
cover art for Hopefulness and the colour of the sky with Mireille Cassandra Harper

Close-Up with Aurelia Magazine

Hopefulness and the colour of the sky with Mireille Cassandra Harper

Season 1, Ep. 9

This week we are joined by the complete force that is Mireille Cassandra Harper! Mireille is (to name just some of her achievements) an author, a writer, an editor at Square Peg Books and a sensitivity reader. We talked about allyship, things that make us feel hopeful, getting lost in thought, 64 Zoo Lane(!), changing the colour of the sky and more.

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  • 12. Bonus episode: sustainability, forgiveness and describing humanity to aliens with Aja Barber

    Here's a treat for you because we love you! Today we bring you a very special episode and a very special guest: the one and only Aja Barber. We spoke to Aja about her incredible work, sustainability, intersectionality,  money, her forthcoming book 'Consumed': the need for collective change; colonialism, climate change & consumerism', a personality trait we really can't stand, and she shares some some truly beautiful advice about love, energy and soulmates.  And that's not even all of it! Enjoy x
  • 11. Season finale: answering your questions... for over an hour

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  • 10. Being mixed and our wishes for the world with Natalie Morris

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  • 8. Our favourite words and feeling powerful with Gina Tonic and Chloe Sheppard

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  • 7. Processing loss and documenting life with Lauren Maccabee

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  • 6. Writing about love and feeling seen with Sareeta Domingo

    We're back with another episode! This week, we're joined by the incredible Sareeta Domingo, editor of and contributor to new release Who's Loving You: Love Stories by Women of Colour.  We discuss the importance of Black people and PoC being given space to write about topics beyond trauma, Sareeta's previous writing work, her hopes for Who's Loving You, our heroes, our favourite teachers, and the craziest things we've done for love.
  • 5. Writing for Vogue and life lessons with Annie Lord

    We're back and we're joined by the always-inspiring Annie Lord, to talk about being a Vogue columnist, writing about real life, the trials and tribulations of dating, fears, lessons and more!
  • 4. Growing up and the art of drag with Cherry Valentine

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