
cover art for 034 - The Coach Up: Why "Live Your Best Life Now" is Bad Advice


034 - The Coach Up: Why "Live Your Best Life Now" is Bad Advice

On the fifth episode of FAREWELL, Kate Bowler joined the show to talk about the ways in which the cult of wellness is failing us—namely, by making unrealistic promises about how limitless we are. We revisit that idea on today’s Coach Up, as Kate shares some thoughts on why the mandate to constantly live your “best life now” is particularly harmful, and why it’s okay to accept that, many days, we’re probably not feeling our best or making it through all (if any) of the things on our to-do list.

If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!

Got a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 

Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper

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  • 043 - Lessons from a 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat

    Clay discusses his recent experience at a 10-day silent retreat, and the guys use it as a chance to go deep on the relationship between meditation and performance—including how Brad and Steve have changed their thoughts since first writing about the connection in their 2017 book, Peak Performance. If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper
  • 042 - The Coach Up: Master These Soft Skills to Become a Great Leader

    To be a coach, you have to have a level of expertise in your field. To be a truly *great* coach, though, you have to have so much more than technical knowledge. You need a deep repertoire of soft skills that allow you to get the best out of your athletes. On today's episode of The Coach Up, Steve Magness, who has spent his entire life coaching or being coached, explains the attributes shared by great leaders and culture-builders. Of course, these are skills useful to anyone who works with people, whether a "coach" or not, which means they're abilities we'd all be wise to cultivate. Plus: what matters most when it comes to youth coaching.If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper
  • 041 - How Algorithms are Changing Our Identity & Culture (with Kyle Chayka)

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  • 040 - The Coach Up: Allostasis vs. Homeostasis, and the Science of Handling Change

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  • 039 - Roundtable: Intuitive Eating, Using Fear as Motivation, and Internet Culture

    This week's roundtable is a hodgepodge of good stuff. Brad and Steve share their thoughts on (and criticisms of) last week's interview with Evelyn Tribole on intuitive eating. The crew reacts to a clip of the actor Jesse Eisenberg talking about how he learned to use his fear and anxiety as motivation. And there's a discussion of the recent Apple iPad ad, and how to best protect our humanity from the ever advancing grasp of technology. (All of the referenced material is linked below.)Intuitive Eating episode: Eisenberg interview: iPad ad: you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper
  • 038 - The Coach Up: The Two Types of Attention

    We live in an age where attentional well-being is more important than ever. In our increasingly noisy world, there are an infinite number of things vying for our attention—which means it's more important than ever to have some control over how we direct it. In order to be able to do that, we have to have a deeper understanding of how attention works. Today, Clay, with the help of Oliver Burkeman's book, Four Thousand Weeks, breaks it down, explaining why we're so easily distracted and how we can train to deepen our concentration.If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper
  • 037 - A Saner Way to Eat (with Evelyn Tribole)

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  • 036 - The Coach Up: Steve's Best Strategies for Handling Pressure

    Over many years of evolution, we've been wired to have very trigger happy alarm systems. Unfortunately, those alarms tend go off most loudly right before a big performance, creating a cascade of nerves that can derail our ability to run a race, deliver a presentation, or nail the interview. Today, Steve offers some of the best strategies he’s used (and coaches his athletes to use) for turning down the alarm and marshaling the energy of your nerves to work for—not against—you. If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper
  • 035 - Tools to Move More, Eat Better, & Boost Productivity

    Today's roundtable is all about building a more robust and more effective toolbox for handling the challenges life throws at you. After years of studying and writing about performance, Steve, Brad, and Clay highlight the practical tools that they have found most helpful when it comes to exercise & working out, productivity & work, diet & nutrition, and managing anxiety & mental health.If you are enjoying FAREWELL, do us a huge favor: text your favorite episode to three people so they can enjoy it, too. Thanks!iTunes and Apple PodcastsSpotifyAndroidStitcherGot a question, feedback, or ideas for the show? Email or leave a voicemail at (646) 893-9503 Find Brad, Steve, and Clay on Instagram: @bradstulberg, @stevemagness, and @clayskipper