
cover art for The Vibrational Spectrum: Understanding the Scale of Emotional Energy

Evolve Mind Body Soul

The Vibrational Spectrum: Understanding the Scale of Emotional Energy

Ep. 38

Key Takeaways:

  • Emotions vibrate at different frequencies, similar to colors on a spectrum.
  • Lower vibrational emotions include fear, anger, and sadness, while higher vibrational emotions include joy, love, and gratitude.
  • Our emotional state impacts our ability to manifest our desires, as we attract experiences that align with our vibrational energy.
  • Awareness of our emotional state is crucial for manifesting, as we can consciously choose to shift our energy to higher vibrations.
  • Trusting in the power of our emotions and aligning our intentions with our vibrational energy is essential for successful manifestation.

Best Moments:

"Imagine emotions on a scale. At the bottom... darker colors... have lower vibrations... At the top... lighter, brighter colors... vibrate at higher frequencies."

"It's so important to become aware of your emotional state... It's going to affect your manifesting."

"Without feeling these lows, you will not appreciate the highs... That is the key to manifesting."

"Get aware. Get manifesting. Get high vibes... Trust what you want is there for the taking."

"You have the power to shape your reality using your emotions... Embrace the energy of love. Love is right up there, so high vibes."

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  • 43. Energetic Awareness: Navigating the Impact of Others' Energy on Our Well-being

    12:32||Ep. 43
    SummaryIn this episode, Ellie discusses the concept of tuning into other people's energy and how it can affect our own energy levels. She explains that we can feel drained or uplifted depending on the energy of the people we spend time with. Ellie emphasizes the importance of developing awareness of others' energy and distinguishing it from our own. She also discusses the practice of cutting energetic cords to disconnect from others' energies. Overall, the episode highlights the significance of understanding and managing our own energy as well as being attuned to the energy of those around us.TakeawaysSpending time with certain people can leave us feeling tired or uplifted, indicating the influence of their energy on us.Developing awareness of others' energy can help us distinguish between our own emotions and those of others.Cutting energetic cords is important to disconnect from others' energies and maintain our own energetic boundaries.Tuning into others' energy allows for deeper connections and understanding in relationships.Chapters00:00 Tuning into Other People's Energy01:29 Developing Awareness of Others' Energy03:42 Cutting Energetic Cords06:37 Being Aware of Your Energy and Others'09:00 Understanding Your Energetic Field11:26 Connecting with Others on a Deeper Level
  • 42. Uncovering Your Belief System: Understanding the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

    07:55||Ep. 42
    Key Takeaways:The mind comprises a conscious and a subconscious part, with the latter storing beliefs, habits, values, and experiences.Up until age seven, individuals absorb information like a sponge, forming neural pathways that influence decision-making.The subconscious mind believes whatever it's told, making it crucial to evaluate and filter beliefs consciously.Many beliefs are formed in childhood and may not accurately reflect one's true beliefs as an adult.Working through and filtering the belief system allows individuals to retain what resonates and release what doesn't.Best Moments:"Your mind has two parts: a conscious part and a subconscious part, which influences your everyday thinking.""Up until the age of seven, we are essentially like a sponge, absorbing everything we see, hear, do, and feel.""The subconscious mind is non-judgmental and believes whatever you tell it.""It's crucial to evaluate what beliefs are truly yours and what has been absorbed from external sources.""We're going to take your belief system in the subconscious mind and filter it, sifting out what works for you and letting go of what doesn't."This episode explores the significance of understanding and evaluating your belief system, emphasizing the role of the subconscious mind in shaping thoughts and behaviors. Discover how childhood experiences influence beliefs and learn strategies for filtering and retaining beliefs that resonate with your true self. Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.If you would like to know more about how to working through your beliefs and rewiring your subconscious, check out the course here!
  • 41. Unlocking Inner Peace: The Power of Ho'oponopono

    11:01||Ep. 41
    SummaryHo 'oponopono is a Hawaiian forgiveness technique or mantra that helps individuals free themselves from burdens that are not truly theirs. It is a simple four-phrase mantra that allows one to strip away emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that hinder their ability to be a loving being. The technique is based on the understanding that there is no inherent good or bad, but rather the meaning we assign to situations. The mantra has been used by Dr. Hugh Len to improve the behavior of patients in a criminally insane asylum without ever meeting them face to face. By using their files and the mantra, he was able to cleanse their energy and help them realign with love and light.TakeawaysHo 'oponopono is a Hawaiian forgiveness technique that helps individuals let go of emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that are not truly theirs.The technique is based on the understanding that there is no inherent good or bad, but rather the meaning we assign to situations.The four-phrase mantra of Ho 'oponopono is: I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.The mantra can be used to clear negative energy and bring individuals back to their true loving selves.Chapters00:00Introduction to Ho 'oponopono01:12The Power of Love03:09The Hawaiian Forgiveness Technique03:38Dr. Hew Len's Story04:07Clearing Negative Energy06:07The Four-Phrase Mantra07:11Taking Back Power08:38Dr. Hew Len's Impact09:06Stripping Away Negative EmotionsRelax, unwind, and find inner peace with my FREE meditation here!Book 1-1 Session with me here :)
  • 40. Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies: Understanding the Dynamic Interplay

    13:55||Ep. 40
    SummaryThis conversation explores the concepts of masculine and feminine energy and their importance in personal growth and relationships. The host discusses her own experiences of being heavily in her masculine energy and the need to balance it with feminine energy. She explains that masculine energy is characterized by stability, rigidity, and a focus on doing, while feminine energy is more flexible, flowing, and emotional. The host emphasizes the significance of feminine energy in manifestation and the challenges of maintaining a harmonious relationship when one partner is heavily in their masculine energy. She also highlights society's bias towards masculine energy and the value of embracing feminine energy and being in flow.TakeawaysMasculine energy is characterized by stability, rigidity, and a focus on doing, while feminine energy is more flexible, flowing, and emotional.Balancing masculine and feminine energies is important for personal growth and harmonious relationships.Feminine energy is crucial in manifestation and being in flow with the universe.Society tends to favor and value masculine energy, but embracing feminine energy is equally valuable.Chapters00:00Introduction to Masculine and Feminine Energy01:25Masculine Energy: Stability, Rigidness, and Doing03:22The Importance of Feminine Energy in Manifestation05:05The Impact of Masculine Energy on Relationships06:33Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies in Relationships08:13Stepping into Feminine Energy and Finding Balance09:50Society's Bias Towards Masculine Energy12:31The Value of Feminine Energy and Being in Flow14:14Conclusion and Call to ActionRelax, unwind, and find inner peace with my FREE meditation here!Book 1-1 Session with me here :)
  • 39. Unveiling Mystical Messages: Exploring Tarot, Oracle, and Angel Cards

    14:18||Ep. 39
    Key Takeaways:Tarot, Oracle, and Angel cards are powerful tools used for gaining insight, wisdom, and guidance from the spiritual realm.Each card is rich with symbolism, speaking directly to our subconscious mind and higher self.These cards offer a direct line to the universe's infinite wisdom and can help us connect with spirit and tap into our inner wisdom and intuition.Reading cards involves setting intentions, clearing the mind, and inviting divine guidance, allowing us to receive messages and insights that resonate with our soul's journey.Interpretations may not always resonate immediately, but with time and practice, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and the universe.Tarot readings involve specific spreads and interpretations, while Oracle and Angel cards offer more flexibility and intuitive guidance.Using these cards can help us tune into our higher self, awaken our inner wisdom, and navigate life's challenges with clarity and courage.Trusting in the messages received and having faith in the process is essential for unlocking the transformative power of Tarot, Oracle, and Angel cards.Best Moments:"Tarot, Oracle and Angel cards are rich with symbolism. Each card contains layers of meaning that speak to our subconscious mind.""The power of the cards lies in their ability to awaken our inner wisdom and our intuition. And as we work with them, we deepen our connection to ourselves and the universe.""Using the cards, sometimes when you're overwhelmed and you're not able to listen to yourself and what's in your heart, the cards are a tool to bring you back to yourself.""The messages just sort of pop off the card and then you intuitively know. It's like a knowing.""In conclusion, tarot, oracle and angel cards help us to remember the power and to connect with spirit and receive guidance. And that power lies within you.""Just trust, have faith. Some people are a bit wary of these. They're scared of them. There's a lot of, I think the wizard charlatans, there's a lot of people who pretend. But you know, but there's people in all walks of life doing anything.""Thanks so much for joining me on this mystical journey today, and if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, rate and review the podcast."Book a tarot reading with Ellie HERE!Relax and connect to your higher self with this FREE meditation!
  • 37. The Ripple Effect: How Your Positive Thoughts Reshape Your Water, Your Body, Your Life

    13:04||Ep. 37
    Key Takeaways:"Over 70% of our bodies are water, and Dr. Emoto's work suggests that our thoughts can affect the molecular structure of this water.""Dr. Emoto's water crystal experiments show that positive words and thoughts create visually pleasing, symmetrical ice crystals, while negative expressions yield distorted and ugly formations.""The mind-body connection is evident in Dr. Emoto's research, emphasizing that what we think impacts us on a cellular level.""Our inner conversations and self-talk matter because the water inside us reflects our emotions, and our cells are always paying attention.""Words have power internally and externally, shaping both our internal state and the reality we create.""Positive self-talk is crucial for overall well-being, affecting not only our beliefs about ourselves but also influencing how the world responds to us.""Being conscious and aware of our self-talk is essential for taking control of our reality and shaping our experiences."Best Moments:" 'Our thoughts leave an imprint on the water inside us.' "" 'Positive words create good vibes, shaping not just our internal world but also the world around us.' "" 'I talk about the mind-body connection, about your body manifesting physical things to show trapped emotions in your body.' "" 'Your word is your wand, and even the ones we say to ourselves, positive words create good vibes.' "" 'Energy reacts to what we're saying. If we're saying that, then we're still going to experience those experiences because that's what we're saying.' "" 'Everything is temporary. Recognize your role in your experiences.' "" 'Positive self-talk is about using the power of our words to help us rather than hinder us.' "Apologies for the end of the recording - I had issues with internet connection and the closing comments were lost!Book a tarot reading with Ellie HERE!Relax and connect to your higher self with this FREE meditation!
  • 36. Awaken Your Day: A Mindful Morning Routine for a Present Life

    01:42||Ep. 36
    In this short and sweet episode, we embark on a journey into the transformative practice of mindfulness, with a particular focus on integrating it into our morning routines. Mindfulness, the art of living in the present moment, is often overlooked in the hustle of our daily lives. The episode begins by emphasizing the power of starting your day mindfully, providing a simple yet effective exercise to kickstart this practice.Listeners are encouraged to initiate a mindful pause as they wake, setting the tone for the day ahead. Practical tips, such as using a sticky note on the alarm clock as a reminder, are shared to facilitate this initial moment of awareness. The episode explores the profound impact of tuning into the body, feeling the awakening sensations, and gradually transitioning into movement.The breath takes center stage in this mindfulness exercise, with guidance on taking intentional, deep breaths to anchor oneself in the present. The narrative highlights the significance of recognizing the gift of waking up and breathing each morning, fostering gratitude and awareness. The journey continues as we explore maintaining mindfulness throughout the day, especially during routine activities prone to autopilot.Listeners are encouraged to notice moments of distraction and gently guide themselves back to the present, emphasizing the ongoing nature of the mindfulness practice. The episode serves as a practical guide for infusing mindfulness into the morning routine, offering a holistic approach to enhancing awareness, gratitude, and presence in everyday life.Book a tarot reading with Ellie HERE!Relax and connect to your higher self with this FREE meditation!
  • 35. Chakra Wisdom Unveiled: Navigating the Energy Centers Within

    13:21||Ep. 35
    SummaryIn this episode, Ellie introduces the concept of chakras, which are energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a specific colour and represents different aspects of our physical and emotional well-being. Ellie explains the importance of keeping these energy centres clear and spinning for optimal health. She also discusses the mind-body connection and how blocked chakras can manifest as physical ailments. The episode concludes with an invitation to learn more about chakras and seek guidance for healing.TakeawaysChakras are energy centers in the body that represent different aspects of our physical and emotional well-being.Each chakra is associated with a specific color and has a corresponding area in the body.Blocked chakras can lead to physical ailments and disease.Understanding and addressing our chakras can help us achieve optimal health and well-being.Chapters00:00Introduction to Chakras02:00Root Chakra02:57Sacral Chakra03:27Solar Plexus Chakra04:31Heart Chakra05:29Throat Chakra06:23Third Eye Chakra07:22Crown Chakra09:14Mind-Body Connection10:13Emotional Blockages11:51Summary and ConclusionBook a tarot reading with Ellie HERE!Relax and connect to your higher self with this FREE meditation!