
Not Faulty, Just Blank

A show in which 3 friends since school get together and discuss the films, music, TV, news & sports from a single year across the 80s, 90s & 00s. Changing tack in Season 4, the boys now tackle a different topic each week.

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  • 69. Season 4 - Bonus Material Ep4

    Hey Blankers!! Welcome to some more fabulous bonus material, recorded with love by the boys to see you through the next few days. Fresh off the back of recording the USA episode, the boys start as usual in the frequently strange and often disturbing location that is......Del's mind. They linger there just long enough before heading off into the sunshine as they play another wonderful round of the Jim vs Phil vs Del Challenge. As ever, the final stop is a deep old rummage around the mail bag as they settle in and answer some of your weird and wonderful Letters & Emails.Combien de temps?Until next time dear Blankers....

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  • 68. Not Faulty Just Blank DOES....the U.S.A.

    Howdy Blankers!Another episode looms large and with it comes another new subject. This time around the boys are discussing the whopper that is....the good ol' US of A! They begin with some amazing facts regarding this vast land and some of the strange laws that occur within it.The boys then try to whittle down an enormous trove of songs related to America and end up with the final 10 tunes that now feature on the Spotify playlist.Link here............... up Jim, Del & Phil each choose a film linked (however tentatively) to the USA in the hopes of being crowned the weekly winner. And of course, no episode is complete without your Letters & Emails which the 3 of them answer with relish (how American - we'd call it chutney!)Have a nice day y'all - come back and see us real soon now, y'hear!
  • 67. Season 4 - Bonus Material Ep3

    What's the frequency Blankers?Hello and welcome to some more fabulous bonus material - the boys recorded this for you lot fresh off the back of their recent episode about Animals. They start in the usual place (which is the very dark mind of Del) before heading into a wonderful game of the Jim vs Phil vs Del Challenge. We know that this would be nothing without you lovely listeners so the frisky trio end on a high by rummaging through and answering some of your weird and wonderful Letters & Emails.Until next time. Peace!
  • 66. Not Faulty Just Blank DOES.…Animals

    Welcome friends!It’s time for another episode of your favourite podcast and it’s a good one! Jim, Del & Phil continue with the new single topic format and this week they tackle the mighty and extensive subject of Animals!Everyone loves animals.Everyone loves a good fact.So what better way to kick things off than with some fun facts about our friends in the Animal Kingdom before the boys try and add another 10 tracks to the Spotify playlist with songs related to Animals. 3 amigos then each choose an Animal related film to nominate as the topic’s champion or ‘top dog’ if you will! 😁As usual, the bulging bag of ‘Letters & Emails’ is torn open and delved into to finish this episode off. What a ride!We’ll be back next week with some more bonus material to squash into your ear holes. Until then…stay safe out there Blankers!!!
  • 65. Season 4 - Bonus Material Ep2

    Hey Blankers!Well, the bonus material just keeps coming so you’re blessed with all your favourite extra bits and bobs such as a Dive into the Mind of Del, the Jim vs Phil vs Del Challenge and a deep old rummage in the Letters & Emails bag.Don’t forget that these will be released every other week to help fill the void in your lives between the main topic-driven episodes. Oh, and don't forget to check out the Spotify playlist for all the songs we've collated from those eps too - Enjoy you lucky sons of guns!!!
  • 64. Not Faulty Just Blank DOES....One Hit Wonders

    Jim, Del & Phil return for the 2nd episode proper of the latest series and their shiny new format - in this instalment they explore the phenomenon of the one hit wonder.They take a deep dive through the decades and select a few true one hit wonders (now forever to be known simply as OHW). This of course involves a little sing song here & there. Don't forget to take a look at the update Spotify playlist to discover which 10 songs have made it on. boys then pick a single film each linked to the subject in hand (OHW - see, it's already catching on) and come together to pick their winner for this episode.Finally, they finish in traditional style as Jim selects a few from the record number of Letters & Emails that have been received in recent weeks.Flippity Flap Blankers!!!
  • 63. Season 4 - Bonus Material Ep 1

    Howdy Blankers!With the change in format that accompanied the release of Season 4, the boys have gathered together for a top level pow-wow and decided to gift you some extra content every other week.It's essentially a Greatest Hits of all your favourite sections of drivel that you know & love. There's a Dive into the Mind of Dellow, the Jim vs Phil vs Del Challenge and an extra rummage in the Letters & Emails bag.These will be released every other week to help fill the void in your lives between the main topic-driven episodes. Oh, and don't forget to check out the Spotify playlist for all the songs we've collated from those eps too - We hope you enjoy them!...