
5-a-side Podcast
The 5-a-side Podcast #46 - Clinicalness is not a word!
Season 1, Ep. 46
Am off to bed and can't be arsed writing this, usual shit anyway.
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51. The 5-a-side Podcast #51 - Back from the break
42:52||Season 1, Ep. 51Back again after the early winter break and the 4th round of the Scottish cup.Enjoy!50. The 5-a-side Podcast #50 - Kyogo double seals Celtic cup win
45:20||Season 1, Ep. 50Episode 50, can you believe it? Nope, neither can I.Anyway bit of a catch up with everything before Christmas and New Year and the winter break.Enjoy!!48. The 5-a-side Podcast #48 - I'm not eating chicken kiev's for March
48:31||Season 1, Ep. 48I was busy so wasn't here so my guess is as good as yours.Anyway cheers folks and enjoy!47. The 5-a-side Podcast #47 - Rangers have Hibsed it
01:00:02||Season 1, Ep. 47Hello, back with a review of the league cup semis plus a few other events from the weekend in Scottish football.Enjoy!45. The 5-a-side Podcast #45 - Stevie slipping out
43:37||Season 1, Ep. 45Yes it's us, back again, 3 of us sit to discuss various goings on in the world of Scottish football including the departure of Steven Gerrard from Rangers during the week.Enjoy!44. The 5-a-side Podcast #44 - Jota show!
51:47||Season 1, Ep. 4443. The 5-a-side Podcast #43 - jUsT bE bEtTeR
48:11||Season 1, Ep. 43