
Rich and Jimmy Watch a Film
The podcast that does what it says on the tin. We chat, we watch a film and we chat some more!
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Episode 30 - Shaun of the Dead (2004)
40:32|YOU’VE GOT RED ON YOU……In honour of its recent 20th anniversary, we’re watching the British Zom-Com cult classic; Shaun of the Dead!The first part of the legendary “Cornetto Trilogy” is beyond a treat, and we’ve got a lot to say about this wonderful film - from the endless and loving homages, and the gore effects to the more tender and loving moments that they managed to weave in, you don’t need foreshadowing to know that we love it!As always we can't say thank you enough for listening and also check out all our socials and YouTube - all @richandjimmy. Please remember to share, subscribe/follow and leave any reviews and comments - these things make all the difference and let us know that you are enjoying the show!#ShaunOfTheDead#ZombieComedy#HorrorComedy#EdgarWright#SimonPegg#NickFrost#CornettoTrilogy#BritishComedy#ZombieApocalypse#CultClassic#FilmPodcast#MovieDiscussion#HorrorMovies#ComedyMovies#MoviesWeLove#HorrorFans#ZombieMovies#BritishCinema#RichAndJimmy
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Episode 29 - Ghost Watch (1992)
38:53|ROUND AND ROUND THE GARDEN… LIKE A TEDDY BEAR…9:25pm, Halloween Night, 1992 - The BBC aired for the first and only time its Mockumentary “Ghost Watch”, which left audiences across the UK questioning what they had seen.Exactly 22 years later we are sitting down to watch this Halloween classic that still lives in the memories of those who watched the “live” broadcast. We’re having a good ol’ chinwag on everything this celebrated hoax offers up, from questionable parenting and production choices to genuine scares and top-tier casting - so join the seance, sit down, dim the lights and have a listen!#GhostwatchRevisited#BBCGhostwatch#90sHorrorTV#FoundFootage#MichaelParkinson#SarahGreene#CraigCharles#MikeSmith#PipesTheGhost#BritishHorrorClassics#Mockumentary#ParanormalBroadcast#HorrorHoax#RetroHorrorTV#CultHorror#GhostwatchLegacy#FilmPodcast#Halloween#RichAndJimmyEpisode 28 - Gremlins (1984)
48:27|WE’RE BACK (AND BEEN FED AFTER MIDNIGHT)!!!That’s right we’re back, and kicking things off with something we recorded in the summer but is perfect for this time of year! The not quite full blown horror, not quite Christmas film - Gremlins!We deep dive into everything from cinematography, practical effects, theories on the in-universe world and the state of cinema at the time of release. It’s a proper examination of an absolute classic, and we settle the big question for once and for all - is this a CHRISTMAS film? As always we can't say thank you enough for listening and also check out all our socials and YouTube - all @richandjimmy. Please remember to share, subscribe/follow and leave any reviews and comments - these things make all the difference and let us know that you are enjoying the show!#Gremlins#DontFeedAfterMidnight#Mogwai#GremlinsRewatch#GremlinsPodcast#ChaosWithGizmo#Retro#GremlinsTrivia#Spooky#80sVibes#GremlinTakeover#RichandJimmyEpisode 27 - Flight of the Navigator (1986)
38:01|COMPLIANCE….We’re thrilled this week to be covering the first of our fan-chosen films - Flight of the Navigator!We discuss the irrefutable charm, the still-to-this-day impressive cinematography and effects as well as the sense of adventure and questionable parenting the film provides in spades!A big thanks to Chris for picking this flick, if you want to help us decide what films to cover in future instalments then send us your requests and we’ll add them to the Mystical Hat of Mystery (patent pending!As always we can't say thank you enough for listening and also check out all our socials and YouTube - all @richandjimmy. Please remember to share, subscribe/follow and leave any reviews and comments - these things make all the difference and let us know that you are enjoying the show!#FlightOfTheNavigator #80sMovies #SciFiClassics #RetroCinema #DavidFreeman #NavigatorMovie #SarahJessicaParker #PeeWeeHerman #PaulReubens #DisneyMovies #SpaceAdventure #TimeTravel #80sSciFi #ClassicMovies #FamilyFilm #SciFiAdventure #NostalgiaFilm #RichandJimmyEpisode 26 - Ghostbusters (1984)
40:17|WHO YOU GONNA CALL……This month we are going on a very nice little nostalgia journey and revisiting one of our favourite films - 1984s GHOSTBUSTERS.Join us as we delve into our shared love for this absolute gem of a film. Full disclosure - we spend a lot of time praising everything in this film, and we do try to find a couple of things to critique but it's just so hard! So listen in as we go over everything from the sublime comedy, incredible cast, the amazing score and the varying quality of effects! As always we can't say thank you enough for listening and also check out all our socials and YouTube - all @richandjimmy. Please remember to share, subscribe/follow and leave any reviews and comments - these things make all the difference and let us know that you are enjoying the show!#ghostbusters #billmurray #danakroyd #haroldramis #erniehudson #sigourneyweaver #rickmoranis #anniepotts #whoyougonnacall #staypuft #slimer #protonpack #horror #comedy #richandjimmyEpisode 25 - The Thing (1982)
19:26|NOBODY TRUSTS ANYBODY ANYMORE…..This week we’re taking a break from the normal format and taking the show on the road! We’re in London's West End at the world famous Prince Charles Cinema for a screening of John Carpenter's “The Thing”!We discuss the amazing special effects, some of the more baffling choices of equipment for arctic researchers, and Jimmy pretty much just gushes about his favourite film and director. There is a nice little backstory to this film as well that ties into the whole start of the show so there are some nice little takeaways sprinkled throughout! There’s also some references to an idea we had for “Re-MAY-ke” month that never materialized, but maybe next year!As always we can't say thank you enough for listening and also check out all our socials and YouTube - all @richandjimmy. Please remember to share, subscribe/follow and leave any reviews and comments - these things make all the difference and let us know that you are enjoying the show!#thething #johncarpenter #kurtrussell #keithdavid #robbottin #apocalypsetrilogy #princecharlescinema #horror #scifiEpisode 24 - LizzieHead (TBC)
01:01:50|On this very, very, special episode we watch the upcoming, multiple award winning, Indie Short; LizzieHead! As the film is still yet to be released publicly we couldn’t give too much away in the episode but we are extremely lucky to be joined on the episode by writer, producer, director MW Daniels, and lead actor Charlotte Gould, who take us through the process of creating a short film.It’s a wonderful exploration of the passion and creativity involved in seeing a project like filmmaking through to completion and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did, or even better: find something to take away from the discussions!#lizziehead #shortfilm #comedy #indiefilm #awardwinningshort #quirky #offbeat #richandjimmy