
cover art for Episode 34 - Heather Jeffrey of London Pub Theatres

Camden Fringe Pod

Episode 34 - Heather Jeffrey of London Pub Theatres

Michelle and Zena speak to Heather Jeffrey the founder and editor of London Pub Theatres Magazine. Heather is a playwright and artistic director of a theatre company, so is always a thoughtful and sympathetic reviewer of fringe shows. She talks about pub theatre, writing press releases, contacting the press and how to become a reviewer.

Heather is on twitter

And you can find London Pub Theatres here:

Their "Getting Into Theatre" series is well worth looking at if the themes of the Camden Fringe Pod are of interest to you.

More info on the Camden Fringe

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  • Episode 54 - Voila! Theatre Festival

    We chat to Amy Clare Tasker & Katharina Reinthaller from Voila! Theatre Festival, London about the ethos behind their pan-linguist programme and how to get involved in the festival this year.More info about Voila info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 53 - Directing Dan Mersh

    In this episode we speak to Dan Mersh who is a very experienced comedy actor, sketch comedian and now director about how would go about putting tofather a show and what directors can add to the process. The show he is currently working on will be at the Camden Fringe in August. Find out more about Magic and Sex here: to the Etties Awards: a reminder to get in touch with us if there is anything you'd like us to cover in future episodes.More info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 52 - Unveiling Lady Montagu

    An autumnal extra episode as we chat to writer/performer Thesy Surface and director Julia Sopher about their show Lady Montagu Unveiled. Lady M has had a busy year, with a debut at Brighton Fringe, shows at Camden Fringe and more performances planned for the London stageCatch the show at the Hen and Chickens at 3pm on Sundays the 27th of October and 17 November before a run of Christmas flavoured performances at the Kings Head in December.Find out even more about Thesy Surface and the show at https://thesy.orgMore info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 51 - Harriet Waterhouse

    Nearly 3 weeks after the Camden Fringe finished we're back for a little bit of reflection on this years festival. Our guest interview is with Harriet Waterhouse who performed her debut solo show Sex Chat Granny at the Etcetera Theatre on the 5, 6 and 11 August as part of the Camden Fringe. Following her performances we caught up with her to find out how it went.More info on the show Sex Chat Granny and team behind it can be found here: Keep an eye on this account for future performances.As Zena speculated in the recording, there is indeed a show about the Brenda Line which is called The Brenda Line and is by Harry Mould. It's currently running at the Pitlochry festival theatre until 18 September and then the Traverse in Edinburgh from the 13 to 16 of November 2024. More info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 50 - Griffin Jenkins

    We chat to Griffin Jenkins who programmed the Camden Fringe shows at The Cockpit this year and also produced his own show. We discuss the important things to companies to present to get themselves considered seriously by a venue and future plans for The Cockpit. We also go a bit true crime and talk about Jack the Ripper, as all podcasts must do at some point.As a bonus Zena's daughter Meredith reviews a couple of shows for us.More information about The Cockpit - theatre of ideas and disruptive panache... information about Out Of Office Theatre, Griffin's company that recently produced Ripper at Camden and Edinburgh Fringes info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 49 - Musketeer Productions

    Another mid-Camden Fringe episode and we are beginning to lose our minds. I tell you who'd have something to say about that: Sigmund Freud. So it's very appropriate we are talking to 3 of the creatives behind A Series of Introductory Lectures On Psychoanalysis: The Musical which plays at the Camden Fringe on the 20th - 24th of August 2024 at the Kings Head.Alex Rawnsley is the writer, Harriet Gill is the director and Isobel Connolly is the musical director of this new musical and we have a great chat with them and include a couple of extracts from the shows. Exciting!Musketeer Productions: for the show: info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 48 - James Mackenzie

    By some sort of magic we've managed to make a podcast in the first week of the actual Camden Fringe actually happening. We have a short but sweet chat with James Mackenzie who is the director of Zoo Venues at the Edinburgh Fringe and also a lighting designer. We speak to James about supporting and programming dance shows at fringe venues and festivals.Zoo online: info on James' Lighting Design: All about the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 47 - Richard Williamson

    It's our final episode of the Camden Fringe Pod before the 2024 Camden Fringe starts. And to help us out with all those last minute technical matters we're talking to Richard Williamson.Richard trained at LAMDA in Stage Management in Technical Theatre. Richard is a lighting designer and theatre consultant based in London who has work extensively at Edinburgh Fringe and is also on the board of trustees at the Kings Head Theatre, although we failed to ask him anything about that! This is quite a practial episode useful for everyone who is about to put a show on an actual stage for the first time.More information about Richard: richard-williamson.comMore info on the Camden Fringe www.camdenfringe.comOur music is by:
  • Episode 46 - Nick Hooton from Upstaged Theatre Co

    Our guest is Nick Hooton who is the Artistic Director & Head of Drama st Centre Stage school of performing arts. Each summer, for the last 12 (or is it 13?) with Upstaged Theatre Company he's bought a production to the Camden Fringe (mainly at Upstairs at the Gatehouse). Established in 2006; Upstaged Theatre Company is a creative Drama Group for Centre Stage students over the age of sixteen who wish to gain additional acting experience.We find out more about Nick, the school and this years production Haversham Hall.Centre Stage Theatre Hall info on the Camden Fringe Our music is by: