
cover art for Episode 10: Frank Pellkofer on Enterprise Sales and Why AV Is The Crown Jewel Of IT

Integrating Technology

Episode 10: Frank Pellkofer on Enterprise Sales and Why AV Is The Crown Jewel Of IT

Ep. 10

Frank Pellkofer has been CEO at several companies in the AV IT space and board or committee member of several organisations including the Order Of Odd Fellows whose mission it is to improve and elevate the character of man. The Petaluma music festival which funds musics in local schools and the Mid-Pacific Information and Communication Technologies Center, that helps improve career pathways for thousands of students.

He is currently CEO at Utelogy, A Software-Defined Platform to Control, Manage and Analyze Your Enterprise.

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    Patrick Murray interviews Fred Loucks about...How management will replace control in AV integration...How hardware manufacturers can modernize their business by moving to a subscription model and why they should...How to make the software delivery process as simple as installing hardware.
  • 49. Episode 49 Fred Loucks On AV Monitoring & Programming Your Way Through Problems

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  • 48. Episode 48: AJ Thompson On Cloud Driven Solutions, Scaling and Open Source Control

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    AJ Thompson is Vice President of Cloud Driven Solutions and provides a range of services including SaaS platforms, Consulting, and App DevelopmentInterview HighlightsAJ was previously on the podcast in Episode 35Cloud Driven Solutions offers a meeting and agenda management application that integrates with AV systemsScaling was the biggest challenge when going to marketExpects an open source AV control system is inevitableMentioned In This EpisodeAMX, Crestron, QSys, BrightSign
  • 47. Episode 47: Wes Hatchett on Implementing Software-Based Control Systems

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  • 46. Episode 46: Stephen Von Takach on Integrating Workplace Experiences, Gamification, Data-Driven Features and Open Source Software

    32:42||Ep. 46
    Stephen Von TakachCIO at PlaceOSplaceos.comPlaceOS ties together drivers into systems by running functions on a scalable cluster of computing resources. Similar to how AWS Lambda works.Constraints allow creativity to blossom.Drivers can exist in multiple systems. Logic is system specific.Built on Crystal-lang, similar to ruby, but type-checked. https://crystal-lang.orgPlaceOS started in AV integration but, because they can integrate with anything, it has evolved to focus on workplace experiences. Streamlining your day, from when a persons enters a building until they leave.User actions generate data that give insight into utilization and enable features like contact tracing and gamification."Once you are integrated into every system, the experiences are only limited by your imagination."Digital twin - modelling real world systems in the digital realm.Mitigating risk through partnering with IT.Most stake-holder resistance concerns network security, GDPR conformance and data ownership.Conference room automation is evolving to eliminate the need for a touchpanel control interface.Open source removes vendor dependency and helps educate. It also helps create a cooperative driver development ecosystem.Clients are looking for a wholistic solution. A single workplace app (as opposed to multiple apps with separate functionality) drives usage and discovery of what the workplace is capable of.Gamification can be used to drive a behaviour, like using spaces in off-peak hours, by offering an incentive, like free coffee and gift cards.Mentioned in this episode:AMX, Cisco, Microsoft Teams, Project Connected Home over IP, Google, Apple, Zigbee, 
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  • 42. Episode 42: Chris Neto On Personal Branding & Being Mistaken For A Twitter Bot

    47:12||Ep. 42
    Highlights From This Episode…A great way to learn AV is to start on the end user/technology owner side.High Speed Internet at home was the spark for growth in AV.Keep a portfolio of your work and recommendations to present at job interviews.Study personal branding to improve your social media effectiveness.Social media is about building relationships by sharing information. Mentioned In This Episode…AltcommNew York Giants William Paterson UniversityPicturetelPolycomRCM Technologies StaffingSchering Plough PharmaceuticalsMerckNovartisBarcoStarinTwitterJoel Colm Twitter bookAV Help DeskPaul Konikowski Contact ChrisTwitterInstagramRebels & Flux LinkedIn