
cover art for Welcome to the Corporation

Legs & Eggs

Welcome to the Corporation

Ep. 37

We have three, count them THREE excellent guests this week! First, Lauren from the Well Behaved Women podcast is back! She joins Sara and Klem in a conversation with Uther Naysmith where they talk about UK politics and why he left the Labour Party. They also discuss Oppenheimer, how propaganda is mind control, and Julian Assange. Next, we welcome Bo Dunk, who is a Navy vet from Texas. He talks to Heather, Sara, and Klem about his military experience, how fucked up the VA is, and of course, politics. We give shout outs to some of our Patreon subscribers, Hillary’s Kill List, and a very special bonus song by Cancelled Tom Waits. So get comfy, grab yourself a can of creamed corn, and let’s go.

Uther Naysmith is a socialist activist in the UK. He has a master’s degree in law with special interests in human rights and labor law. He has written articles and pamphlets for left wing organizations on topics ranging from civil liberties to a critique of capitalist contract law. 

Bo Dunk is a Navy veteran who also does freelance sticker design, stand-up hypnosis, a writer, and an advocate for poverty reduction and American rights protection. DM on Instagram if you are looking to discuss any issue, or email

Legs and Eggs now has a YouTube channel! We’re taking requests…what do you want to see us do next? (No, we’re not doing that. Get your mind out of the gutter, loser.) Let us know by sending an email, call us at (*67 first to restrict your number) 929-263-4165, or send us a message on any of our social media accounts, which you access by visiting our website.

I am asking nicely. I love you. We love you. Please give us a 5 Star rating and leave a little review. If you do and send us your address via email or Twitter (X) DM, we will mail you a postcard signed by at least half of us! Or just say hi. We’ll still love you. You can always go old school and call and leave us a message. We just put a fresh cassette in the answering machine. 929-263-4165

You can find Sara the Ruthless most evenings singing her heart out on the StarMaker app. Klem, Fupa, Heather, and even Captain Karl (the doll, not the real Karl) make appearances! Look for the No Loads Refused Cum Dump and follow SaratheRuthless. *We reserve the right to refuse any load. This is an 18+ room. Kids…you WILL get thrown out.

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    01:00:04||Ep. 55
    We have more Shidder Mob.It’s not a secret.We’re telling you right nowBefore you leak itHave you hugged your kid today? Specifically, have you hugged your kid in a Chinese restaurant on Cape Cod? Does your finger have a name? Is it Chester? Chester the Finger? I know a finger. His name is Finger. He hangs out with Hal but that’s a story for another time because we have more SHIDDER MOB and a whole bunch of other business to get to.So let’s get this business to the front. We have MORE SHIDDER MOB! We get into it — all of it — with A$AP SHID and The Shitman. Heather goes to the Casino. Heather also has eye problems but she also definitely goes to the casino. Klem talks toilet with her Toilet Talk and STUMP-O-MANIA runs wild on you! Fupa sings a lot.So strap on in. We’re gonna get some General T-Sow’s at the Tiki Port.Interested in our Newsletter? Maybe you want a Fupa Jones shower curtain. How would I know? I don't know you. But I do know you can find all that and more by clicking RIGHT HERE
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  • 51. Adult Baby Diaper Lover Spa

    44:03||Ep. 51
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  • 50. at the urinal with your pants down

    45:04||Ep. 50
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  • 49. It's Joever!

    55:11||Ep. 49
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    01:09:50||Ep. 48
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  • 47. Best of Heather

    51:34||Ep. 47
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