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The Authentic Organization, with the author, Gina Battye
Season 5, Ep. 502
Gina Battye, CEO of the Psychological Safety Institute, offers a practical guide aimed at leaders, managers, HR and DEI professionals interested in cultivating an inclusive work environment.
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601. Product Marketing Wisdom, with author Nitin Kartik
09:25||Season 6, Ep. 601Today I am delighted to be joined by Nitin Kartik, author of Product Marketing Wisdom and how about this for a sub-title: Real-World Lessons on Market Research, Competitive Analysis, Go-To-Market, Storytelling, Sales Enablement, KPIs, and more. Nitin Kartik, author of Product Marketing Wisdom, 298 pages, published by Karibu Press, available from Amazon and All Good Bookshops.511. The New Psychology, with the author, Professor Adrian Furnham
09:57||Season 5, Ep. 511Why do leaders fail and derail, and is Zoom Fatigue a thing? Welcome to Professor Adrian Furnham, speaker, commentator and prolific author on all things psychological. Adrian speaks about his book 'The New Psychology,' and remarks on motivation, problematic people, and much more. Spend ten minutes in his company, learn a little, and start thinking about how psychology applies to business.510. The Art of Encouragement, with the author, Jordan Montgomery
09:32||Season 5, Ep. 510Welcome today to Jordan Montgomery, author of The Art of Encouragement – How to lead teams, spread love, and serve from the heart.Jordan is a motivational speaker and specialist performance coach, working with sales staff, executives, professional athletes, youth groups and more. Here, Jordan tells us what’s different about The Art of Encouragement and whether it will it work for for the reader... It’s a neat, beautifully presented book, published by Wiley under the Maxwell Leadership imprint, full of great stories and personal from-the-heart revelations, and available of course from Amazon and all good bookshops.509. Practical Digital Marketing and AI Psychology, with the author, Jonathan Gabay
09:47||Season 5, Ep. 509Welcome today to Jonathan Gabay, author of Practical Digital Marketing and AI Psychology – How to gain online consumer trust and sales using technologies and psychology. Jonathan is an author of fifteen books, a podcaster, and has been on the box – BBC, CNN, Sky News, Al Jazeera and more – plus Jonathan advises business and educational institutions on AI.508. The Smart Advertising Book, with the author, Dan White
09:07||Season 5, Ep. 508Welcome to Dan White, author of the intriguingly named The Smart Advertising Book – How to deliver advertising that grows your brand, a companion to The Smart Branding Book and The Smart Marketing Book. Packed with ideas and info in a beautifully compact 220 pages, very readable in snackable chunks, published by LILD Publising and of course available from Amazon and all good bookshops.507. Obsolete, with the author, Chris Baker
09:58||Season 5, Ep. 507Welcome today to Chris Baker, author of Obsolete – How ‘change brands’ are changing the world. Chris is founder and CEO of Serious Tissues, to paraphrase crazily as a toilet-roll brand that plants trees, and is also co-founder of Change Please, a coffee brand that helps homeless people by training them as baristas. Obsolete – How ‘change brands’ are changing the world is a call for change as well as a predictor of change, and a thoroughly enjoyable read – published by Bloomsbury Business just five days ago in hardback and as an ebook, available from Amazon and of course from all good bookshops!506. The Execution Revolution, with the author, Johan Grönstedt
09:30||Season 5, Ep. 506Welcome Johan Grönstedt, author of The Execution Revolution – why most strategies fail and the cure for slow execution. Johan was formerly a Chief Strategy Officer - been there, done that, and then wondered why it hasn’t happened. There are many, MANY books about strategy, tactics, and how to make progress; why is this book important right now?505. Decision-Driven Analytics, with the co-author, Professor Stefano Puntoni
09:56||Season 5, Ep. 505Today I am delighted to welcome Professor Stefano Puntoni, co-author with Professor Bart de Langhe of Decision-Driven Analytics. Listeners to the show will know that my introductions are brief because it’s all about the book!So, the subtitle of the book is, I guess, also the premise of the book: leveraging the power of human intelligence to unlock the power of data. Now, I really loved the opening page examples – Joey and the Supermarket, and the Runners and Divers. Tell me, in brief, what the Decision-Driven Analytics is about.504. But...How do you teach business?
09:54||Season 5, Ep. 504Welcome to Professor Chris Hackley, author of But…How do you teach business? Chris is Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing, School of Business and Management, at Royal Holloway University of London. As an academic discipline, business management has seen a huge expansion over the last 40 or so years. What, in a nutshell is the direct benefit of attending a business management & marketing course for businesses?