
cover art for 09: How to Pull Off Successful Leadership Transitions

Leadership Answer Man | Leadership and Management Advice

09: How to Pull Off Successful Leadership Transitions

Every leader faces transition sooner or later. And every church and ministry and business faces changes in leadership. Transitions especially at the top can be very successful or extremely volatile. I hope you listen to my newest podcast on pulling off successful leadership transitions. Contents of the Show: A brief summary of my own transition after 20 years. The Ten Tips for Making it work well – applies to a lot of leadership transitions Barriers to successful transitions A few final applications for you to prepare for your eventual exit

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  • 74: Summary of Learn to Lead Series

    In this episode we recap the Learn to Lead series including every letter in L-E-A-D-E-R.
  • 73: Learn to Lead: Power of Pride – Part 2

    In this episode I cover: Why should they follow you? What's more important in leadership: to make a mark, or leave a legacy? Why Should They Follow You? Of all the reasons why people should follow you, what means the most to you? They follow me because I am the boss. They follow me because they have to. They follow me because I pay them well. They follow me because they like where I am taking them. They follow me because they respect me and trust me.
  • 72: Learn to Lead: Power of Pride – Part 1

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  • 71: Learn to Lead: I is for Integrity

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  • 70: Learn to Lead H is for Hands Off Delegation

    What I cover in this episode: 1. Why poor delegation is so damaging in leadership 2. Four questions every follower asks 3. Why a lot of leaders suck at delegation 4. Tips for excelling at great delegation - how to be hands off but not out of sight 5. Leave you with ten great action points related to delegation
  • 69: Learn to Lead S is for Servant Attitude

    Today’s Podcast is brought to you by the letter “S”. That is a letter that gets a lot of action! S is for “ Servant Spirit.”We are going to unpack the true nature of Servant Leadership - A topic I find is very confusing. I have shared about this important topic in past episodes, but I have some fresh new insights for you today.Today’s Podcast is brought to you by the letter “S”. That is a letter that gets a lot of action! S is for “ Servant Spirit.”We are going to unpack the true nature of Servant Leadership - A topic I find is very confusing. I have shared about this important topic in past episodes, but I have some fresh new insights for you today.
  • 68: Learn to Lead R is for Resilience

    Resilience is very different than determination. In this episode I contrast difference. How flexible are you? Do you bend or do you break when things get difficult or when dramatic change occurs? One of the traits of an effective leader that every new leader has to master is becoming a resilient person. Resilience is being spongy, flexible and able to adapt. Don't make the mistake of having your methodology become your theology.
  • 67: Learn to Lead E is for Effective Communication

    One of the most effective responsibilities of any leader is clear and effective communication. In this episode I will show you what that looks like.
  • 66: Learn To Lead D is for Determination

    Determination is a huge part of being a successful leader. Another word for this would per persistence or courageous leadership. I to start this podcast with a story of my own determination through a very tough time. We all face these times. If I asked you to name one of your top biggest times of discouragement, what would it be? I can think of a big one - when I was betrayed by a dear friend. My board chair turned on me. One reason this was such a difficult situation is I couldn't fix it. I had to endure it for a couple of years. I love to resolve conflict and fix things that are broken. But sometimes we have to live in the midst of a big discouragement. It reminds me of my son who's been in the job for about 18 months that is true.