
cover art for Creativity Tip 12: Limitless Creativity (Early Patron Release)

Creative Codex Patron Feed

Creativity Tip 12: Limitless Creativity (Early Patron Release)

Imagine you had unlimited resources. 

How would that change your creative life? What would you pursue? Is there an ambitious project that you would finally begin?

We think much more ambitiously when money comes into the equation. That's the mental program society reinforces, that dreams are limited by economic resources. But what if we shifted our perspectives... 

On this Creativity Tip minisode, we explore the idea that money is not your most valuable resource. And you may already have unlimited resources you take for granted.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt

(This is an early release Creativity Tip which will be available on the main podcast stream next week, but which all Patrons have FIRST exclusive access to.)