
cover art for 3.03 - Ukraine pt.3 “Ukraine is the instrument for Russia to test the West's 'red lines'” - Lilia Shevtsova

how did it come to this?

3.03 - Ukraine pt.3 “Ukraine is the instrument for Russia to test the West's 'red lines'” - Lilia Shevtsova

This week, part 3 of our coverage of the war in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin. Former KGB operative turned political mastermind. Since early in his life Putin has sought to take control. From the end of the Cold War to the start of Putin’s Hot War, from collapse to creating a resource rich powerhouse. How has Putin’s grip on Eastern Europe changed? How did Ukraine survive in the post Cold War years? What does Putin want? What does Ukraine want? Has NATO made things worse? Why has it taken so long for us to record this episode? And ultimately how did it come to this?

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  • 2. 5.02 - Israel/Palestine pt2. “We hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in the land of Israel.” - Ben Gurion

    This week, creating a nation always comes with pitfalls. The end of the colonial era gave many the opportunity for self-determination, and for some the opportunity to come back. But what happens when you try to reinstate a state when people are already living there? How do you tell someone their home no longer is their home? How did Palestine become Israel? Can there ever be a two state solution? What is a Knesset? Where is the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? What’s a Camp David? Why have we been called terrible? and ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 1. 5.01 - Israel/Palestine pt1. "a Land flowing with milk and honey." Deuteronomy 26:9

    This week, the cradle of civilisation has been a hotly contested region since we have been able to record our conquests. Many people groups, kingdoms, empires and nations have called the land of Southern Levant home and it is no different today. Israel and Palestine have been locked in dispute over land of the eastern mediterranean for decades and recent events have brought into sharp focus the difficulties in bringing resolution to this land. How do we untangle the web of this conflict? How do we determine who owns land? How did these conflicts begin? Is it Canaan, Palestine or Israel? How much responsibility does the international community bear? Does understanding 5000 years of history make a difference? What do two anglo-saxon Teachers know about this topic? and ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 4. 4.04 - The Voice Pt.2 "You're the voice, try and understand it" - John Farnham

    In part 2 of our look at the. voice referendum we delve into the indigenous fight for rights and freedoms and the different advisory bodies that have come and gone. Join Daniel Mattes, Siobhan Dougherty, James Tuckwell and special guest Dee Mattes as they continue to discuss this important issue before the vote on October 14 2023.
  • 4.03 - The Voice Pt. 1 “This link is the basis of the ownership of the soil, or better, of sovereignty” - Uluru Statement of the Heart

    This week, we have the chance to turn the pages over. From before European colonialism, the indigenous peoples of the land we now call Australia have been a sovereign peoples. From the arrival of Captain James Cook and the declaration of Terra Nullius, the last 200 years have seen a proud history, culture and nations diminished under policies and laws created by a government that did not represent those people. From Sydney Cove to Mabo, from Henry Parkes to the Uluru statement from the heart, this week we ask some questions. Why is it crucial for indigenous voices to be heard? Why must we act now? What challenges have indigenous communities faced throughout history? What does Terra Nullius truly mean, and how does it resonate today? What is a constitution? How do we change them? Do we know if this time, we all can stand together, with the power to be powerful, do we believe we can make it better? and ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 4.02 - “and there surely will be conflict and confrontation” - Qin Gang

    This week, two of Australia's biggest international partners increase their rhetoric against each other. Accusations of war mongering, arms races, and recognition of national sovereignty. Of course we speak of China and the US who will potentially decide the fate of the world over the course of this century. Do world superpowers have the right to decide what is the course of our world? Does China really want war? Why does the US continue to provoke? Whose side are Australia on? What does a tiny island in the South China Sea have to do with it? Whats a belt and road? Why do I dislike newspaper opinion pieces so much? And just like funk rock legends WAR I ask “why can’t we be friends” and ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 4.01 - "To guard those relics ne'er to be restored." - Lord Byron

    This week, as pieces of historical significance are returned to Cambodia we were prompted to think about what do we do with items that are of historical value. From the beginning of time, when wars were won, the victors looted the defeated, from Egypt to Rome, South America to Southeast Asia, treasures have been stolen, sold and returned, but where do they belong? who owns history? Can we protect our artefacts of significance? Do we blame colonialism or just plain old human greed? Was Indiana Jones right when he said “It belongs in a museum”  And ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 3.02 - Ukraine pt2. “Is there anything more frightening than people?" –Svetlana Alexievich

    This week, part 2 of the complex issue that is Ukraine. From Empire to hetmanate to democracy, last week saw a land given and taken by the empires around it. From the end of World War 2 Ukraine has been constantly torn between communism, its people, its land and those who would control it. What was Stalin’s legacy? Why did Russia give up Crimea? What happened behind the Iron Curtain? What's the deal with Krushchev? How does all of this lead to Putin? And ultimately how did it come to this?
  • 3.01 - Ukraine pt1. “It is better to be naked and honest than rich and an outlaw”

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