
cover art for 1079: Ask Farnoosh: How to Recover from Bankruptcy?

So Money with Farnoosh Torabi

1079: Ask Farnoosh: How to Recover from Bankruptcy?

In this week's Ask Farnoosh, CFP and founder of FIT Advisors, Anjali Jariwala joins to answer listeners' questions about bankruptcy, paying off debt, saving for a home and creating a financial plan.

More about Anjali: She is the founder of FIT Advisors - a financial planning firm serving physicians and business owners virtually across the US. Prior to launching her own firm, Anjali spent over 6 years years working with Fortune 500 clients at a top 4 accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and 2 years with a large, prestigious financial planning firm serving high net worth individuals. During her career, she would often share financial advice with family and friends, but began to realize that not only did most of them lack access to the best personal finance information, but also their busy family lives meant they just didn’t have the time to pull it all together on their own. So, she decided she could make a bigger impact by starting her own firm. Anjali utilizes her expertise in tax and finance to empower her clients to discover and reach their life goals while building a stable financial future. 

Anjali hosts Money Checkup podcast - a semi-monthly checkup that discusses the many facets of financial well-being. She was named one of Investment News Top 40 under 40 for 2019 and named one of Financial Advisor magazine’s Young Advisors To Watch for 2020. Anjali has been featured in Blomberg, US News and World Report, New York Times, USA Today, Business Insider, Investment News and more. Learn more about

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