
cover art for Lawnmower Man

30 Years Later

Lawnmower Man

We're back! This week, we're talking with god-tier poster Warrior Cop (@wyatt_privilege), of the ALAB Series Podcast, about Lawnmower Man, a movie "from the imagination of Stephen King" that really wasn't, that stars Pierce Brosnan at his scummiest, and that made promises about VR 30 years ago it's still struggling to actually accomplish today.

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  • The Crow

    This week we're talking about a movie Roger Ebert said created "the best version of a comic book universe I've seen," The Crow. We talk not just about its infamous place in film history for the on-set death of star Brandon Lee on March 31st, 1993, but about its real accomplishments in translating a comic and cartoon look and feel to live action, as well as the surprisingly long tail of its influence via Chad Stahelski. A stuntman and best friend of Brandon Lee who was on set the day of Lee's accidental killing, Stahelski has been fanatical about safety ever since, taking it right through his work as the director of the John Wick franchise.
  • Falling Down

    We emerge from our thousand year slumber to talk about the 30th anniversary of Joel Schumacher's white man rage masterpiece, Falling Down.
  • Light Sleeper

    Hey gang! It's bittersweet to post today's episode, which is on a great film, and really the perfect one for our show, Paul Schrader's Light Sleeper, which is also going to be our last one for a while. Thank you to all the listeners over the years. Maybe we'll be back, who knows! And keep an eye on Ricky, he should have some ~~very exciting~~ things to announce soon! Thank you again, everyone. Was truly great to think about these transcendent, awful, perplexing, and beautiful movies with you. Talk soon.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: LIVE

    This week, it's our live show from Nitehawk Williamsburg about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! We were joined by Fanbyte's Merritt K, who talked with us about locker room-lurking Donald Sutherland, the importance of lyrca to vampire slaying, and the whole Joss Whedon thing. Thanks to Merritt, Nitehawk, and past guest Cristina Cappioco for getting this together!
  • Mo' Money

    It's 3 PM in 1994, and you're popping in your cassette of Mo' Money to watch it for the 500th time. Sounds great! Watching it as an adult in 2022, tho ... let's say it hits different.Also!! We're back at Nitehawk in just under two weeks, on Sunday, July 31st at 11:15 AM, for a 30th anniversary screening of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. See you there!
  • A League of Their Own

    This week, journalist and critic Tyler Coates joins to talk about one of his all-time favorite films, A League of Their Own. Catch Tyler in The Hollywood Reporter, where he's Awards Editor, or on Twitter at @TylerCoates.
  • Cronenberg Patreon Preview!

    SPECIAL PATREON PREVIEW! We've got a Pattern! It's a place for us to talk about things we love that don't fit into the 30 Years Later framework (because they're not 30 years old). On this special preview, hear Crooked Marquee's Zach Vasquez join us to talk about Crimes of the Future -- the first film David Cronenberg's directed in 8 years -- which we also use as an excuse to talk about Zach's favorite Cronenberg film, 1991's Naked Lunch. Visit the Patreon here!
  • Patriot Games

    Thrilled to have Jesse Hawken (Junk Filter Podcast) join us this week to talk about one of the ur-Dad Movies, Patriot Games. Which nobody but Chris likes!!! What!! Follow Jesse here and Junk Filter here!
  • Alien 3

    This week, we're joined by the great Patrick Cotnoir (The George Lucas Talk Show and @RAAAATSCRAPS, fka ASSSSCAT) to talk Alien 3, the movie everyone can agree tore its bloody way out of David Fincher's chest. But did he maybe also lovingly cradle it on the way to their mutual destruction?? Find Pat on Twitter at @patrickcotnoir.