
Ask the Experts – a podcast about assessment
Ask the experts - metacognition
'Ask the experts' is an exclusive podcast for members of Cambridge Assessment Network. This taster edition features Martina Kuvalja, Senior Researcher in the “Digital Assessment and Evaluation” team, as she answers a question from a member on metacognition, learning and assessment.
Martina has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Cambridge, where she investigated the development of self-regulated learning and metacognition in children. Self-regulation and metacognition remain her research interests and she delivers workshops and talks for teachers, the assessment community and product teams on the topic.
The episode is hosted by Gill Elliott, Deputy Director of the Research Division, and Sylvia Vitello, Senior Researcher in the Research Division.
Ask the Experts is one of a range of benefits for member's of Cambridge Assessment Network. Develop professionally as you take your learning to the next level with a Cambridge Assessment Network membership.