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Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT Podcast

Quantum Entanglement

Season 1, Ep. 10

It is theorized by some scientists familiar with the topic that quantum entanglement is also a phenomenon that can occur between people.

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  • 11. My Experience With Parapsychology

    This episode is a discussion about my experiences with parapsychological activity in my younger years.
  • 9. Sixth Sense Abilities

    There are many “sixth sense” abilities that have been identified over time. While mainstream science doesn’t support the existence of said abilities  and has classified them as a “pseudoscience” even the United States government used people with some of these abilities over the years.
  • 8. Paranormal Investigation Procedures

    The methodology and standard operating procedures used by various paranormal investigation groups varies between organizations, primarily geared towards the preferences of the Director and Lead Investigator. Today I will give you some insight on how I prefer to handle an investigation
  • 7. Paranormal Investigation Integrity

    To be a paranormal investigator it is imperative that you are well versed in related subjects of science and maintain integrity in your investigations.
  • 6. Paranormal Investigation Equipment

    We discuss the Paranormal Investigation Equipment used by Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT and a few pieces of equipment that we don't use and why.
  • 5. Is It Really As Seen On TV

    Is It Really As Seen On TV? Are paranormal investigations like they seem to be on television or are they different?
  • 4. Psychic Abilities

    Here is a brief description of various abilities. Do you have any of these abilities?
  • 3. Paranormal Investigation or Ghost Hunting

    Is there a difference between a Paranormal Investigation and Ghost Hunting?