
Thoughts about our digital life - The Podcast
The power of newsletter
Season 1, Ep. 5
In the business world, it is crucial to find effective ways to promote your personal brand, expertise, and work. Entrepreneurs, influencers, specialists, and freelancers can find an effective tool to achieve this: the newsletter.
- Bruno Guglielminetti
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8. The impact of digitalization on our attention
03:18||Season 1, Ep. 8In our modern society, it is undeniable that digitalization offers numerous benefits and facilitates our daily lives. However, it is important to be aware of the often overlooked consequences it can have on our attention and everyday life. Today, I would like to focus on the impacts of digitalization on our attention span and its repercussions on our daily lives.7. Using technology to help us create
04:20||Season 1, Ep. 7As technology continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly easy for individuals to stimulate their creativity and produce works of art, music, writing, and more. Today, I would like to explore with you some ways in which digital technology can help us unlock our creative potential.6. ChatGPT can change our point of view
04:14||Season 1, Ep. 6In his column on Saturday, May 13, 2023, the technology columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Christopher Mims, had a very interesting text that dealt with the ability of artificial intelligences like ChatGPT or Bard to change our point of view without us realizing it. And his text sparked this reflection in me. - Bruno Guglielminetti4. Goodwill on social media
04:28||Season 1, Ep. 4In our increasingly connected society, social interactions are becoming more frequent through social media. These platforms offer invaluable opportunities to connect with people from around the world and share ideas and perspectives. However, they can also be a place for disrespectful and offensive exchanges. It is therefore essential to demonstrate civility and good behavior during exchanges and conversations on social media. - Bruno Guglielminetti3. Reflection on passwords
04:37||Season 1, Ep. 3Nowadays, online security has become a major concern for internet users. In order to ensure the confidentiality and security of their personal information, internet users are encouraged to change their password regularly and not to use the same password for all their online services. But is it really necessary to change one's password every month or every six months? And can one use the same password for all their online accounts? These questions have been widely debated in the world of computer security, and there is no simple and universal answer. - Bruno Guglielminetti2. The "De-influencing" : a resistance movement or a marketing tactic ?
04:45||Season 1, Ep. 2If I mention influencers, you immediately know what I am talking about; those people on social media who, through their daily lives, recommend products and services to their followers in their posts. However, we are beginning to see more and more of another type of influencer known as "de-influencers", who try to stop overconsumption by encouraging consumers to be more critical about their purchases. In fact, are they trying or using a new sales approach? That's what I want to explore with you today. - Bruno Guglielminetti1. Fifty years since the first cell phone call
04:11||Season 1, Ep. 1The cell phone was celebrating its 50th anniversary last month. On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, an engineer at Motorola, made the first public call from a mobile phone. This first model, called the DynaTAC, was a large device the size of a brick, weighing 2.5 pounds, and costing nearly $4,000. - Bruno Guglielminetti"Thought about our digital life" - The Podcast presentation
00:47||Season 1, Ep. 0"Thoughts about our digital life" is a podcast series featuring the insightful ideas, observations, and thoughts of Bruno Guglielminetti. As a seasoned tech reporter, columnist, analyst, and speaker, Bruno has been exploring and covering the digital world for over 30 years. Through this podcast, Bruno shares his extensive knowledge and experience in the field to help us understand and navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of our digital lives. Tune in to discover fascinating insights and perspectives on the latest trends, issues, and challenges in technology and how they impact our daily lives.