
strand reviews

Book reviews, author interviews and more for B2B marketers

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  • 440. Supercharging the customer experience, with the authors, Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield

    Co-authors Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield speak about their book Supercharging the Customer Experience, subtitled  How organizational alignment drives performance.Alan Williams leads the consultancy ServiceBrand Global, specialising in helping service-based businesses thrive and flourish in a values economy. Dave Stubberfield leads the Carter Consultancy, which focuses on customer experience, change management, and continuous improvement.

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  • 439. How to Use Customer Data, with the author, Dr Sachiko Scheuing

    Today I am delighted to welcome Dr Sachiko Scheuing, author of How to Use Customer Data – Navigating GDPR, DPDI and a Future with Marketing AI Dr Scheuing is probably uniquely placed to write this kind of book, as she is European Privacy Officer of Acxiom, a global leader in marketing services. Sachiko is currently serving her fourth term as Co-Chair of the Federation of European Data and Marketing (FEDMA), and is global co-chair of Axciom’s gender equity programme, WomenLEAD – and in 2024 Sachiko was recognised by Women in Data as one of the tweny most-influential women in data and tech.
  • 438. Natural Born Winners, with the author, Robin Sieger

    Robin Sieger, author of Natural Born Winners – create purpose, prosperity and true success in your life – one of the best-selling business and personal development books – now in 25th anniversary edition. On the back it has "Success is not a matter of luck but of design" But the big question is, is it a self-help book that joins a zillion others that never actually make a difference?
  • 437. Dynamic Alignment, with the author, Holly Worton

    Holly Worton, co-author with Brad Borkan of Dynamic Alignment – The Power Of Finding Your Purpose, Achieving Your Goals, And Living A Passion-Driven Life. Holly is author of 30 non-fiction books about business mindset and nature. Brad is author of award-winning books on decision making, leadership and teamwork.
  • 436. Sustainable Marketing, with the authors Paul Randle and Alexis Eyre

    In a competitive marketplace, how on earth does a marketer balance the sustainability issues with sheer desire to outshine by throwing more carbon at the wall? Paul is a co-founder of the Sustainable Marketing Compass and CEO of the fabulously named Pickle Consulting, which focuses on sustainability; Alexis is also a co-founder of the Sustainable Marketing Compass, and co-founder of Sustainists – plus Alexis runs GreenEyre, a sustainable marketing consultancy on a mission to drive positive impact.
  • 435. Value Driven Data, with the author, Edosa Odaro

    Edosa Odaro, speaks about his book Value-Driven Data – Identifying, communicating and delivering effective business solutions with data. Edosa is an investor and independent adviser on data and AI, and has a background as chief data officer in corporations including AIG, Barclays and the European Commission among others. 
  • 434. The Neurodiversity Edge, with the author, Dr Maureen Dunne

    Dr Maureen Dunne guides us through her book The Neurodiversity Edge – The Essential Guide to Embracing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other Neurological Differences, for Any Organization. Dr Dunne is a cognitive scientist who completed her PhD at the university of Oxford – and her book made the USA Today national bestseller list!Available from Wiley and Amazon,