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When The Vikings Come

In ancient times, Vikings were feared as demons on earth. They killed without remorse and took what they wanted. Then, they went back to their families without another thought. Today, there are still Vikings but I'm not talking about their descendants in Iceland or the Nordic countries. I'm think about situations, people, organizations who want to crush you without another thought. What are you going to do when these type of Vikings come?

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  • Bible Literacy: Do you know what you know?

    Do you read the Bible? What's more, do you really want to read the Bible? Or, do you find it a tired old document with as much fun as reading a math manual? If you've ever struggled with reading the Bible, here are some thoughts...
  • God's Vocation Destination

    What does God want me to do when I grow up? Interesting question to be sure but answers vary. In fact, many today find it hard to think of God as being part of their worklife and vocation. Here are some thoughts...
  • Just Two Things

    Here are two thoughts on Christian growth that could revolutionize your walk. It's not a secret, but these aren't mentioned very much. Have a listen...
  • Problem or Solution?

    A major problem today is a lack of Biblical preaching and teaching. Many pastors opt to go with social psycology and current events with a watered down approach to scripture. This is mainly because they either don't believe it, or they don't want to put in the work. These "ministers" are robbing their listeners of spiritual growth. Here are some thoughts...
  • Transition Attention

    In these changing times, what should one look for in a church to insure your in a place you can grow spiritually. Opinions vary, so here are some thoughts...
  • The Ta-Do with Greek and Hebrew

    Have you ever spoken with someone about the Bible and asked about the Biblical languages only to hear, "Oh, Yea. I know Greek and Hebrew". But do they really? Many people, even if they preach behind a pulpit, don't know the Biblical languages anymore. Here are some thoughts...
  • The Future of Worship Music

    Choirs, orchestras and hymns are all but things of the past. Most churches now have praise teams with a front man called the worship leader. Corperate worship is slowing becoming a concert each Sunday. But, is this a bad thing? Here are some thoughts...
  • Denominations in translation

    Have you ever wondered why there are some many Christian denominations? I think one clue may be in how they look at the Bible itself. Here are some thoughts...
  • Holyman Syndrome

    Have you ever met a minister and felt you needed to change the way you behave in front of them? That's "Holyman Syndrome". Have you ever met a minister who thought in advance that you should act differently in front of them for some reason. That's is also "Holyman Syndrome". Here are some thoughts on this dreaded disease...