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Family Health Solutions

How Toxins Affect Your Brain

Toxins are everywhere around us and they cause inflammation and degeneration of the brain. In this episode you will learn how to reduce toxins in your life and help your body better adapt to the chemical stress on your brain. For more information visit or

To join us for the Detox Project Health Event on May 22nd go to


living a healthy lifestyle is hard for many families it is riddled with both struggles and successes here at family health solutions we make it easy for families to live a healthy life by breaking down common health concerns believe systems and obstacles that are affecting so many families each week you will learn simple to follow solutions based on five essentials of healthy living and now here is your host Dr Tim Smith of new life chiropractic thanks for joining us this is doctor Tim Smith here on family health solutions where each week we're talking about natural drug free solutions for the entire family and really the reason why we do the show is my mission my passion is to change the way families view and manage their health to eliminate unnecessary suffering to give people hope again and to be able to affect tens of thousands of lives every single week in a positive manner so we can really start changing health care in a better way and one of the most important ways to do that is to reduce stress and reduce interference things that actually affect the function and health of your body there's three primary stresses on your body each and every day emotional physical and chemical to natural chiropractic care in the other essentials of Max living we can address those three areas of stress reduce that stress on your body by making lifestyle changes and actually change the way your body adapts to those stresses through corrective chiropractic care balancing out the brain and the nervous system today I want to focus on chemical stress toxicity specifically how this toxicity affects the function and health of your brain and nervous system these days a lot of people are noticing foggy thinking memory loss fatigue a lack of focus difficulty Constance trading issues with so leap and mood if you're experiencing any of those things then you're part of one of the fastest growing problems in our country and fact it's estimated that almost thirty six million people are currently living with issues like dementia this is expected to nearly double over the next twenty years to over a hundred fifteen million this number does not include those walking around with brain fog it does not include people with issues of lost consciousness memory loss Celo brain ADHD other attention deficit disorders which are even more prevalent as it turns out the key to changing this is not just utilizing one or two therapies but really all of them and if you already have a new origin of condition like dementia or Alzheimer's back and still be helped and the key is you want to get to this as soon as possible by the time you start forgetting things by the time you start losing your memory your brain circuit generating it becomes very difficult to be able to get rid of that so this advanced whole health approach that we teach our patients and how I live my life is the five essentials of Max living removing the stress from your life in implementing healthy mental practices such as meditation yoga gratitude journaling specific breathing mental affirmations these all these things can help reducing even stop the stressful degeneration of the brain if you combine that with things like intermittent fasting or the ketogenic diet using nutrition that reduces brain inflammation and increases good healthy fats which are the primary fuel for the brain changing your exercise focus to more high intensity metabolic conditioning type of work outs it actually increases growth hormone to improve cognitive function versus just a long drawn out dredging catabolic long term exercise like running on the treadmill going for a jog to our work out classes these things are actually degeneration of the brain sometimes they knew I look at the toxins that affect the brain the five major toxins with plenty of science backing that they actually because the generation of the brain our heavy metals specifically mercury and aluminum these common dental amalgam fillings so if you have those silver fillings in your mouth with your full of mercury they come from vaccines they come from high fructose corn syrup exposure to these heavy metals on their own sunscreens lotions other personal care products and these can get stuck in your brain and become very difficult to get out another major neurotoxin is go life is state now go I visit is what's present in high amounts in genetically modified foods in conventional grain and non organic produce basically guide to state is one of the main ingredients in herbicides and pesticides and is very damaging to your brain and nervous system the next is diet sodas diet sodas in really any type of diet food or sugar free fat free are full of artificial sweeteners artificial sweeteners like asper team or sucralose very damaging to the brain itself mold other bio toxins things that can build up inside buildings in your air conditioners in corners what areas mold is a bio toxin that affects the brain that affects the nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain now these chemicals are driving inflammation in your brain and in the gut for those of you that don't know your god is like your second brain and it starts affecting the trillions of cells in your body there is well and one aspect of detoxing that is very important is how glutathione affects the brain glutathione is your body's so either defense against toxins in inflammation it's present in every single cell but if those glutathione levels fall below a certain point the cell dies instantly because you're under so much toxic stress these days and emotional stress and physical stress the levels of glutathione are being challenged and decreased its earliest childhood and this can be implicated in most causative near to generative factors that's why it's so important to be increasing glutathione rich foods like cruciferous vegetables for example and taking the right types of supplements that actually boost glutathione naturally but that's just the starting point just the beginning of turning these things around the next import essentials corrective chiropractic care now most people they think of chiropractic care as neck pain or back pain or headaches thing use go see after an injury or it's all about the spine the truth is those of us that focus on corrective care we're actually working with the brain and the nervous system the reason why is because your brain your nervous system is what controls all health and healing in your body it's what regulates higher body detox this is what regulates inflammation in the body to regulate chemical releasing hormone balance every single function is affected by your brain and nervous system and if you have any amount of interference or pressure on that nervous system from the brain stem to the spinal cord the individual nerve roots and affects how your body functions in heels and can actually build disease and dysfunction take years off your life that's why subluxation misalignment of the spine that actually a fact and interfere with put pressure on the brainstem spinal cord and nerve roots is the most dangerous health condition you can have that's the number one thing that we focus on in the office detecting and correcting subluxation maintaining that correction for a lifetime to keep your brain and nervous system interference free what does that do for you it maximizes your body's ability to deal with stresses chemical stress physical stress emotional stress it helps your body heal itself naturally from the inside out and it actually adds years to your life because your body is functioning at such a higher level and that's why the first most important area that we look the brain and the nervous system and as you add each of these health essentials you are effectively increase the healing of your body and that's what we do that's how we're able to turn health around that's how we're able to change lives help people get off medications reverse chronic disease processes get people out of years and years of pain help people get their lives back without drugs without surgeries without shots in without dangerous medical interventions without doctor visits that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars and are causing more harm than good in many cases this five essentials Max living healthy lifestyle is what's changing how families view and manage their health and we believe that every single family deserves this no one needs to be suffering with brain degeneration dementia Alzheimers no kids got to deal with ADD and ADHD and other cognitive line issues don't have to work with being tired of fatigue all the time not sleeping not having normal brain function brain fog and they definitely should be taking a bunch of medications and over the counter drugs that only add more interference and less health that maybe get you a minor symptomatic relief but are actually making your body sicker from the inside out that is not health that is not healing that will never get you well the only solution is to find and correct the cause of the problem reduce the interference in the body heals itself so before you start turning to a bunch of supplements in diet changes in the next fad thing the first and most important thing you want to do is get your brain and nervous system check by qualified corrective car practically if you're here in the local northern California area our offices in Rocklin California new life chiropractic if you're somewhere else in the country listening to this show you can find a local Max living doctor by going to Max living dot com that's W. W. W. dot Max living dot com and rocks you in a complete detox project health experience at our office may twenty second two thousand eighteen and you can learn more about this at new life chiropractic events dot com that's new life chiropractic events dot com help this show is helpful start looking at where talks are coming from how to minimize that affect on your body and if you want to get some help with detoxing we would love to be able to help you go visit us at new life chiropractic Rockland dot com I've helped thousands of people go through this process of cleansing and detoxing their body of applying these essentials in their life in our mission like I said at the beginning is to affect tens of thousands every single week and change the way families view and manage their health to eliminate the unnecessary suffering from chronic lifestyle diseases pain medications and other medical interventions to save lives and change the community thanks for joining us we'll see you next time so you heard that you have heard the steps to success and there is still so much to come in much more to learn head on over to new life chiropractic Rocklin dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter and learn about something life changing workshops in the office to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends and family so you all can join us each week on family health solutions with Dr Tim Smith your maximize living doctor

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