
cover art for Living your life in default? Its time to customize!

The Four Gods

Living your life in default? Its time to customize!

Season 2, Ep. 29

This episode is about


without knowing your values, it is easy to fall into other people's agendas and live your life without being influenced to do and live in default

You got to ask yourself WHY

In this world, we are being daily influenced, be it by social media, sources of entertainment, or friends. To ensure you make the best out of your life, rake up good influences without falling into a state of living out of just survival or pleasure without fulfillment or meaning you have to

listen to my episode, to get in touch with your values and better know your "why"

Access the Values List to get started (After listening to the episode):

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  • 30. Happy 2nd Anniversary!!

    This episode is all about... Gratitude and Appreciation Gratitude for making it to the completion of the second year of the podcast on air. Appreciation for the amazing audience listening to me and also talking about the changes coming in the future and so much more Show your love and support for the show πŸ’–πŸ‘‰ Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 28. Why Self Improvement? Why be better?

    This episode is about... Significance/Self Improvement all of us have our reasons for jumping into the rabbit hole of self-improvement. But regardless of the diverse context of our reason In the beginning, we do not realize where the path of self-improvement and significance is leading us. Today, I will talk about where it leads us, surprisingly... not where we want to be, but perhaps where we need to be Link to Peter Sage's Straight Talks (6 human needs) Show your love and support for the show πŸ’–πŸ‘‰ Check out the official website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 27. Finding yourself ft. Sharon Rolph

    This episode.. is about uniqueness Image a world where everybody.. and I mean EVERYBODY was like you exactly like you, they like the same things, are as smart as you are, have the same personality and tendencies now in reality that's not possible but, that kind of a world at first would seem interesting but over time will feel like a living dull nightmare we all have something unique about ourselves, our experiences are unique, our bodies are unique, childhood is unique no matter how much of a "run in the mill" person you may think of yourself to be, you have something unique that nobody else has its all about finding and tapping into that uniqueness Hint: listen to the episode :) Check out Sharon's Website: Show your love and support for the show πŸ’–πŸ’–Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the official website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 26. are our devices adding value to our life?

    this episode is on.. Technology In today's fast paced world, easy any time access to entertainment, talking to people around the world in seconds and getting stuff you want delivered to your door within a day is normal but to the people about 50 years before, it would be a shocking.. even worse think about the people in their 1800's, they would have deemed it impossible and anyone who would have believed so would be declared crazy and "hanged by the neck till dead" all things considered, wouldn't you say that life couldn't get any better living in this kind of world.. right?? this episode is all talking about that want to your love and support for the show πŸ’–πŸ’–Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the official website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 25. Just Keep Breathing

    This episode is about.. not having a reason for the moment. and trusting in the path you strive for in your life be it your business, job, your relationship or school life there will be a point where you will not know why you are doing whatever it is you are doing but know that sooner or later, the answer to your question will reveal itself. just keep breathing for now and keep moving forward and, don't forget to listen to my podcast episodes :) want to your love and support for the show πŸ’–πŸ’–Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the official website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 24. The Buoyancy of your Being

    This episode is about.. Being and things stopping you from releasing the true potential of your being there surely is a reason why we exist in this world, and the fact that we do exist might hold the answer to our existence. as far as I have come to understand, life is about learning and meaning. within our being lies the answer to our meaning and learning which.. will lead us to our unique reason for existence. So, today I will use an interesting analogy to explain the true power of being, and what happens when you release that power. Listen to the episode :) Join the Fam and support the show Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the NEW website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 23. Essential Powers of Essential Oils ft. Rachelle Jackson

    This episode is about... Essential Oils Whether you believe it or not, nature has always had mysterious abilities which has baffled human minds Today, in this episode, I am with our guest, Rachelle Jackson, a super mother to her children and a true believer in the power of the essential oils, using essential oils to better help her children and the world We will be talking about the essential oils, but to answer an important question in your mind: what and how can essential oil be helpful for you? Listen to the episode :) Get to know about Rachelle's endeavors: Join the Fam and support the show Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the NEW website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩
  • 22. Do not underestimate THE prophecy

    this episode... is about THE prophecy a powerful prophecy which, if taken advantage of, can turn your life 360 in the direction you want your life to go but if you turn it against you, it will keep you stuck, in a place where abundance would seem far out of reach, no matter how much you have Hint: it's not a "movie prophecy" where you get to know you are going to die if you don't do a list of things, it's an empowering concept so go ahead and listen to the episode :) If you want to join the Fam and support the show Visit my Patreon Page: Check out the NEW website: Let me know what you think about the podcast episodes 🀩