
400 Floor
Chloé Maratta & Flannery Silva
Season 1, Ep. 11
For the eleventh episode of 400 Floor we talk to Chloé Maratta and Flannery Silva, formerly known together as Odwalla1221. Born out of Baltimore’s fertile underground music and art scene of the late aughts, Maratta’s and Silva’s Odwalla88 project pushed the boundaries of music, art and fashion, with a punk simplicity at its core, a classically no wave formal logic of brut repetition, a 21st century sonic palette with a post-net art sensibility, all tied together with a distinctly feminine lyrical and aesthetic vision. They recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of Odwalla.
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20. Galcher Lustwerk & Young Male
01:05:48||Season 1, Ep. 20For the 20th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Chris Sherron and Quinn Taylor, two old friends better known by their monikers Galcher Lustwerk and Young Male. The two RISD grads met in Providence in the mid 2000s and bonded over their shared love of club music, teaming up to throw parties in Providence and eventually in New York, where Quinn started his label White Material. Both began touring the world and have not really stopped for the last decade.19. Fievel Is Glauque
01:04:22||Season 1, Ep. 19For the 19th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Ma Clément and Zach Phillips, the singers and songwriting team behind Fievel Is Glauque. With Ma growing up and France and Zach in rural New Hampshire, at first glance the two may seem like unlikely musical partners, but they come together in an incredible union as composers of some of the most complex, quirky and beautiful music being made today.18. The Tour
01:06:31||Season 1, Ep. 18The 18th episode of 400 Floor is a little different. By popular demand we collected some of the best (and worst) tour stories from the previous 17 interviews, many of which did not make the cut for the final episodes. Get ready for van breakdowns, low attended shows and accidental break-ins.17. Ryan Garbes & Shawn Reed
01:21:01||Season 1, Ep. 17For the 17th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Ryan Garbes and Shawn Reed, two old friends who shared many projects together including Wet Hair and Raccoo-oo-oon. We talk deep early '00s Iowa punk scene, transitioning into more experimental music, the foundation of their highly influential label Night People and the effect of visibility on underground culture.16. Beat Detectives
01:01:04||Season 1, Ep. 16For the 16th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Aaron Anderson and Chris Hontos aka Beat Detectives. Growing up in the cultural desert that is the small-town Midwest, they met at the oasis of Minneapolis in the early ‘00s. As fans of extreme music, they wondered what it would be like to make music that people could enjoy listening to and thus birthed Beat Detectives, a project which continues to flourish even after their move to New York almost a decade ago.15. Aaron Dilloway & Twig Harper
01:03:50||Season 1, Ep. 15For the 15th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Aaron Dilloway & Twig Harper, two figureheads of the American underground music scene whose 30 plus year journeys overlap with countless players, spawning a multitude of trends and communities. We discuss childhood experiences with music, their origins circling around Ann Arbor - that legendary hotbed of 20th century American music - plus their history with old friend and longtime bandmate Andrew W.K. and his relation to a shadowy figure named Steev Mike, who seemed to hold such power over Twig and Aaron that they actually refused to comment.14. Dean Spunt & Sophie Weil
01:03:47||Season 1, Ep. 14For the 14th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Dean Spunt (No Age, PPM) and Sophie Weil (Syko Friend, Dove Cove). We discuss getting scared by music, being on MTV and the many hilarious and roundabout ways as a kid you slowly learn about the larger context for music you hear.13. Eric Farber & Josh McIntyre
01:03:23||Season 1, Ep. 13For the 13th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Nina co-founder Eric Farber (Truman Peyote, Cellphone, EZB) and Josh McIntyre (Little Girls, Prince Innocence, Thermal), two old friends and collaborators. We talk about the virtues of Windows Sound Recorder, the bohemian charm of Queen Street and perhaps the greatest club trick of all time.12. Steven Warwick & Luke Younger
01:00:00||Season 1, Ep. 12For the 12th episode of 400 Floor we talk to Steven Warwick, formerly known as Heatsick, and Luke Younger, who performs as Helm. But before their well-known solo projects, they were Birds of Delay. Formed during their time in Nottingham in the early aughts, they were a prolific group who came up during the burgeoning No Fun Fest era of the noise scene and proved to be hypnagogic harbingers along with peers such as Emeralds and the Skaters. We talk about their roots in the UK punk scene, meeting Sonic Youth at ATP and the bleak reality of touring the American midwest.