Episode 93: Lay It Down
48:18||Season 2, Ep. 93This week we roll a bonus track off of 2002's O Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits, "Lay It Down"!Check out Scott's other shows at www.scotthaskin.comYou can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!91. Episode 91: Fallen Angels
41:12||Season 2, Ep. 91This week roll a song that should have been a single off of Nine Lives, "Fallen Angels"! Check out Scott's other shows at You can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! Proud member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!90. Episode 90: Fever
38:49||Season 2, Ep. 90This week Scott and Corey roll one of the singles off of Get A Grip, "Fever'! Check out Scott's other shows at You can follow us on twitter @BTAerosmith and please support our friend and sponsor Ken Napzok on Pop Rockin' Radio! Proud member of the Deep Dive Podcast Network!