From the Ground Up
From the Ground Up Ep. 293: Climate science basics | 2023.10.18
Ep. 293
A quick journey through the origins of climate science, the impacts, the justification for the language of emergency, and what needs to be done.
A couple of suggestions for further reading and research,:
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From the Ground Up Ep. 329: Saskatoon Transit | 2024.09.18
28:22|This week we are speaking with the Director of Saskatoon Transit, Mike Moellenbeck!From the Ground Up Ep. 328: Climate Policies | 2024.09.11
27:51|Sherry interviews Mark this week as they discuss climate policies: what's worked, what hasn't, and what still needs to be done.From the Ground Up Ep. 327: Bus Riders | 2024.09.04
28:10|Today we interview Robert Clipperton, Peter Gallen and Odin Swidzinski - members of the Bus Riders Steering Committee - about the Saskatoon transit system.From the Ground Up Ep. 326: introducing Sherry | 2024.08.21
28:19|Not quite Sherry Olson's debut on the show - she talks with Mark about her motivations for getting involved. Look out for Sherry as host in the near future.325. From the Ground Up Ep. 325: Carbon pricing effectiveness, weather attribution, and addressing ecostress| 2024.08.07
28:18||Ep. 325Does carbon pricing work? - new research says the answer is yes, but it helps to do other things too to cut emissionsAnd a look at some of the work of World Weather Attribution.Then part 4 of a repeat of episode 308 on dealing with ecostress.324. From the Ground Up Ep. 324: the Jasper fire, and addressing ecostress| 2024.07.31
28:21||Ep. 324Mackenzie and Justin talk with Mark about the recent devastating fire in JasperThen part 3 of a repeat of episode 308 on dealing with ecostress.323. From the Ground Up Ep. 323: SK govt failures, oil-fuelled inflation, Saskatoon transit & housing, and addressing ecostress| 2024.07.24
28:29||Ep. 323Mark and Sherry talk through of some recent developments:a press release from the Saskatchewan Environmental Society outlining the threat of climate chaos to Saskatchewan and the irresponsibility of government policya recent report from IISD showing the major contribution of fossil fuel dependence to inflation and the cost of living crisisProgress in the city of Saskatoon towards rapid bus transit (now called Link) and in plans for the housing accelerator which we discussed in episode 320.Then part 2 of a repeat of episode 308 on dealing with ecostress.322. From the Ground Up Ep. 322: record temps, climate attribution, false solutions, Saskatchewan failures and addressing ecostress| 2024.07.17
28:12||Ep. 322A run-through of some recent reports:for each of the last 12 months the average global temperature has been more than 1.5degC higher than pre-industrial levelsthe recent heatwave in eastern Canada shown to be 2x to 10x more likely than it would have been before climate changegas with carbon capture and storage produces far more emissions than normally claimed; so does "blue" hydrogenSaskatchewan fails spectacularly in an assessment of its climate leadershipThen part 1 of a repeat of episode 308 on dealing with ecostress. More of that episode to be re-run next week...321. From the Ground Up Ep. 321: blocking lies, introducing bias, cautious applause | 2024.07.03
58:46||Ep. 321This is a longer episode than usual because two programmes got together - first a recording of Don Kossick's CFCR programme, Making the Links, then further commentary from Mark for From the Ground Up.The federal government has just passed legislation which makes greenwashing illegal, and the greenwashing arm of the oil industry has in consequence taken all content off its websiteThe Saskatchewan provincial government is set to disregard (probably illegally) the federal Clean Electricity Regulations, and the tribunal they set up to resist federal legislation they don't like has produced a report based on biassed assumptions and dubious criteriaA new windfarm to be built near Weyburn will have significant involvement by an Indigenous consortium. But do media reports overstate its significance?